Be My Everything

As Real As It Seems

The sun was starting to set but it was still near a hundred degrees out. The dirt floor mixed with the heat made everything uncomfortable yet everyone still managed to stay composed in whatever overdone outfit they had decided on for the event. Thankfully the complaints about the heat seemed to have died down as time went on.

Martin should have been having fun at this week long festival in the middle of California. Maybe he would have been if the weather co-operated a little bit better. Or maybe if their set hadn't been cut back by 15 minutes on the very first day because the other bands were running late. Or maybe if the guys in his band would stop questioning him so much. Or maybe if the sluts would stop trying to get him to sleep with them. Or maybe if he would stop trying to find reasons to be unhappy. But he couldn't help it. Something was off and he didn't want to be here. He wanted to be in a bed with the ac and preferably with a girlfriend next to him.

The girl in the tight black dress walked by for a third time. Martin knew this for a fact because every time she walked by he looked at how her red stripper heels would get a little dirtier. He watched her feet as he mentally added a fourth time to the list. He sighed realizing she was probably not going to stop anytime soon. When he looked up she wasn't panicky like most of his fan base got at eye contact, instead she became more confident with every step she took.

Martin took a sip of the beer in his hand and shook his hand silently laughing to himself. He wasn't sure how a guy found a slutty girl that threw herself at everyone attractive. But she interpreted his smile as a welcome and sat down next to him.

"Hello handsome", she started, trying to seem casual. To Martin she sounded more like a cars salesman, and she happened to be selling something he wasn't interested in.

"Hey", he replied looking away hoping she would get the hint.

"I'm Holly."her without looking at her.

He didn't care enough to see the face of another disappointed groupie. They were all starting to look the same to him anyway.

He started walking when he realized he had no where to go. He looked down at his watch, 7pm, he had an hour before he was supposed to be on a stage. An hour too long in his head. He wanted to get it over with, he didn't understand the point of standing around all day at this festival. He was just thankful when a fan caught sight of him, he needed the distraction.

"OH MY GOD", she shrieked hugging into his chest. But as the tears started he didn't know how to get her to stop. That's when it went down hill for him.

"I love you so much, you mean everything to me, you're so wonderful." He shook his head but it was more for himself. He didn't feel like he deserved to be treated like this.

"I'm really not", he chuckled. But hearing him speak made her nearly choke.

"C-can I-I take a pic-picture with you?", she said stuttering through her words as quickly as she could, scared he would suddenly leave.

"Of course sweetheart", he smiled at her putting his arm around her as her friend who was standing near them pulled out the camera from her bag. As he waited for her to be ready he saw someone behind her.

It was a girl standing with her arms crossed and her eyes on him. She had a smile on her face but compared to the approaching crowd she stayed where she was. He wanted to run towards her not thinking through what he would do next, but he didn't move because there was still a fan gripping to his side.

She saw the other girl was ready to take the picture and smiled, when he went to look back at the mysterious girl she was gone. The fan was mumbling her thank you's to him. But as he hugged her his eyes were searching through the crowd for the new girl.

Her face seemed familiar but it felt like he hadn't seen her in a while. He couldn't think of her name or if he even knew it. He wasn't even positive he knew her at all but he wanted to.

"You have time", he told himself, thinking at the long week festival he was miserable about an hour ago but now looking forward to. He was determined to find this girl.

Another fan clung to him but her words were unintelligible because of her sobbing.

"Nice to meet you", he mumbled getting up. "Sorry I've got to go but take care", he told

"Staying to watch our set?" he asked her. She nodded as she posed next to him for a picture.

Martin didn't stop meeting fans for the entire hour before his set. He was tired of standing in the heat but no matter what he smiled for every picture, graciously accepted every hug, and signed anything that was handed to him. He was hoping if he stayed in the same spot the girl would eventually walk by again but she never did. The crowd of fans seemed to be getting bigger and bigger until he looked down at his watch and saw it was 10 minutes until 8.

"After the set we'll be signing at our tent", he promised every fan he had no choice but turn away. With a few final hugs he sprinted back towards the bus the band had for the week.

"Where the fuck were you man?" John asked annoyed. He had a fist around his drumsticks. Martin didn't say a word, he changed his shirt and grabbed his leather jacket and headed back out the bus door before he heard, "5 minutes until set time."

He could feel John's eyes burn holes into his back. He was guessing it was because he had disappeared for an hour but Martin honestly didn't care. They hit the stage when the lights burst on.

If it was your first time on stage your eyes would burn trying to adjust to the lights and you would probably sweat buckets in seconds, not to mention getting used to the faces of hundreds to thousands staring at you. But for Boys Like Girls this was their 10th year on a stage. They can't say they were exactly used to it all but at least they were no longer nervous.

As they got through a couple of songs flawlessly Martin began scanning the crowd. He recognized some faces and that was something he loved to see. They were getting through the last verse of "Heels Over Head" when he saw her. He still managed to sing the words but he was turning them into a hum as he stared at her. His eyes widened trying to take in every single aspect of her face. He felt like his lungs were closing up and a part of him wanted to dive towards her. He had so many questions to ask this mystery girl. Just as he was losing himself something hit the back of his head. He turned and saw John had threw a drumstick at him. He re-gripped the microphone and finished the song perfectly. He looked down at the setlist and smiled as he read the next song they were going to play "Thunder."

He ran his fingers through his hair and looked down at the exact spot the girl was in. She was looking up at him as well. The song started and his gaze didn't move as he sang every word to her. She bit her lip self-consciously at first but started getting lost in the lyrics. She started mouthing them back to him with a small smile spreading across her lips. Her smile started driving him crazy.

Martin sang with more power and more feeling and the crowd noticed and they all began screaming. She didn't seem to notice the rest of the crowd though. Her hands were leaning on the barricade casually and she didn't seem at all phased by all the crazy people all around her. It started feeling like there was no one in the room but them two.

After about 8 songs Martin realized something, how was he going to find her again. He kept looking at her and every time he tried to look away his eyes would go back scared she would vanish.

They had two songs left, he pulled the microphone off the stand and said, "I keep looking at this amazing crowd" he paused as every voice in the crowd screamed, "and I now believe in love at first sight", more screams. Most were shrieks from young hormonal teenage girls.

He looked back over at his girl and she wasn't screaming, she just smiled. It seemed like a part of her didn't think it was her he was talking about. Maybe she was just above falling for lines like that.

He sang "The Great Escape" and then "Love Drunk." Before they finished the last verse he told the crowd they would be signing at their merch tent and would be back tomorrow, he wanted nothing more than the girl to turn up at both.

They walked off stage and John turned to him, "should I even comment on that shit you pulled during Heels?"

"My bad", was all Martin responded leaning against the wall.

"What the fuck were you even doing?" Paul asked confused.

"If Morgan didn't take over those vocals you would have looked stupid humming along", John told him fuming.

"Sorry", he said not willing to give an explanation of why he was distracted.

The guys let it go because it wasn't like Martin to get distracted. Especially not at an event like this with so many fans.

Half an hour later, once the band was in fresh clothes, they made their way over to the tent to sign. A huge line of people had formed in front of it already. As they signed for each fan Martin became a little more disappointed but all the more hopeful she would turn up.

Unfortunately for Martin not one of the people in the line was the girl he wanted.