Status: Very slowly active. My apologies.

Someone to Remember

Intro to Maya

She scowled at the script in front of her, tossing it back onto her coffee table. Another short part in another movie she would never be recognized for. This is never going to cut it, the brunette thought to herself. I’ll never make it big.

Maya Rogers was a twenty six year-old actress, currently residing in the great comfort of London. She had moved out to the United Kingdom from her hometown of Chicago and was looking to find a way to prove herself in the acting community. Her only problem was, all the roles she received so far had been short, four to five minute scenes, in which she was merely an extra or a passerby with a few words for the protagonist of the film. She pushed aside every one of these roles in hope of gaining a larger one, one where she could be the star.

Unfortunately, Maya only had three brisk years of acting under her belt. Most of her roles in the past were leads, but for plays or YouTube shorts, none of which ever being noticed.
So here she was now, in a larger city where most of the actors who ever got to be someone, ended up on the big screens. The place she wanted to be at. Since her arrival in London a few short months before, the skilled actress was only making ends meet at a coffee shop about seven blocks from her apartment. There was no one around to help her move in, or actually find a better job. But, she knew this would have to do until she got her big break.

Looking down at the script in front of her again, Maya frowned and pushed herself off the couch. She glanced over at the clock. The hands read quarter till midnight, and that meant she had to force herself to sleep. At her work, she had the opening shift, from five thirty in the morning until one thirty in the afternoon. That gave her enough time to head back home and prepare herself for at least three more auditions for roles in films or television shows during the afternoon and evening. If she got the notices, that was.

She slipped out of her tight jeans and worn t-shirt from college and switched it for her over sized band tee and comic book boxers. This was her only comfort at the end of the day, the things that gave her a sense of home. As the woman jumped onto her bed, she sent up a silent prayer as she did every night, hoping for the role that could change her life.

Little did she know, it would finally be coming to her the very next day.
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I know this is really short, but things will pick up soon. I just wanted to give a bit of background information about our main character. Hope y'all keep reading!