It Started With A Whisper

Crystal Eyes

The late October breezes blew by my arm in chilled kisses, leaving my bare arms frozen to my sides. I wished at that moment I had been wearing a jacket. Shivering and teeth chattering I gritted my teeth, trying to endure the frostbitten air of my new home town. One thing was for sure, I wasn't in Kansas anymore. The yellow silhoutte of the school bus tore down the street as it approached the bus stop. The door swung open, blasting warm air in my face and relieving me from the early autumn tundra. I stepped on to the bus and sank into a leather seat. Other students chattered around me, I shrugged off all the noise and closed the world out of my head. A wave of uncomfortabilty crossed over me and I felt the eyes on me. I met them with immense hesitation. Two solid, cool blue eyes. They belonged to a beautiful man, a little older than me. Dark hair hanging loosely in his perfect, porcelien face. A small smile crept over his lips as we stared deeply into each other's eyes. I broke his magnetic gaze and stared at my hands. The burn of those cold looking eyes sweeping over me. I shivered against my own will. Unsure what the cold sensation that was enclosing me was from. Thinking back to those eerily cold eyes. Snow white and ice cold. I snuggled deeper into my hoodie and tried to ignore his gaze. But that magnetic feeling stuck to me. I wanted to look back into those eyes. To feel the creepy chills his demonic eyes gave to me. When the bus squealed to a stop in front of the school, I was the first one off. Racing to my locker as quick as my feet could carry me. Twirling the combination lock with ease. The locker flicked open and I tossed in my back pack.
"Only seven hours" I mumbled to myself. Grabbing my Algerbra two book I made my way to my first hour. My first day of class so I knew I wouold be behind everyone else. That is why I hated coming into a school year late. Sliding into a seat at the very back of the room I sat my forehead against the desk. Just seven more hours, my thoughts rang in my head. That was way to long. I stole a glance around the room. Two perfectly frozen eyes were locked on me. I froze. Why was he always staring at me? Didn't he realize how creepy that was? It was absolutely disturbing. Finally I got up my courage and walked over to him.
"Is there a reason you are staring at me?" I whispered inpatiently. He cracked a small smile. It looked wicked and unnatural.
"Because you're new... and you're hot," he spoke simply. Nodding his head with absolute surity. I raised and irritated eye brow at him. That answer was completely outragous.
"Well... stop it." I added hastily ,"creep!" and stormed back to my seat. His eyes didn't leave me. No matter what way I moved. Sending unsettling chills through my body. When the final bell rang the teacher told everyone to settle. I zoned out half way through the lesson and started day dreaming. My thoughts taking me farther away then I had expected to go.
Taking me to that boy, with the crystal eyes.