It Started With A Whisper

A Car Ride Of Confusion

After classes dragged on miserably I ran to the library during my lunch period. Expecting peace and quiet but instead being met with those crystal eyes, yet again.
"It kind of feels like you're stalking me," he winked and gave me a deadly grin. I chewed confused on my lip then gave him a defiant glare.
"Look who's talking," I hissed. His smile widened and he looked at the ground, running a hand through his long black hair. Then returning his crystal gaze to me.
"I feel like i kind of gave you the wrong impression," he held out his hand to me, "I'm Miles." I took his hand in mine, his grip swallowing my hand by comparison.
"Darling, Darling Hannal."
"You're from somewhere up north?" he raised a questioning eyebrow, "Canada?" I swallowed hard and nodded.
"How did you know?" I tilted my head slightly to one side, making him crack a smaller, more warm smile that sent shivers through my spine.
"Your bracelet," he tapped my green rubber bracelet. I <3 Canada was printed in block letters. I blushed a little, feeling insanely stupid and nodded shyly. He wrapped his hand in mine and pulled my face closer to his. "You have beautiful eyes." His whispers blew warm air against my nose and I felt a small blush creep over my nose and engulf my entire face. Warm tingles sent through my body, wrapping me in serine warmth. Before I knew what happened he released his grip and walked out of the library. Leaving me to stare off in the direction he walked off in. The heat of his hands still flowing off my body.
After school I walked home instead of taking the bus, trying to avoid Miles at all cost. The breeze bit through my clothes and make my teeth chatter against my will. As I walked a black Camero pulled up next to me. The slightly tinted window rolled down revealing two crystain eyes staring at me, smiling.
"Want a ride?" Miles shouted over the loud singing from From The Ashes by In This Moment. I opened the car door and fell inside. He turned the music off and looked over at me, his eyes glowing brightly.
"What are you staring at?" I snapped, not meaning to. He just smiled and pulled away from the curb.
"That scar," he raised a finger and brushed it against the wing shaped scar on my neck.
"What about it?"
"It's shape, the angel wings."
"Angel wings?" My face reddened when I realized he noticed its shape before this car ride.
"Do you know what it means?" He spoke softer, gentler, then I had ever heard him speak.
"I got hurt when I was little?" My voice was full of sarcasm but I could see the anger welling in Miles's crystal eyes.
"No." The rest of the car ride was spent mostly silent. Miles calmed down considerably by the time we pulled into my drive way. My house was surrounded by trees and a huge privacy fence but I could tell my mom wasn't home.
"Thanks for the ride," I whispered, reaching for the handle. Miles's had fell on mine gently. His eyes starting into my intensely. Before I knew what was happening his lips were gently on mine. An odd warmth floated through me. Trying to control my heart before it burst I pulled away after about thirty seconds. His eyes were lit up brighter than I'd ever seen them.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his breathe washing over my face. I just blushed and kissed his nose gently.
"See you tomorrow Miles."
"Have a good night Darling," he grabbed my arm and looked more sternly into my eyes,"be careful." He released me and I ran up to my porch. Watching him drive away in a cloud of dust.
What the hell just happened?!