The Weekend I Went to New York City

Theres no chapters, just a short story.

My name is Phoenix and I’m a sophomore in high school. I live in a small town called Fate in Texas. Last week I won my schools photography contest and my prize is a three day weekend trip to New York City. I know most kids my age would want to roam the streets and meet people and see the different towns and buildings and such other things. I guess that’s what I’m going to do too. But for a different purpose. I want to take pictures. New York has millions of unique paintings, and buildings, and people. I want to capture it all in a picture and put them in the photo album my mom gave me before she passed away when I was ten.
I guess my passion for photography really started after my mother died. I remember being little and every place we went she always had her camera. She took pictures of everything she saw. I recall me asking her one time why she always took photos of everything, whenever we went somewhere. “Mom?” I asked her. “Why do you always bring your camera to places with you?” I remember her, laughing and saying “You take pictures to remember memories you’ve had. I want to remember all the memories I make, so I take photos of everything.” I never really thought much of what she said until a few months later.
My younger brother and I were home playing games with dad when he got a call saying mom was in a terrible car accident. We rushed to the hospital and they said that she had a lot of internal bleeding. And that she wasn’t doing well. I remember seeing my dad walk out of her room with his head hung low. He came over to Austin and I, got down on his knees and grabbed us by one of our shoulders. He told us that mommy wasn’t going to be with us anymore. Me, I understand stood what he meant. Austin though, he didn’t understand. He was only seven. I guess he figured it out though when mom never came home.
I knew that I always wanted to keep some part of my mom alive in me so I took up photography. I’ve been taking pictures ever since I got my first camera when I was eleven. When I got to the high school I saw that they had a photography class and I of course took it. They teacher was very impressed with all my work. She always had my photos in galleries and contest. The trip New York City was my first huge contest though. I took a picture of my mother’s tomb stone for it. It was beautiful. Her stone was a marble angel with her name carved into it. It was lying under a tall oak tree with green vines intertwined with one another on it. It means a lot that my picture of her stone won; it’s like in a way she won as well.
It’s Thursday night and I have to pack for the trip. I’ll be going on my own and my father is on edge about it. It’s our last dinner together before I leave for the trip. He made my favorite meal, Spaghetti. “Phoenix, you know I’m super nervous for you to be going on this trip but I want you to know that I am very proud of you and I’m sure if your mother was still here with us that she would be so proud of her little girl too.” I had to choke back my tears. “Thank you dad, I promise I’ll stay with my tour guide as much as possible. I’ll be safe.” He nodded at me with approval and got up and took his plate into the kitchen. My brother finished his plate then went up to his room. After I finished I went into the living room to watch a little bit of TV before dad had to drive me off to the airport.
My walked into the living room and sat down beside me on the couch. “I have something I want to give you phoenix.” I looked at him puzzled and asked “What is it?” He pulled a little rectangular, red and black Kodak camera that was a bit dusty. “Your mother bought this camera a few days before she passed away. I want you to use this camera to take special pictures with while you’re on your trip.” I was overwhelmed with happiness. My mother’s last bough camera and I get to use it! This would be a great way to keep her close to me still. “Thank you so much dad!” I hugged him and took the camera to my room.
It was 10:00 pm and time to start heading out to the airplane. Grandma Mary had come over to watch Austin. I hugged him and grandma goodbye and left to get to the car. It was about an hour drive to the nearest airport. I was so nervous but extremely happy to be leaving. I was going to miss my dad and my brother. My grandma too. We arrived to the airport. It was huge and very cluttered for being this late at night. We got our tickets and waited in the seats until they called my flight. I sat there for thirty minutes in the hard cold uncomfortable seats. I was very tired and wanted to sleep, but that was nearly impossible to do in these chairs.
“Flight 130 to New York City” They called. My heart started racing. I was becoming uneasy and on edge. I was suddenly very nervous. But I had to get over it. I was about to go to New York! My dad walked me to the flight entrance and hugged me. “Have fun Phoenix, and please be safe and make too sure to call every night!” I hugged my father tightly. I promised him I would call every night and said goodbye. I was now walking up the ramp up onto the airplane.
My teachers had paid for me to fly first class. First class looked to elegant and fancy. Sometime I wasn’t quite used to since I come from a small city. There was hardly anyone here so I got to pick basically any seat I wanted. I picked a seat in the very back. I went to sit down and the chair was so soft, it seemed to form to my body. I reclined the chair and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I was in a deep peaceful sleep.
