Love's Spiral


Danny had long left the house after realizing that the two of them weren’t going to get much work done. The boy had seen Derek as his own distraction after he had to take off his shirt. So Danny gave up for the day and said that they would try again another time.

The three that were left still hadn’t mentioned anything about the huge elephant, or werewolf, in the room, but Stiles wasn’t so sure that Spencer wanted to hear it. Even though she did.

Spencer moved herself to his bed and sat cross-legged on the end of it, awaiting an explanation about what has happened over the past couple weeks.

Stiles was pacing back and forth, trying to figure out where he should start.

“Stiles, you have a game to get to, but honestly, I could wait here all night.” Spencer said, matter of factly.

“You said you were done.” Stiles argued. “Done with the supernatural. With werewolves and your witchyness.”

“That was until I realized that it meant you keeping secrets from me. Before you kept stopped telling me things, like Derek being raised from the dead."

“He was never dead!” Stiles exclaimed, looking to Derek for some help.

Spencer looked to Derek, who raised his brow, signalling that he was staying out of it. This was Stiles’ mess. It was Stiles’ decision not to inform Derek that he was actually alive.

Derek only agreed that it made sense not to.

“He just needed time to heal. That night of the full moon, Derek found Scott. Somehow Derek knocked some sense into him, and brought him back to the house. Scott didn’t kill anyone.” He took a breath. “Since then, Derek has been hiding around since Scott, the smartest freaking werewolf alive, decided to brand Derek a felon. So, of course, he comes here, to the Sheriff's house.”

“Only to figure out where the text message came from.” Spencer corrected, finally catching on. “The one that was sent to Allison’s phone that night at the school. The one Scott never actually sent.”

“Exactly. We thought the alpha sent it. Trying to corner us at the school.” Stiles let out a breath. “That text apparently came from the hospital. From Scott’s mom’s account.”

“But why would Momma Mel send something like that?”

“She wouldn’t.” But we need to find out who did.”

“So we go to the hospital?” Spencer suggested. “We see if we can find Momma Mel, ask her if she knows anything. Or even check out the computer and see if there was anyway that someone else could have sent it from her account.” Spencer theorized.

Stiles smiled and walked forward, leaning down to kiss Spencer’s forehead. “I love that brain of yours. Brilliant, you are.”

Spencer blushed and looked to Derek for an unknown reason.

Derek quickly averted his gaze from the two. He didn’t want them to realize that he had been studying them and how they were with each other. It was obvious who the better choice for Spencer was and that’s how it was going to stay.

The three piled up in Stiles’ Jeep, preparing to drive to the hospital to get to a computer, hoping that it would help figure things out before they told Scott about his mom. As soon as they arrived to the hospital, they got a call from Scott.

Stiles hesitated in answering his phone, but Spencer leaned forward from the back, to answer it for him.

“Hey, Scotty.” Spencer said.

“Did Stiles get my picture?” Scott asked.

“What picture?” Spencer questioned.

“Yeah, I did.” Stiles answered, ignoring Spencer’s question. “And it looked just like the drawing.”

Derek grabbed ahold of Stiles’ wrist and pulled it to him so that he could speak into the phone. “Is there something on the back of it? There’s gotta be something.”

Stiles in the mean time was straining with the force that Derek had on his wrist.

“An inscription, an opening, something.”

"No, no, the thing is flat.” Scott responded. “And, no, it doesn’t open. There’s nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you? You’re supposed to be here. You’re first line.” Scott gasped and was pulled away from his phone as the coach started talking to him.

“Anyone want to inform me about this picture?” Spencer asked.

“A picture of Allison’s necklace that she got from her aunt.” Stiles informed. “I think she’s slowly feeding Allison information, and before long, she’ll be involved.

“Man, you’re not gonna play if you’re not here to start.” Scott told Stiles.

“I know.” Stiles said, frustrated. He sighed. “Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him… Tell him I’ll be there, I’ll just be a little bit late, okay?”


“Alright, thanks.” Stiles said, hanging up his phone.
“You’re not gonna make it.” Derek said.

