I'll Be Loving You All My Life

Chapter 30.

Gerard's POV

Lindsey and I both awoke to the alarm clock. I groaned, and remembered Gage had to go back to school today. Isabella doesn't start for another year or so. I quick shut the alarm off and started kissing Lindsey. I saw her smile, and open her eyes. I placed a kiss on her lips, and she got a bigger smile.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I told her.

“Morning, babe.”

I sighed and sat up.

“Time to get Gage and Bella up. Gage goes back to school today,” I said.

She stuck her tongue out, and rolled over. She covered herself up with the blankets, and I laughed. My guess is she's either too lazy to get up, or she's tired? I got up, and went into Gage and Isabella's bedroom. I turned on their light, and both of them groaned.

“Come on, Daddy!” Isabella laughed.

“Nope. Gage has to get up for school,” I said.


Gage is at school, Lindsey, Isabella, and I are out in the living room watching television. It was really quiet, and boring without Gage. I'm sure Lindsey and I will be somewhat bored when Isabella goes to school. We'll have the new baby to take care of. So, we will be busy with her. For some reason, I always get really really nervous when Lindsey and I are about to have a new baby. But, I feel extra nervous this time. Probably because Lindsey had cancer. And like, what if something went wrong?

What the fuck am I saying? The doctors wouldn't let anything happen to Lindsey, or the new baby. We've been in the hospital so many times, I'm sure they know us like we were family. I really hope after Lindsey has the baby that it will be the last time for a while that we don't have to go back there. Well, not for anything serious. Like, check-ups and stuff I could deal with. But, having to go back for something serious like cancer I couldn't deal with.

When Lindsey had cancer, it felt like the world came crashing down on my shoulders. I was hardly getting any sleep, worrying if Lindsey was going to get up in the middle of the night and ask for help and I would be asleep. Just seeing her go through all that pain.. It was seriously the worst thing ever.

I honestly think my kids were stronger then I was. Then again, I'm sure they hardly knew what was going on and what their mother was going through. I'm sure they knew something was wrong with her. Isabella was always asking me if Lindsey was okay. So, they knew Lindsey was sick. I'm not really sure if they knew how sick she was.

And I've been with Lindsey since we were kids. I was with her through the tough times, and the good times. I always stuck by her side no matter what happened. She was honestly my other half. I looked towards Lindsey.

“I love you,” I said.

She looked at me and smiled.

“I love you, too.”

I leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips. We were disrupted by the phone ringing. We pulled back and Lindsey got up.

“I'll get it,” she said.

I stood up, and rubbed Isabella's head. I walked into the kitchen where Lindsey was on the phone. She was talking to someone, and it sounded important. I heard her say, “alright, we will. Bye.” And she hung up. Lindsey looked towards me, and just stared. I nodded, waiting for her to say something.

“We need to take Gage and Isabella to the hospital,” she said.

My heart sank.


“To make sure they don't have the gene that carries leukemia.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my.

Sorry for taking forever to update. xD
