Sequel: Through Fire

From the Ashes

Playing with Lightning

"We're coming up after the next match. You ready, darlin'?"

"Yeah. But I'm not the one fighting. Are you ready, angelface?"

"More or less, but I gotta piss. Wait here for me," Roman says, giving my forehead a quick peck as I wrinkle my nose.

"Classy, Spade," I call over the murmur of crowd-noise as Roman starts to make his way through the flocks of people. He pauses to throw an exaggerated wink at me, mouth open and everything. My eyes roll to the beamed ceiling as I shake my head and sigh.

"Sweet mercy."

Crossing my arms and tapping my foot, I cock an eyebrow at my immediate surroundings, figuring out exactly where 'here' specified. I wasn't too far from the edge of The Gazebo, where we had watched Wim's match, and the crowds of kids around the mat seem to have lessened. From my now-good view of the fighting area, I can see why. This match is a sad dud, just two skinny kids grappling at each other. Outside of the Gazebo, and beyond the row of tiki torches lining the edge of it, I can see a large group of kids tossing a glow-in-the-dark frisbee around in the field next to the structure. I watch with slight amusement for a little while, my view of the dark field limited by the glare of the tiki torches.

"Allie," a familiar voice sounds behind me, and I turn to see Wim approaching me with his hands tucked casually into the pockets of his ripped and faded jeans.

Of course he's still shirtless.

"That was an impressive win," I compliment him, keeping my eyes fixed deliberately on his. The green flecks within them seem to brighten with his smile.

"Why, thank you," he chuckles, "It took me awhile to spot you in the crowd... But your pink beacon of hair helped. That's how I always find you." He gives a warm laugh as his hand reaches up to tug at the ends playfully. I choke on a giggle-snort as I swipe it all behind an ear, my bangs falling back into my eyes.

"But your real hair color," he starts, grasping both sides of my head to pull me in and tilt my face down slightly, laughter in his voice as he inspects the top of my head, "Is brown?"

Hello, Wim's bulging pectoral muscles. I'm Allie. Nice to meet you.

"Auburn. Are my roots coming in that badly?" I mumble to his muscles.

"A bit," he grins as he releases me. Now that Roman identified him as Scottish, I can pick out his slight accent. I wouldn't have been able to tell what it is on my own, it's barely audible, and only reveals itself when he says certain words.

"I'll just run on down to the nearest pharmacy and pick up a box dye. Oh, wait," I growl at him sarcastically, patting the top of my hair gingerly on the roots that I can't see. He ruffles the top of my head once my hand leaves it.

"The nearest one is only an hour or so away, crazy girl," he chuckles, "Let me drive you out and buy you hair dye some time." I narrow my eyes with a grin at his smiling face.

"That's weird."

"It gets boring here after a while."

"My roots aren't that bad..."

"Terrible. Awful. Simply appalling. Next week?"

"It's not boring yet!"

"Allie..." he croons imploringly, his voice a low drawl as he tilts his head back and tries to persuade me. His still-damp curls hang in his sad puppy-dog eyes.

"Cute," I snap, jabbing his bare chest with a forefinger. He leans forward slightly, his eyes glinting as he grins down at me.

"At least tell me where your camp is so we can hang out sometime."

"I don't even know where my camp is. It's the one Roman and Sage stay at every year." Wim nods slowly.

"Aaaah, yes. I had almost forgotten. Well, perhaps I will come around someday, see if you're available. Do you have a cell phone?" he asks. I open my mouth to answer, but fumble on the reply when I remember there's no service in this place.

"I never have it on me. No service around here," I tell him with a shrug and an innocent smile.

"Oh. They don't have a booster?" I shake my head. "Well. Bring it next week so I can give you my number." I mumble an agreement. Wim's green-speckled eyes flicker over my shoulder, and he arches a brow. "I think your warrior might be looking for you." I swivel my head around, and am surprised that I actually have to search for Roman in the growing masses of teens. I find him, looking apprehensive as his eyes search the crowd.

"Oh, sweet Jesus. Our match."

"Ah, yes. Is that why everyone's coming back in?" I cock my head at Wim's words, wondering if that's so as I peer around at the congested area.

"I don't know, but I have to go. Talk to you later, Wim," I say quickly, before pushing and slithering my way to Roman. He spots my bobbing pink head well before I reach him.

"I thought I told you to stay put," he chuckles, aiming a playful swing at my shoulder. I kick out at his shin as I rub the point of contact.

"I did, smartass. Couldn't remember where you left me?" I cross my arms, sneering comically up at his grinning face. "What took you so long? Makin' out with another one of those chicks in the bathroom, were you? I told you, it's getting out of hand," I say with an exaggerated look, trying to keep the smile off my face.

"I know, I know... It's the third one tonight. I need help, darlin'," he croons with a slow, sad shrug. "But funny thing you should mention whores. I got cornered by Gen." I give a retarded-sounding guffaw as I touch his arm.

"You poor thing," I giggle, sticking a tongue out.

"Hey, now. I'll bite that tongue right off if you're not careful," he teases in a low voice, leaning his face down close to mine. I tilt my head back to look at him with hooded eyes.

"Oo. Promise?" I purr. He takes my chin, inches from his, and bares his teeth in a devilish smile.

"Try me, angel."

This... has to be the first suggestive exchange between us. Well, two-sided exchanged.

I grin as I puff a gust of air up his nose, sending him away with a jolt.

"So... How'd you get rid of Genevieve?" I bat my lashes innocently as he rubs and rubs his nose, channeling the periodic death-glare in between swipes.

"Politely excused myself in a gentlemanly fashion. 'Cause I'm a nice person." I blink at him.

"You're an asshole."

His pearly whites flash as his lips spread into an evil smile.