Spencer groaned and slapped Derek’s arm lightly. “Way to break the news gently, slick.” She chastised. She turned to Stiles. “I’m sorry, Stiles.”

“I know.” Stiles sighted.

“And you didn’t tell him about his mom, either.” Derek added.

“Derek!” Spencer exclaimed. “Aren’t you Mr. Positivity.”

“We’re not saying anything about his mom until we find out the truth.” Stiles said, gesturing to the hospital in front of them.

“By the way, one more thing.” Derek said.


Derek grabbed the back of Stiles’ head and pushed it into the steering wheel, forcefully.

Spencer jumped at the impact.

“Oh, God!” Stiles shouted out in pain and leaned his head back.

Spencer moved forward to examine his face to make sure that nothing was broken.

“What the hell was - ”

“You know what that was for!” Derek shouted over him, pointing in his face.

Spencer had to laugh at Derek. She knew that he felt used after he was stripped in front of Danny to give him an incentive to trace the text.

“Go!” Derek ordered.

Spencer patted Stiles’ shoulder. “C’mon, Stiles. You’re fine.”

“Go!” Derek forced.

Stiles pushed open his door and hopped out, moving the seat for Spencer to get out behind him.

No way was Spencer being left with Derek. After find out that Derek was alive, her feelings for him had started to sneak out again. She blamed her hormones.

Stiles closed the Jeep door after her and the two jogged into the hospital. They searched for a while, looking for Scott’s mom, but had no luck.

“Should we call Derek?” Spencer suggested, “Figure out what we have to do next?”

Stiles sighed. “I think we can do this on our own.”

Spencer bit her lip, knowing why Stiles didn’t want to use Derek as a resource. “Stiles, I’m not mad at you for not saying anything about him being alive.”

Stiles turned on his heel quickly, looking back at Spencer.

“I mean, sure, I was at first. I was hurt and confused, but I guess I’m getting over it. He’s been helping you when I haven’t. This all just goes to show that I can’t quit this. You need help. My kind of help.”

Stiles’ eyes dropped to the phone in his hands.

“Derek’s kind of help.”

Stiles let out a breath and nodded. He quickly dialed the number to Derek’s new phone. “I can’t find her.”

“You can’t find her?” Derek said, clearly annoyed.

“Yeah, that’s what I said.”

“Look, ask for Jennifer. She’s been looking after my uncle.”

Spencer heard Derek’s request and led Stiles to Derek’s uncle’s room. “I don’t think anyone is here.” She said aloud. They entered and noticed it was empty.

“Yeah, well, uncle dearest isn’t here either.”


“He’s not here. He’s gone, Derek.”

There was a pause as Derek was thinking. His eyes widened. “Stiles, get yourselves out of there right now! It’s him! He’s the Alpha! Get out!”

Stiles hesitated, the thought not clicking in his head right away. Spencer heard it, though, and grabbed his arm, leading him to the exit as quickly as she could. They didn’t even get out of the same hallway.

Derek’s uncle was hiding out just around the corner of his room.

They couldn’t go anywhere now.

Peter took a breath with a smirk on his face. “You must be Stiles. He said. “And, of course, the lovely Spencer. The stunning redhead that my nephew has taken a liking to. What great skin on this one.”

Stiles and Spencer tried to walk backwards away from the man, but they only ran into the nurse that had been looking after Peter.

“What are you doing here?” the nurse asked. “Visiting hours are over.”

“We thought we had a special circumstance.” Spencer smirked as she and Stiles slowly started to put things together.

It was the two of them. They were working together. It was the nurse that sent the text message from Melissa McCall’s account.

“Oh, my God.” Spencer gasped.

“We’re gonna die.”
Then Spencer heard something coming their way. “No, we’re not.”

Derek quickly approached the group and elbowed the nurse in the face, knocking her out.

“That’s not nice.” Peter said, still standing at the end of the hall. “She’s my nurse.”

“She’s a psychotic bitch that’s been helping you kill people.” Derek said to his uncle. “Get out of the way.” He motioned to Stiles and Spencer to move into the room.

