Status: currently writing

The Greener Grass

Soccer Ball

Josh sits under the large maple tree, eyes staring blankly into the distance. Absentmindedly, his tiny hand rubs at the covered bruises on his arm.
He isn’t sure how he managed to find such a quiet and peaceful place, but he is grateful.

Though it is not uncommon for children of his age to be alone in this park, it is strange to see someone of his social status. It is not hard to tell that he is not from here, The SouthSide. Not with his impeccable Ralph Lauren ensemble and well groomed appearance. The boy radiates wealth.
That is not a good not a good thing. Here in The Southside, many citizens are angry and feel prejudice towards those of the wealth or people of the Northside.
Violet happily chases the black and white around, the ragged tennis shoes on her feet, pounding on the lush green grass. Sweat glistens on her pretty brown skin, showing proof of her exertion.
In her mind, she is a pro female soccer player. She is currently playing for the Women’s World cup in France. She envisions herself moving closer towards the goal, two girls from the opposing team are on either side of her, trying to steal the ball. She skillfully keeps it away from the, while preparing to score the winning goal. Her small heart pounds with anxiety and excitement. She is so close! She can feel it…can taste it!! With all her might, she kicked the ball. It soars through the air, past the goalie and slams into the net.
“GOAL!!” The young girl screams happily jumping up and down. Her high-pitched voice echos through the empty park.
Calming down, Violet smiles victoriously, tiny hands on her small hips.
“I’m totally going to be ready for soccer camp next summer” She says out loud, completely proud of herself.
She would have went this summer, but she had broken her leg and by the time it healed the deadline to sign up had passed.
This missed opportunity did not discourage the eight-year-old girl. She vowed to practice and work hard all summer, so she would be ready from the next camp.
“Oh crap! Where’d my ball go?” She suddenly asks. She spins around, large dark brown eyes searching frantically for the old ratty ball. It is nowhere in sight. Dread sets in her stomach . That is her lucky soccer ball. And her only soccer ball. She can’t lose it.
Violet grabs onto her long thick pigtails and pulls on them. What is she going to do?!? This park is really big and she had been so caught up in her imagination that she didn’t remember which direction she kicked the black and while sphere. Removing her hands from her hair, Violet looks around again. I have to find it! She tells herself.
Josh frowns as a old and worn looking soccer ball comes rolling out of some nearby bushes. He watches roll into a tree the slowly stop. Curious, he gets up from his stop under a large oak tree and walks over to it. How did this get here? He wonders picking up the ball.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope everyone enjoys.