I'll Be Loving You All My Life

Chapter 3.

Gerard's POV

Lindsey and I stared at the doctor.

“Wh-what?!” Lindsey shrieked.

“Lindsey, you have cancer,” the doctor said.

I felt my heart tear to shreds. She sobbed into my chest.

“Wh-what kind of cancer is it?” I asked.

“Leukemia. It's usually not fatal,” he said.

“What do you mean 'usually'?”

“Well, there is a chance it could be deadly.”

I just stared at him. He gave us a sympathetic look. I started crying. I felt something wrap around my leg, I looked down and saw Gage hugging my leg. Lindsey was hugging Isabella. I stood up and picked Gage up.

“Why are you guys crying?” Gage asked.

“M-mommy is sick,” I said.

“Get her medicine, she'll get better.”

I smiled and kissed the top of Gage's head. The doctor was looking at us.

“Lindsey, you will have to start your chemotherapy in two days,” he said.

She nodded. Lindsey signed a few forms and we left the building. We got to the car, and buckled Isabella and Gage in. I walked over to Lindsey and threw my arms around her. She started sobbing into my shoulder.

“I love you,” I told her.

“I love you, too,” she sobbed.

I stared at her. I couldn't believe my Lindsey. My wife. My everything. Had cancer. I kissed her fully on the lips. She was only twenty-six. Way too young to have cancer. I kissed her forehead and held her close.

“We should head home,” I whispered to her.

She nodded against my chest. We got into the car, I heard my phone ring, I took it out and answered it. Lindsey put her knees up to her chest. She hid her face in her knees and started crying. I answered it.

“Hello?” I said.

“Gerard! Did the doctors find anything?” It was Lizi.

“Yes, they did.

“What did they find?” She asked.

I took a deep breath, “Lindsey has cancer.”

“What!? Oh my fucking god! Put her on the phone now!” Lizi half-shrieked.

I handed the phone to Lindsey who put it up to her ear and just cried. She couldn't say anything. She was mumbling. She managed a goodbye and hung the phone up. I sighed and kissed her forehead.

“Let's get home,” I said.

She nodded, I started the car and went home. Once we got home, Lindsey went to bed. I sighed and sat on the couch. Gage and Izzy came and sat next to me.

“Daddy,” Gage said. “Is mommy gonna be okay?”

I sighed, “I hope so, Gage. I really hope mommy is going to be okay.”

I kissed both of their heads, and they went to go play with their toys. I turned on the television and sprawled across the couch. I started flicking through channels. I stopped at the health channel. There was a documentary about cancer on. My heart stopped and my eyes started brimming with tears.

My whole life. My wife. My Lindsey. Fucking cancer. Out of all the things, cancer. I let a few tears slide down my face. The lady was twenty-six, had two kids, and was married. Just like Lindsey. The lady's name was Olivia Smith. Her husbands name was Michael Smith. They had a son and a daughter, Thomas and Caitlyn. They were Gage and Isabella's age. This is seriously deja-fucking-vu.

Cancer seemed really painful. Not just for the person, but for the whole family. Before the show ended, it said Olivia had died. It showed a whole bunch of pictures of Olivia with friends and family. I sat up and started crying. It started showing videos. Some of Olivia and Michael laughing.

Olivia playing with her son and/or her daughter. Olivia at parties, laughing. It seemed like Olivia was the life of the party. Like Lindsey is. Then, it cut to a video of a doctor talking to Michael. The doctor had a sad look on his face, Michael looked worn out. Once the doctor broke the news that his wife had died, Michael dropped on his knees and sobbed in his hands.

Then it showed Michael getting up and running toward his kids. What it looked like, it seemed he was telling his kids their mother had died. They started crying. Michael took his children in his arms and held them close. The video faded out and it showed a picture of Olivia smiling. It had her date of birth and date of death.

I wiped my teary eyes and went to the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water. I have work tomorrow. I checked on Gage and Isabella, they were both asleep. I kissed them in went into mine and Lindsey's room. She was fast asleep. I laid next to her. She cuddled next to me. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep.

I awoke to my alarm going off. I quickly shut it off and quietly got out of bed. I didn't feel like taking a shower, so, I put on some cologne and brushed my hair. I went into the kitchen and started making coffee. I took a piece of paper off the note pad on the fridge and took out a pen.

Lindsey, I wrote.
You are the most amazing women in the world. I love you, so much. You mean everything to me. I'll see you when I get home.

I was sitting at work, waiting for my shift to be over. I worked at a comic store. I was in the back sorting out comics. Someone came in.

“Gerard, your son is on the phone,” One of the employers said.

I nodded and followed him. I picked the phone up.

“Hello? Gage?”

“Daddy.” Gage said, he sounded upset.

“Gage, what's wrong? Is mommy okay?”

“She keeps crying about some pain. She can't move.”

“What do you mean? What pain? She can't move?” I said, scared.

Greg, one of my employer friends, stared at me.

“Mommy won't tell us what's wrong. She keeps crying and screaming.”

“Did mommy tell you to call me? Does she need me to come home?”


“I'll be home soon, Gage.”

I heard him sniffle and I hung up the phone. Greg looked at me, I was hurrying trying to get my stuff together.

“What's wrong? What happened, Gerard?”

“Lindsey.” Was all I said, and I left the store.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you all who have been patient. I am very sorry for not updating this, I've been really busy with it being the end of the school year.