Spencer tripped walking backwards and into the room and the two ended up on the floor right in between the two family members.

“You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?” Peter questioned, walking towards his nephew.

Derek had grown out his canines and his eyes glowed. He was ready for the fight. Derek jumped up and pushed off the side wall, hoping to give himself the advantage. All it did was make it easier for Peter to grab and push him hard into the wall right over the two teenagers on the floor.

They scrambled out of the way to the other wall only to have Peter throw Derek against that one and have Derek land on the floor.

Stiles crawled trying to get away, but only found the knocked-out nurse, but he got on his own feet and quickly left the hallway.

Spencer, however, wasn’t so lucky. She was stopped by a third person as she tried climbing to her feet. She saw him in her way. She looked up at his face. “Daddy?” she questioned innocently, scared out of her mind.

“Hello, Spencer.”

“How are you…? You…?”

“Remember you?” Brian finished. “Of course.” Brian grabbed Spencer by her neck while she was distracted and pushed her against the wall.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Ah, ah.” her dad stopped, pushing harder against her neck. “Such language. I raised you better.”

“You didn’t raise me at all.” She coughed.

Derek was too involved in his own family disagreement to notice her struggle. Derek was thrown backwards and he flipped over landing on his stomach. He got up, mouth full of blood, and finally saw the Spencer was being held.

“D-Derek…” Spencer cried, grabbing her father’s hands and pulling herself upwards to stop her breathing struggles.

“Let her go.” Derek threatened, charging for Brian.

Peter stopped him, but pushing him back again, holding him down on the floor. “Do you have any idea what it was like for me during those years?” Peter asked Derek. When Derek didn’t answer, Peter looked to Spencer and her dad.

Spencer tried to push her father away from her, to no avail. Why was she having such a hard time against him, even with her abilities?

“I was slowly healing,” Peter continued. “Cell by cell. Even more slowly coming back to consciousness.”

“When you killed Laura, became the alpha, it sped the healing process.” Spencer said, finishing his story.

Brian tightened his grip and pushed her harder against the wall.

Spencer strained to get air into her lungs. She coughed when Brain loosened up a second later.

Peter tilted his head, nodding at her answer. “You’re smart, too, aren’t you?” He smirked. “Definitely your father’s daughter. I guess you’re a little confused about that, aren’t you?”

“Confused about why my father, who hasn’t remembered who I am for a majority of my life, who all of a sudden does and is now holding me, by my throat, against a wall?” Spencer played, “Yeah, I guess I am. Care to explain, dad?”

“I was Peter’s personal emissary.” Brian shared.


“Our book calls them helpers. The book also shares about a family secret about how the young women in our family turn.”

“I know, I’ve read it.” Spencer spat.

“So, what are you? You’re seventeen now, aren’t you? You should have shown some source of power by now.” Brian leaned forwards and took in her scent.

Spencer pushed against the wall as much as she could. having her father this close to her made Spencer angry. He had been on Peter’s side this whole.

“You’re not a werewolf. I’d sense that. You’re something I’ve never met.” Brian laughed menacingly. “Lucky I had your boyfriend’s Uncle Peter turn me a long time ago. I wasn’t much help to him being human. But now, I can do so much. And after my run in with the Argents the night of the fire, I had healed up quite nicely. I’ve been able to help Peter get back to normal. I’ve been helping him, and staying away from you. You hardly know how to use your power and that is exactly what I was trying to accomplish.”

Spencer was so angry, she was shaking. She couldn’t take the force of her father anymore. “Shut up!” Spencer shouted, pushing a blast of energy against her dad, who fell back against the opposite wall, knocked unconscious.

“A witch!” Peter said, smirking, distracted by Brian’s noise. “How lovely.”

As Peter was distracted, Derek was able to throw a punch in Peter’s direction, only Peter caught it, squeezing his fist, cracking the bones. “Red, go!” Derek shouted through the pain.

“I’m not leaving you.” Spencer promised.

“Go!” Derek said, in a roar.