I was awakened abruptly. I looked around panicked. I heard worried voices and flight attendants scurrying around. I picked up my phone and saw it was 4:00 am. I had been on the plane for only four hours what had happened? That’s when the pilot came on the loud speaker to announce that we have been caught in a storm and need to land at an airport for a night. I was beyond scared now. I’m going to have to sleep in those dreadful chairs. Then what if I over sleep at the airport and don’t hear them call my flight!? I’m going to have to call my father as soon as possible! “Hello?” My dad asked in his tired raspy voice. “Dad, its Phoenix. Something happened on the flight.” My father suddenly sounded more awake. “What happened?! Are you okay?! I took a breathe and said “The plane got stuck in a storm. The pilot said that we’re going to have to stop at the nearest airport for the night, and then continue on to New York in the morning.” My dad breathed out a sigh of relief that nothing to horrific happened. “Oh Phoenix, you scared me for a minute! Don’t do that again!” I looked down and I apologized to him. “Sorry...” “It’s okay, just please stay safe and stay alert for when they call your flight. Call me when you get there. I am going back to bed. Goodnight sweetie.” “I will, goodnight dad.”
We all left the airplane and went into the sitting area for another three agonizing hours. I must say, it was the longest wait I have ever experienced. “Returning flight to New York City” Yes! It was finally time to go back into the comfortable plane. No more waiting in the sitting room. As I was walking into the plane again I looked out the giant windows. I had no idea where we were, but it was beautiful. You could see the sun rise in the sky. The sky was a beautiful pink and orange. That’s when I remembered my mother’s camera. I quickly got it out of my carry-on bag and snapped a picture of the sunrise.
“Ma’am?” “Ma’am!” I woke up and looked over. It was a flight attendant. “Uhm, yes?” I asked shyly with my eyes still half closed from being tired. ‘Would you like some breakfast?” She asked me. “Oh yeah, sure. Thank you.” She nodded her head and walked off. I sat up in my chair and looked around. I was the only one in this section that hadn’t woken up yet. Everyone else was bust typing away on laptops or playing around with their little organizer things. They’re probably busy people. Always busy at work. I must be the youngest one here. Which was slightly awkward, but I didn’t mind. I was about to get my camera out to snap a photo but right then the attendant came over with my breakfast.
“You’re breakfast ma’am.” I looked down at the plate. It had eggs and toast and bacon. One of my many favorite breakfasts. “Thank you!” I said as I looked up to the attendant. She nodded down at me with a smile and made her way back into the other classes. I took my time eating my breakfast making sure to savor every last bite. Right as I put my last bite of toast in my mouth the pilot come on over the intercom and said that we would be landing in about five minutes; that we needed to put our seat belts on. In a matter of time the plane had landed and I was finally in New York.
My flight attendant met me in the airport and she showed me to my hotel. She was in her twenty’s. She was about average height and had hazel eyes. She told me that her name was Maloney. Maloney got me a top floor room in the hotel. She had me put my bags in my room and told me to hurry and wash up. She wanted me out touring today.
I fixed my hair into a tight pony tail and changed into some khaki shorts and a black t shirt. I grabbed my photography camera and the one my father gave me then headed down to the lobby to meet Maloney. “Hey, Phoenix!” ‘Are you ready to go?” I looked at her with much excitement. “Yes!” I exclaimed. The first place she took me was to see the Statue of Liberty. It was so enormous in person! The texture of the structure was beautiful. I grabbed my camera out of my bag and shot a few photos from a few different angles. But before we left, I got out my mother’s camera and took the clichéd tourist picture of it. I smiled as I put it back into my bag.
Maloney took me to see a few other sites after seeing the statue of liberty. Just as I had expected, there was so many buildings and paintings and unique little stores that I wasn’t used to in Texas. Everything here was so exquisite and deserved to my photographed. I took a few more on my mother’s camera. But as I promised my dad, I only took special pictures. Ones that I really cherished or I thought my mother would like.
It was starting to get dark out and we started heading back to our hotel. “You’ve actually seen almost all of the attractions today Phoenix. Maybe tomorrow we will go and see a few more than we can just hang out and go get dinner.” I liked the idea of that, it sounded great. “I would love that! About what time should I be up and meet you in the lobby then?” Maloney thought few moments before she spoke. “How about six?” “Sounds great!” I said. We had arrived at the hotel and I went up to my room. I got in the shower and put on some night clothes then plopped on my bed to call my dad and tell him about my day. “Hello?” “Dad! It’s Phoenix.” “Hey sweetie! How was your first day touring?” “It was great! My tour guide Maloney and I saw almost all the attractions today so tomorrow I’m just going to lounge around and then around six we’re going to go get dinner.” “It sounds like you two worked hard today!” “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself Phoenix. Have fun tomorrow and make sure you rest up.” “I will dad, I promise.” There was a silence. “I’m going to go dad, I need to get some sleep.” “Alright, goodnight.” “Night dad!” And then we hung up. I got all cozy in my nice fluffy hotel bed and drifted off into sleep.
