Oh, Dakota


The moment I met her, I knew that Eleanor Calder would be the death of me.

Because her and Louis’ once semi-serious relationship suddenly blossomed into their now full blown, very serious relationship, I currently found myself in the process of moving the rest of my things into the flat Zayn and I now shared.

The day Louis asked me how I felt about the idea of him asking Eleanor move in with us, I knew it was time for me to move out.

”So, I’ve been thinking lately,” Louis began, while making himself a cup of tea, “how would you feel about me asking Eleanor to move in with us?”

I was so surprised that I almost choked on my orange juice. “You two are that serious already?” I asked.

He smiled, blushing a bit, “I’m crazy about her, Haz. I think it would be good for us to live together.”

“You two are so in love it’s almost sickening,” I rolled my eyes, shaking my head, “but I think it’d be good for you guys too. Ask her, I’ll start looking for my own flat.”

“You don’t have to move! You and El get along just fine, there’d be no problem with you staying.” he said with wide eyes.

“This was bound to happen sooner or later. Seriously, Lou it’s absolutely no problem. Besides, I’d rather move out than live with you and your girlfriend.” I shook my head at the thought.

“I could always look for somewhere else so you don’t have to move.” he offered.

“Stop it, it’s fine! You both love it here, not to mention it’s close to her classes.” I waved my hand at him dismissively.

“You don’t think I’m moving too fast?” he asked in a small voice.

I laughed, “Oh god no, you two are so perfect for each other it’s ridiculous.”

“Thanks for being so understanding, Harry. You’re a better mate than I deserve.”

I rolled my eyes, “Shut it, I am not. Just remember that I’m the best man at the wedding, alright?”

Him and I both laughed, and he nodded. “Got it.”

I was fully planning on getting my own flat, that way I could completely avoid this entire situation from happening again, but Zayn insisted I should just move in with him instead. When I asked why he was so determined for me to move in, he claimed that since all of us have been together practically everyday since the X Factor he didn’t like living alone. Which everyone knew was proper bullshit, because everyone knows he’s never at his flat. He’s always at Perrie’s.

I was a little hesitant at the idea, because I surely didn’t want this to happen again…but with everyone pestering me about it, it didn’t take long to finally agree.

I knew the main reason he offered in the first place was because the only time he was ever really there was when Perrie was on tour. He was almost completely living at her place at this point. So I basically got my own flat without any of the hassle.

“So how many people live in this building?“ I asked him. From what I knew, he lived in a small complex along with a few other occupants.

“There’s four other flats, the farthest down on the left is an old lady, Matilda, who lives alone, across from her is Jerry, a college professor, he also lives alone, and-”

Eleanor cut him off, “Actually, one of my great friends lives across from him. That’s how I knew to tell him about this place from the beginning.”

“Really?” Niall piped up, setting a box down. “That’s the last of it, by the way.”

“Yeah, she’s in a few of my classes at school. We’re pretty close.”

“What’s her name?” Liam asked, plopping down on the couch.

“Dakota Mitchell. She’s 19, and originally from America.”

“I haven’t seen much of her, to be honest.” Zayn admitted.

“Well, she’s sort of a loner, she likes to keep to herself. But after you get to know her, she’s so fun to hang out with.”

“Yeah, I briefly met her once, from what I saw she’s got a great sense of humor.” Louis agreed.

I listened in on the conversation while I moved some of my things into my new room.

“Is she fit?” Niall asked with a laugh.

“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” I asked, plopping myself down on the chair. Everyone laughed.

“Eh, you took too long. Curiosity got the best of me.”

“She’s not bad from what I saw,” Zayn nodded.

“She’s bloody gorgeous, it’s too bad she doesn’t go out more.” Eleanor sighed.

“Why don’t you invite her for dinner tonight? To celebrate the new move.” Liam suggested.

She sort of grimaced, “I mean, I can certainly try, but I doubt she’ll be up for it. She’s a teensy bit awkward around new people.”

“Oh come on, it couldn’t be too hard to convince her, right?” Louis asked.

“Yeah, especially if you say we want to meet her or something?” Zayn added.

“Believe me, I’ve offered to introduce her to you guys over a million times, I reckon she just doesn’t want to embarrass herself in front of you lot.”

I rolled my eyes, “Oh, please, surely we’re not that intimidating.”

She raised an eyebrow at me, “You’d be surprised, Styles. I think you all forget exactly how famous you really are. Not to mention you’re all genuinely talented, charming, and attractive.” she complimented.

“Aw, Eleanor you love us!” Niall squealed, pulling her into a bear hug.

“Unfortunately.” she agreed with a grin.

“I still think you should try to get her to come, it’d be nice to meet our neighbors, eh Harreh?” Zayn nudged me.

I nodded, “Yeah, maybe that way I’d end up having someone to talk to since you’ll be at Perrie’s most of the time.”

Everyone laughed at that, “You shouldn’t be complaining! You pretty much got your own place without having to do anything.” he countered.

“Yeah, yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks for letting me move in.”

“That’s what I thought.” he laughed.

After a little while, everyone left to do whatever. Zayn and I put everything I brought into my room so I could unpack it all.

“Okay so the good thing about this complex is it’s locked, so you don’t have to worry about any fans. To get in you either need the key, or you need to have someone buzz you in. Here’s the key to get inside the building,” he handed me a small gold key, “here’s a key for the mailbox,” a smaller key, “and here’s a key for the flat.”

I nodded, attaching them to the rest of my keys. “I take it you’re off to Perrie’s right?”

He smiled slightly, “Sorry mate,” he chuckled a bit, “she wanted me to come over before we go out for dinner, but if you want me to stay I can always go over later.” he offered.

I playfully rolled my eyes, “Of course not, it’s fine. I have to unpack anyway. Have fun,” I smirked, “tell her I said hi.”

He grinned, patting me on the shoulder, grabbing his coat off the couch he headed to the door pulling it open. “Will do, I‘ll see you later, Haz.”

With a sigh, I decided I should probably unpack as much as I could while I had the time.
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Oh, hey. :) It's been so long since I've had a story or anything, gosh. Sorry about all my other stories, maybe one of these days I'll actually update. :(

This is just a little something that's been in my head for awhile now, so I've decided to try it out.
I love writing from Harry's point of view, sometimes I think I write better as a guy, lol.

Anywaaaaaaay, I hope you all enjoyed this :) First chapters always suck, but if this goes as planned it'll get a lot better.

Give me some love? :)

Much love.