Status: Being Written

Don't Go in the Woods

We Went Into The Woods (Cliff)

Walking in the woods, was nothing less than terrifying. No wonder Hazel had outlawed us from coming in here. But, if we had to save Hazel and than met going into the woods, I'd do it with every threat following me ever step of the way. And I'm pretty sure that something was trailing us. Gage and I tried to act if as we weren't scared, but every little sound frightened us. As I walked further into the forest, trying to keep a close eye on the trail, I began to wonder what was in this dark wooded area. That, was a really dumb idea because I started to see things, trees with faces, red eyes staring at me and the wind sounded like it was whispering my name.

"Gage," I finally squeaked after a good half hour of walking. He grunted as a response. "How do we even know we're going the right way? I mean, we can't really tell which way we're going. We don't have a map, or flashlight, or food. We jumped into this to quickly. I mean, I think we should head ba--,"

Gage whirled around and gabbed his finger into my chest. "Don't you think I know that?! But the longer we wait, the further Hazel slips away. We don't know what even took her and they've already got a great head start. So if you want to go back, fine. But I'm not leaving Hazel out here any longer!"

I glared at Gage for a long time, knowing that he was somewhat right. I opened my mouth to say something when a large snap came from behind me. Gage and I both whirled around, eyes wide and fearful. It sounded like someone was running towards us, my heartbeat was pounding in my ears and my feet were glued to the ground.

Then a dark figure brushed from behind a large grounding of trees, Gage and I both jumped and turned around to run, but a firm hand clamped down on both of us. "Whoa, hold it guys. No need to be so scared." The voice was that of teen. I glanced over my shoulder, and whirled around, ready to throw a good punch at the guy. The boy ducked and stepped back. "Easy." He said, placing his hands up.

I paused and looked more closely, seeing a guy, around our age standing in front of us. His hair was dark and he was warring camo clothing. A large army bag was slung over his shoulder. "Who the hell are you?" I snapped, still a bit on edge. Gage stood by me, his gaze cold and calculating.

"The name's Rolf, but many call me Wolf, some say it's easier to say." He said, reaching out his right hand to shake. I cautiously took and Gage did the same.

"I'm Cliff and this is Gage." I introduced.

"What are you to doing in the woods so late at night?" Wolf asked, crossing his arms.

"What's it to you?" Gage snarled, sizing up the guy.

Wolf laughed, "Well, if you must know. I'm hunting. I camp out here for a couple weeks at a time and hunt. You two sure look like you're lost." He observed, looking us up and down.

I shrugged, "We're looking for someone. Happen to see a blonde haired girl walking through these parts?"

"Can't say I have. You wouldn't happen to see a black wolf walking around? Evil looking thing." Wolf inquired, taking his bag off his shoulder and placing it onto the ground.

"Yeah, it's been stalking our house for the last couple of days. You plan on shooting it?" Gage asked, still cold towards Wolf.

"Yeah, been tracking it for the last few days. Been following a trail it made just today." He admitted. "You've been walking it for about a half hour." Wolf commented.

Gage and I both exchanged looks. "You mean to tell me you've been following a wolf, because this trail started at our cabin, where our friend disappeared." Gage said, fear rising up in my throat.

Wolf seemed to be disturbed by the new information. "Seems, that my wolf has taken your girl. Or at least, my wolf and a few others."

"How is that even possible? Wolves don't just attack humans. Especially when they inside their house!" I exclaimed, trying to keep my voice from rising to loudly.

"Well, it seems that my wolf has attacked your girl. Have you contacted the police?" Wolf asked.

"They didn't believe us." Gage lied, shaking his head angrily.

"Well," Wolf said, not really bothered by the news, "I guess we'll be working together to find my wolf and your friend." I shook my head, not wanting to trust the guy, why wasn't he bothered by us walking around in the woods? Why didn't he want the cops to be involved or even mind that they weren't. But we had no choice, Hazel was in trouble and perhaps this wolf was the one who kidnapped her. Or perhaps the wolf belonged to someone in the woods. The wind was cold and the moon could barely cut through the trees. "Come on, lucky for you I'm an expert tracker and food is never far from the end of my arrow." Rolf (or Wolf) explained, as he began to lead the group deeper into the woods. Gage and I exchanged glances, we both realized that we needed to do this, even if we didn't trust Wolf.

Little did we know that he was a valuable asset in our search. After all, he did have the skills and a gun.
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I love having so much inspiration to write. All your feedback helps me get the drive to write more.
Loved to hear from you all!