Spencer didn’t waste any more of her time before she ran off out of the hallway, bumping into Stiles around the corner. “Stiles, my dad, he - ”

“I know, but we’ve got to get out of here.”

“But Derek is still back there!” Spencer argued. “I can’t leave him with the alpha. Peter will kill him.”

“What are you gonna do, Spencer? Go in there with your claws out? You haven’t practiced in over a week. Even if you had, you’ve got nothing against the alpha.”

Spencer stopped and looked back at the way she had come from. Derek could handle his own, right? She thought.

“We’ve got to get to the school. We need to tell Scott what happened.”

Spencer’s eyes filled with tears, but she couldn’t cry. Too much had gone on in the span of a few minutes, but they needed to get stuff done before she could break for a moment. She took a deep breath and nodded, following Stiles out of the hospital. They jumped into the Jeep and raced to the school, hoping Stiles’ dad would ever see how fast they were going.

Once at the school, they ran into the locker room.

“Scotty!” Spencer shouted, hoping that he’d answer to show where he was. He didn’t, but he was easy to find, still in the boys locker room, having not changed into his clothes.

“Dude, we’ve got a problem.” Stiles started.

“Trust me, I know.” Scott responded.


That night, Spencer hardly got any sleep. All that she kept thinking about was her father. The father who knew exactly who he was and who she was. There was no trace of him ever having any brain trauma or any amnesia. Spencer only wondered exactly how long this had been going on. Did he always remember? He hadn’t been specific when he said that he had healed.

All of the events were almost too much for her to handle. Peter being alive. Peter wanting to kill…well, everyone. Derek never mentioned how diabolical and evil that his uncle was. Maybe he just didn’t see it. Like Spencer never saw her father being the person he is now.

There were so many questions that were left unanswered. They probably never would be answered either. It wasn’t like she and her father would be going to Daddy-Daughter dances anytime soon, much less sitting down and having a rational conversation about what happened that night of the fire.

After Spencer and Stiles found Scott, Scott had informed them on what he had seen when Peter shared his memories. Her father had helped Peter get out of the house, only to be hit hard on the head with a butt of a gun by an Argent. That was the accident. The one that neither Spencer or her mom knew exactly what happened. Now at least she did.

What hurt Spencer most was Derek believing his uncle’s stories. With no way to see both sides of the story, and no way of really believing Peter, he was on his family’s side, again trying to get Scott to join Peter’s pack. She wanted to talk to Derek to find out why he was siding with Peter, only she could bring herself to call or text him.

As much as the three friends had to stay together to protect themselves, Spencer needed a break. She had her family book so she would be fine on her own. At least, that was the argument she had made with Stiles, who didn’t want her to be without him and Scott. Spencer decided that she would hang out with Isaac all day to have some normalcy in her life. She was happy to have a friend who wasn’t associated with werewolves or hunter, even if it meant hanging out in a graveyard all day.

Isaac had been using a shovel to dig out little amounts of dirt to get the hold dug for a coffin.

Spencer had decided to help and take a watering can to water the flowers that were placed around graves.

To Isaac, she had seemed distracted, but he wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up. “A-are you going t-to the formal?” Isaac asked, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

Spencer shrugged. “Probably. You?”

Isaac nodded.

“Save me a dance, okay?” Spencer showed a small smile.

“What about St-Stiles?”

“I’m allowed to go to the dance with Stiles and dance with my best friend at least once.” Spencer sighed. “Besides, Stiles and I are kind of...confusing. I’m not really sure where I stand with him.”

“Can I-I ask what happened?” Isaac said, hoping he wasn’t getting to a level too personal for their new-found friendship.

“He, uh… He kept a pretty big secret from me.”

“Oh.” Isaac said, looking back down at the hole he had finished. The two were silent again for another few minutes.

“I’m not really mad at him, it just bugs me. He apologized and everything. Kinda said it was for a good reason. But I’m not sure what to do.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

Spencer nodded. “How are things”

“Good. It’s been an easy couple days. Dad’s been busy with the swim team.”
