Sequel: The Moment I Knew


July 4, 2012 - Dallas, Texas to July 6, 2012 - Auburn Hills, Michigan

“Ur Boi!” I screamed raising my red plastic cup into the air. “Woooo!!!”

“She is so drunk!” Alan screamed across the beirut table that was taking up the entire front lounge of the bus.

“It’s okay! It’s okay!” Austin yelled over the music that was blaring from the bus speakers, signaling for Alan to hurry up and make his move.

“You’re just jealous I’m Team Austino!” I declared triumphantly taking a big sip from the drink in my cup. At this point I was unsure of what exactly I was drinking; I was just enjoying being drunk. The night wore on to little event. Drinks, music, people, and fireworks.

As we consumed more liquor, Austin and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other. And while everyone sat outside in the parking lot and watched the fireworks the crew members were setting off, Austin grabbed my hand with a lusty smile on his face. He sloppily held his finger to his lips telling me to be quiet as he turned and led the way to his bus. When he had disappeared from sight he leaned up against the bus door grabbing my hips and pulling my body flesh to his. Our lips found each other instantly in the darkness and my body was flooded with the same sensations it had that very first night we had kissed.

He pulled away from me long enough to utter three simple words, “Let’s go inside…”
Nodding my head in agreement he opened the door and we made our way into the bus and straight to his bunk. He helped me in, his top bunk and my height didn’t match up perfectly, before climbing in after me and shutting the curtain shut sharply. We could barely fit, but we managed. I climbed on top of him kissing him slowly. The alcohol had made both of us sloppy and a few times we’d let out a giggle. My lips started working their way up his jaw line, moans erupting from his mouth, as he worked extremely hard to pull my shirt off of my body.

“I’m going to rip this fucking thing off of you.” He mumbled angrily struggling with the hem.

“Hang on!” I protested reaching down and pulling it off with ease.

“Thank god…” His mouth found the tops of my breasts and my breathing suddenly became ragged.
Everything I was feeling was sobering me up and at the same time intoxicating me in a whole new meaning.

As Austin and I explored each other’s bodies, I couldn’t help but realize this was like nothing I had ever experienced with a man before. Our emotions and passion were feeding off each other in frenzy and causing both of us to become drunk with each other.

“Mmm…Rae…wait…” He breathed in my ear as my hands unbuttoned his pants and started making their way inside.


“Wait…I don’t think I have any condoms…”

“Really?” I asked feeling slightly let down.

“Yeah…fuck.” I could tell he was angry with himself that he was going to miss out on this opportunity.

“It’s okay!” I said trying to stay positive. I placed a kiss on his lips and moved so that I was snuggled into the crook of his arm. “We can still cuddle.”

He laughed silently and his lips brushed the top of my head. We laid in silence as I traced patterns with my finger tip across his bare tattooed chest. I listened to his heartbeat and his breathing; the pad of his thumb running along my arm as he held me close to him. I could still feel the buss of the alcohol coursing steadily through my body. Feeling brave, I reached up and let my finger trace down the scar in the middle of his chest.

“Rae?” He asked as I hit the bottom of and quickly retracted my hand, scared he was going to tell me not to touch his scar.

“I’m sorry, that was stupid of me. I shouldn’t have-“

“Raegan, calm down.” He squeezed me hard before he continued. “Will you stay the night with me?”

His question caught me off guard and it took me a minute to comprehend it. “You want me to sleep here?”

“Yeah…I mean as long as you want to.”

“I do.” I said smiling happily and leaning up to kiss him one last time before curling up next to him and falling asleep.


July 5, 2012 – Maryland Heights, Missouri

The feel of the bus coming to a stop woke me from my slumber. Images from the night before came flooding back just as I became aware of Austin’s arm draped over my body. I backed myself up trying to get even more close to him, if that was even possible.
“Mmmm…” He mumbled and I felt his lips against my neck. “Are we stopped?”


He rolled over as best he could in the cramped space and pulled the curtain back flooding the bunk with light.

“Jared!” He called. “Jared!”

The sound of another curtain opening came from below us follow by Alan’s annoyed drawl, “Why the fuck are you screaming?”

“I wanna know where we are?” Austin replied simply.

The door that led to the front lounge opened and suddenly Austin was jumping out of the bunk yelling, “Adam!”

“Dude!” Alan’s voice came next.

“Hey guys!” A voice I didn’t recognize said.

“What are you doing here? I thought you left Warped?” Austin’s voice became harder to hear as he
made his way to the front lounge.

“Oh, what’s this?” I rolled over to see Alan’s smirking face peering in at me. “Looks like someone had a little sleep over.”

