

The next day I finished eating my lunch with Brienne at a table in the corner of the room. She had been talking the whole time about things she had recently learned in class, and I was glad that she was passionate about sewing and knowing about plants and their remedies. It was so much easier for a female to just slide into the typical role, and if they didn’t it was a hard road to go down. I didn’t want that for Brienne. She should be happier than me. I set my utensils down and grabbed my half full glass, leaning away from the table.

“So what about you? You spoke to Otto, right?” she asked as I took a sip.

“Yes, I did… It went well. It was just a big misunderstanding on my part,” I admitted with a little shrug. With a bit of thought overnight, Otto’s explanation had been sufficient to convince me I was wrong.

“Well that’s good,” Brienne smiled. “Tobias is still worried about you.”


“I don’t know. He just is,” she answered as she set down her fork. Brienne gulped down the last of her protein drink and stood. “I have to get back to working in the kitchen.”

“Of course. I’ll see you later,” I said. Brienne nodded and took her tray away, leaving me alone. I finished up and dropped my tray off at the kitchen before heading to the exit.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Tobias shouted above the murmur of voices. Every Kasien fell silent, and I stopped walking away, wondering what he had to say. “It has just been decided that tomorrow we are going to battle. There will be a feast tonight and we will leave early in the morning, as that is part of Otto’s new strategy. That is all.” Voices rose, mainly females and children discussing the scary thoughts of not seeing their loved ones again after tomorrow. I wondered if I would be allowed to fight again, so I looked over at Otto who was sitting a few Kasiens away from Tobias. He gave me a grin, so I smiled back at him. I’d have to speak to him later when he wasn’t so close to Tobias.

“Actually, that’s not all!” Otto called out as he stood. Everyone hushed once more and turned their attention to the other leader.

“What are you doing?” I heard Tobias ask quietly. He sounded annoyed. Perhaps he was thinking this was another ridiculous attempt of Otto trying to overthrow him. As if Otto would ever do that…

“Since we are going into battle tomorrow, it is only customary that we live tonight as if it is our last night alive. Now, there is something that I have wanted to ask for a while, but have never had an opportunity. Now seems better than ever,” Otto said loudly. His voice was so clear but he wasn’t shouting. It was a good voice for giving speeches in, which was something a leader needed. Otto turned and faced me, his typical small smile gracing his lips. “Marion, I’ve wanted to say this for so long… You are a wonderful female, I like you so much, and you make me happy. Will you be my mate?” My heart dropped into my stomach and I stopped breathing. I could feel all eyes watching me, but all I could do was stay frozen. Had Otto really just asked me that? I clasped my hand to my mouth, and questioned him with my eyes if he meant it. Otto nodded slightly and smiled larger.

“Yes! Of course!” I breathed. Clapping started and Otto moved past Loukas to get to me. We met halfway and embraced each other tightly, grinning from ear to ear. He kissed me a few times and Kasiens from both ships came up to congratulate us. As we received smiles and kind words from Adara, I stole a glance at Tobias. He looked devastated, just absolutely shocked and fuming as he watched us. But I had to pay no mind to him. I should just enjoy my moment, a time in my life I thought would never come. A male wanted to be my mate. My mate!

Later I was in my room trying to find a suitable outfit for the ceremony. It had to match the colour of my hair and wings, as that was tradition, but none of my clothes were the right shade. I would have to make something from scratch, but that would be all right. At least then I would be able to get it perfect. Suddenly the door opened and I saw Tobias storming in and slamming the door shut behind him. I quickly shoved the clothes back into my wardrobe and faced him.

“What are you doing? Why didn’t you knock?” I asked, feeling rather outraged. That was so rude and unheard of!

“You said yes?” Tobias shouted as he paced the last few steps to me. I shrunk back. “Are you kidding? You want to be with that scoundrel?”

“Yes! I don’t see why not!” I retorted.

“You can’t marry him!” he yelled defiantly.

“You don’t get a say in this!” I replied, sounding exasperated. Tobias’ expression told me he didn’t believe what I was telling him. “You’re not my father.” I had lowered my voice, not wanting to speak about my good father in such a livid tone.

“I’m your leader.”

“I don’t care. I’m making this decision on my own, which means you don’t get a say in it,” I told him, hoping that would be the last say on the matter. This was pathetic. We shouldn’t be arguing about such a thing! Finally a male wanted me. I wasn’t going to have Tobias, of all Kasiens, ruin it for me.

“You know I have my reasons. You just have to trust me on this,” Tobias attempted to explain. I shook my head.

“No way. If you can’t tell me a good reason to my face, I can’t possibly listen to you,” I justified with a shrug.

“He left me for dead in that battle. You saw that with your own eyes. What if I couldn’t have gotten out of the situation by myself? What if you weren’t there? He left one of his own behind, when he clearly could have helped!” Tobias argued. I shook my head.

“No. I already spoke with him. He knew you could easily handle it because you’re very skilled, so he didn’t risk his own life,” I countered, taking him by surprise. “You’ll have to have better evidence than that.”

“He left you behind,” he muttered.


“Remember? When you got shot twice? I dived down and saved you, Marion. Not Otto. He flew out of there as fast as he could and didn’t look back. He left you behind,” Toby clarified. His voice was low and awfully sad. Even though I bragged about saving Tobias’ life, he had saved mine too. I was in his debt, not Otto’s. Where had Otto gone during that moment? I hadn’t thought to ask him about it.

“Maybe he just knew you’d get me,” I suggested but Toby shook his head.

“No… He doesn’t truly care for you…” he said before letting out a sigh. “I think it’s time you heard about Otto’s treachery…” Tobias told me to sit, then sat down alongside me and started to discuss what had been going on lately. Otto’s behaviour was so unlike what a leader should be like when he was with Tobias. He acted immature and didn’t take responsibility for anything he did, and constantly tried to knock Tobias down and make him look bad. Otto had even offered suggestions of horrible deals to make with the humans that involved sacrifices in multiple ways. He appeared twisted to Sylus and Cassius too, and Toby trusted those males with his life. The top males in our group had decided that Otto was a risk and were attempting to plan how to get him back in line. But they didn’t know what to do.

“Well, no wonder you didn’t want me being with him…” I whispered after a long moment of silence. It had all sunk in. Otto was too good to be true, and he had deceived me so easily. Toby wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a soft embrace, letting me weep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much for the comments guys. I've been writing quite a bit lately, so will probably update again later today. Hope it's getting intense and that you're enjoying it!