At 8:00 my alarm went off. I woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy. I stayed in my bed for a few then finally decided to get up and brush my teeth. I realized I didn’t have anything to do until later that night so for the remainder of the time I went through all the photos I had taken the previous day. They were beautiful. I know that makes myself sound conceited, but my work really was good. I bet my mom would be so proud… I started to tear up but made myself get over it. To get my mind off things I walked over to the TV and flipped through the channel before I got to one I liked. They didn’t have many channels so I didn’t have many to choose from. But I finally picked the jazz channel. I found jazz to be soothing. I put the volume on low and laid back down. Before I knew it I fell back asleep.
I woke up again. I calmly reached over to my phone to check the time. 5:40!? I had to meet Maloney in fifteen minutes in the lobby! I ran over to my suite case and throw clothes everywhere before I found something I thought was suitable for tonight. I rushed to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I plugged in my straightener and while I waited for that to warm up I did my makeup. I put on a little bit of eyeliner and some mascara; nothing to fancy. After that I hurried up and ran the straightener through my hair. I double checked in the mirror to make sure I looked alright and practically ran down stairs. She was already there. “Maloney!” “Oh, Phoenix. Hi!” She led me through the door and into the cab. We shortly arrived at the restaurant. It was gorgeous! It was made of marble and stone. They had a huge waterfall in the front of it too! Thankfully, I had brought my camera to take a picture.
Maloney and I got seated and ordered our food. I got chicken fries and a soda, I was quite simple. She got a salad and water. We were waiting for our food to come and Maloney asked me why I had become a photographer. “Well.” I began. “It’s kind of a long story but when I little my mother always took pictures. Of everything she saw and everywhere she went.” “When I was ten years old my mom died in a car accident and taking up photography was a way for me to keep her alive I guess.” I looked at Maloney. She had this forlorn expression painted across her face. She seemed to be at a loss for words. “I’m sorry for your lose Phoenix. I’ve seen your work, and your mother would be very proud of you.” I choked back some tears and told her “Thank you.” We sat in silence while we waited for the food. When it came we started up a conversation again. “Have you ever been out of New York?” She smiled at me. “When I was a little girl, my parents took my two brothers and me to Disney world.” There was silence. “That’s the only time I’ve ever been out of state. I would love to travel the world one day. But with the money I make right now, it’s far from possible.” I looked at her for a second. “I never thought that by taking silly little photos id end up being good enough to win a school art show and come to New York City and take pictures. But look, here I am in New York.” I paused before I started talking again. “Don’t doubt yourself. One day you’ll be out traveling the world.” She ate the last few bites of her salad before she told me that it was getting late and that we should probably start heading back to the hotel.
We arrived at the hotel about thirty minutes later. We walked into the lobby and as I was going to push the button for the elevator Maloney grabbed me. She turned me around and gave me a tight hug. “Thank you” She said to me. I wasn’t really sure what she was thanking me for but I told her she was welcome and I made my way back up to my room. I instantly got into my pajamas and got my phone out and called my dad. I heard my dad answer the phone and before he could even say hello I shouted “DAD!” “Hey, Phoenix! How are you? How was your day? What sites did you see today?” “I’m great dad! My day was amazing of course. I saw the empire state building, grand central station, and the Brooklyn Bridge today!” “Did you? That’s amazing! Did you get any real good shots?” “I did! I got some amazing ones of the empire state building. It’s such a breath taking building dad.” “I bet it is” He said to me. We talked a little about how Austin and grandma was doing and how he was doing then we hanged up. I was nearing 10:00 and I figured I should probably go to sleep soon. I only had until four, and then I would have to go to the airport to be on my way home.
Today was the day. I was leaving New York. I got dressed into some causal clothes. I decided to walk around the block for a little while. While I was walking I saw a mother and her daughter. About ten. The mother was showing her daughter how to take a picture. I smiled so big and got out my mother’s camera and took a picture of them. I started walking back to the hotel. I saw Maloney already waiting for me. She drove me to the airport where I would then get on a plane and head back to my home in Texas. I said my goodbyes to her and wished her good luck for her around the world traveling in the future.
About six hours later when I arrived at the Texas airport, I walked off into the lobby. There I was my father, brother and grandma. I sat my bags down and ran over to them and we all hugged each other in one big group hug. My father helped me gather my bags and load them into the car. The following week at school I was to show off all of my work I had done. But instead, I showed them the picture of the mother and daughter and told them the significance it had to be and how that was the best part of my whole trip. The whole school gave me a standing ovation and clapped. The one weekend I spent in New York was the best time I have ever had. And I know that even though she’s not with my, my mother is very, very proud of me.