“Shut up, Alan.” I said with a laugh before whispering, “Who’s here?”

“Adam, he’s a photographer. He was going to leave Warped but I guess he’s staying on our bus the rest of tour.”


“Now smile so I can post a picture of you on Instagram!”

I quickly grabbed the curtain and yanked it shut so he couldn’t take any pictures.

“Hey! Everyone! Raegan slept in Austin’s bunk last night!” Alan shouted.

I rolled my eyes pulling the covers over my head with a sigh.


I found a spot on a picnic table and climbed up taking a seat and draping my guitar over my lap.
Thousands of people were milling around and paying me no attention.

I began to play ‘When You Can’t Sleep at Night’ and I earned a few glances and smiles from the passersby. ‘Therapy’ was next and halfway through the song a little crowd was beginning to form around me. I launched into ‘James Dean & Audrey Hepburn’ next and the kids were singing along excitedly. When I finished the song I took some pictures, signed some autographs, and answered some questions.

“This is really cool of you to sit out here like this…” A girl with bright red hair smiled shyly at me as I signed a piece of paper for her.

“I was bored and I figured coming out here and playing for you guys would feel better than playing for myself in my bunk.” I shrugged pulling her into a hug as I handed her back her paper.

“Do you ever write your own stuff?” Another girl asked who was standing really close to me.

“Sometimes! Actually, I wrote something last night…do you guys want to hear it?”

“Yeah!” They all yelled and I began to play the song I had started working on last night.

“I'm walking fast through the traffic lights

Busy streets and busy lives
And all we know, is touch and go
We are alone with our changing minds
We fall in love 'til it hurts or bleeds or fades in time

And I never (never) saw you coming
And I'll never (ever) be the same

You come around and the armor falls
Pierce the room like a cannon ball
Now all we know is don't let go
We are alone, just you and me
Up in your room and our slates are clean
Just twin fire signs, four brown eyes

So you were never a saint
And I’ve loved in shades of wrong
We learn to live with the pain
Mosaic broken hearts
But this love is brave and wild

And I never (never) saw you coming
And I'll never (ever) be the same

This is a state of grace
This is the worthwhile fight
Love is a ruthless game
Unless you play it good and right
These are the hands of fate
You're my Achilles heel
This is the golden age of something good and right and real

And I never (never) saw you coming
And I'll never (ever) be the same
And I never (never) saw you coming
And I'll never (ever) be the same

This is a state of grace
This is the worthwhile fight
Love is a ruthless game
Unless you play it good and right”

The kids were cheering excitedly as I finished and I heard a familiar, “Rae!” I looked up to see Austin trying desperately to make his way through the kid who were now in awe that he was there.

“We have gotta go! We’re on in like fifteen!” He explained.

“Fuck!” I said getting up and saying goodbye to the kids and running after him.

“I was looking everywhere for you!” He said draping an arm around my shoulders as we walked through the crowds. “What were you doing out there? Actually, what were you playing? That was beautiful!”

“Thanks! Um, I wrote it…”

“You wrote that! You’re going to have to play it for me sometime!”

I smiled at him but I knew that would be hard for me to do. I had written it about him, there was no way we could sit just me, him, and my guitar and I’d be able to play. He hurried me to the backstage area where I left my guitar with Jared who promised nothing would happen to it and that he would call Alex to come pick it up for me.

Austin introduced me to Adam officially and I explained to him that this was my first full show and I was feeling nervous. He reassured me I’d be fine and snapped some pictures of the guys.
Soon it came time to head out on stage and as the intro music played my stomach was suddenly in a thousand knots.

“You ready!” Austin screamed.

“No!” I yelled back as I followed him out onto the stage and looked out over the thousands of kids who were screaming wildly.

I left the stage feeling a million times better, especially when I saw Aaron standing there eating a slice of watermelon.

“Hey!” I said pulling him into a hug which he gladly accepted.

“You’re absolutely wonderful out there, Rae!” He smiled wide.

“Were you side stage? I didn’t even see you! My nerves were going crazy!”

“You were nervous!” He laughed as I nodded.

“How are you feeling?”

“Much better. They doctor’s said in a few days I’ll be able to play bass on stage with you guys, just no singing yet.”

“That’s awesome!”

“Thank you so much for taking over for me Raegan.”

“It’s really no big deal, Aaron.” I said with a smile as I pulled him in for another hug. “I have to go though before I’m late for my other set! See you later!”

I took off at a sprint for the other stage where I was due to be to play with All Time Low. They were already mid-set when I arrived and I’d be on stage soon. A crew member handed me my guitar as Jack, Rian, and Zack. Jack kissed me on the cheek as I made my way back out on stage this time with
Alex and took my seat on the stool next to him. Flashing me a brilliant smile, we began to play and
the sounds of praise from the crowd filled my ears for the third time that day and I couldn’t help but feel happy.

July 6, 2012 – Auburn Hills, Michigan

I pushed my way through the crowds of people that had clustered outside. Today had been ridiculously hot and the night wasn’t proving to be any cooler. There was a group of men trying to be the next great rap star with a circle of people around them cheering them on. I rolled my eyes, shot them a dirty look, and continued pushing through the people.

I spotted Jack and Alex taking shots at one of the make shift bars that had been set up that night.

“Have either of you seen Austin?” I asked stopping short in front of them.

“Damn, Rae. You look good tonight…” Jack said feeling up his nipples and flicking his tongue at me.

“Yeah, he’s on the bus. Crazy party in there. Be careful!” Alex raised his shot glass before tipping it back. Jack’s tongue was now close to my cheek and I pushed his face away with my hand.

Turning, I set my sights on the Of Mice bus and headed there. The bus was rocking from side to side and I could hear Linkin Park from outside. I opened the door and stomped up the steps. All the lights were off and everyone was jumping around. Mike Fuentes was practically pressed against the ceiling as he tried to crowd surf. I knew there was there was no way I was I was going to make my way to the other side of the bus to find Austin.

“Rae!!” Someone’s arm snaked around my shoulder and I looked to see Tino standing next to me.

“Hey!” I said happy to have found someone. “Where’s Austin?”

“On the other side of this mess I think!” He laughed. Mike had been dropped by the crowd and I figured now was probably the best time to make my move. Tino got distracted as Adam entered the bus and I headed towards the couches because the crowd was thinner there. I was half way through when I realized the crowd had gotten bigger again and I suddenly felt my body pressed right up against someone else’s. I looked up and my eyes found his brown ones and I realized my body was pushed up against Vic Fuentes.

“Raegan…” He murmured with a lick of his lips.

“I’m so sorry!” I said trying to create some space between us.

“It’s okay.” He laughed. “I know it was their fault and not yours.”

“Okay.” I said awkwardly taking a sip of my drink trying to focus my attention on the alcohol’s slow burn through my system and not his stare.

“How have the shows been?”

“Good! They’ve been good!”

“Great.” He took a sip of his drink not once taking his eyes off of me. “What are you doing in here? Isn’t it a little too crazy for you?”

“I was looking for Austin.” My mention of Austin seemed to cause Vic’s expression to change and I swore there was a flash of jealousy in his eyes. But maybe I was just over analyzing.

“Would you wanna come watch us side stage sometime?” He asked changing the subject.

“Yeah, maybe…” I couldn’t believe I had agreed. My entire body was screaming at me to say no and get the fuck out of there and find Austin.

“Cool, let me get your number!” He said pulling out his phone.

“Uh, yeah…” At that moment I spotted Austin’s head over the crowd of people. “Fuck…Um, yeah it’s 712-311-1369.”

He typed it quickly into his phone and looked up at me with a smile, “I’ll text you sometime, yeah?”

“Uh huh!” I said quickly flashing him a fake smile and heading for Austin.

“Hey!” He said once he laid eyes on me. “I didn’t know you were here!”

“Yeah, I came looking for you!”

He leaned down and kissed me hard right there in front of everyone. Not that anyone was paying attention, but still the PDA took me by surprise. “Good.” He smiled.

I smiled back at him glad that I had finally found him.

“Want a drink?” He asked turning towards the table and started to make himself one.


“If you don’t like Linkin Park, then get the fuck out!” Alan was screaming standing on one of the couches shirtless.

“Don’t mind him!” Austin said handing me my drink making me giggle. “I’m so glad you’re here Rae.”

I smiled and leaned up kissing him. I allowed him to deepen the kiss; his hand found a place on my hip as his tongue explored my mouth. I could taste the alcohol on his lips as he pushed me up against the edge of the table.

He broke the kiss, smiling down on me again, and placing a peck on my forehead. “You wanna sleep over again? You’re a good cuddler.”

“Sure.” I said laughing at him for being so adorable. Satisfied he tried made his way over to get Alan down from the couch before he punched the TV and broke it. It was then that I caught a glimpse of the last second of the glare Vic had been sending in my direction before he turned and was absorbed into the crowd.
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Lyrics in this chapter are Taylor Swift's not my own. I'm just awful at writing lyrics so for story purposes I'm using hers as Raegan. Check out the acoustic version of State of Grace on YouTube to hear the song!