Sequel: The Moment I Knew


July 8, 2012 - Shakopee, Minnesota

July 8, 2012 – Shakopee, Minnesota

“Ow, fuck…my chest…” Austin’s face contorted into pain as Alan and I helped him down into a chair.

“I’ll get the medic.” Alan said quickly dashing away before I could even so much as nod.

“At least I made it through the set.” He chuckled looking up at me. His eyes met mine and he knew I was more than a little worried. “Hey, I’ll be fine.”

He took my hand in his and rubbed little circles in my palm with the pad of this thumb bringing a small smile to my face.

“He’s over here!” Came Alan’s voice and soon my hand had been abandoned, Alan was standing next to me, and the medics were surrounding Austin.

They did all kinds of tests on him and couldn’t find anything wrong enough to send him to the hospital. They said he should try and rest for the day and if it was still bad later on, he should come back and see them.

The three of us made our way back to the buses. Austin promised to take a nap and I headed back towards the venue to meet up with All Time Low.

“Did something happen during your set?” Zack asked when he saw me approaching.

“Yeah, I saw Austin’s Tweet!” Jack added excitedly.

“Wait, what happened?” Alex asked turning to me.

“Austin’s chest started hurting him during the set. The medics said he was fine but to come back if he still wasn’t feeling it later.” I explained pushing my hair back. “What did he Tweet?”

“Something about his chest hurting and he was either dying or turning into a super hero.” Jack said with a laugh.

I couldn’t focus too much as the guys played. I was just hoping that Austin was going to be alright. I was new to this whole him having a heart problem and what not and it was really scary to think about. I couldn’t help but wonder what if something bad happened. The knowledge that he was sleeping in his bed was the only thing keeping me from going insane.

If only that had really been the case.

I was feeling better having played with Alex. I think I would always find something therapeutic in that action. I was making my way towards Of Mice’s bus to check up on Austin and see if he was awake yet and how he was feeling. No one was on the bus when I climbed my way on so I made my way outside to see if he was behind the bus where I could hear lots of voices and music. As I rounded the corner I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Austin was on a bicycle peddling away, with a full beer funnel in his mouth as he sucked down the contents. As he finished the beer he peddled away faster leaving everyone cheering in enthusiasm and me standing in shock.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” I finally made my presence known as Austin made his way back towards us.

“Shotgunning beers” Aaron shrugged.

“I thought his chest hurt?” I asked gesturing wildly towards Austin.

“I guess he feels better.” Said some random guy who I happily shot a dirty look towards.

I turned on my heel and walked back on their bus to get my pillow from his bunk and my laptop. Alan came out of the bathroom and smiled when he saw me. “Hey Rae, what’s up?”

“Were you on here before?” I asked.

“Yeah, I was showering.” He shook his wet hair as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

“I’m just getting my stuff.” I explained.


I looked up at him. His eyes brows were knitted together in confusion. I let out a sigh and sat down.

“I don’t know Alan. I just don’t know what the hell I’m even doing sometimes.”

“Do you want to go in the back lounge and talk? It’s more private. And we can play Xbox.”


He smiled and led the way into the back lounge area where we each took a seat on the couch. He shut the door and locked it and pulled out a baggy of weed.

“You smoke?” He asked as he began to break it up over a game cover.

“No. I never have.”

“What!” He looked up at me then. “You’re a fucking liar!”

“I’m not! I really never have!”

“Is it okay with you if I do?”

“Of course.” I shrugged and sank back into the cushions grabbing a blanket and pulling it around my

“That’s Phil’s.” Alan said nodding towards it.

“I don’t care. It’s warm.”

“Tell me your problems Raegan.” He continued to work on his joint as he said this.

“I don’t know Alan. It’s just all day I was so worried about Austin and then I find him shot gunning
beers while riding a motored bicycle!” I threw my hand up in the air starring at the ceiling.

“You have to learn not to worry about him too much. He knows his limits on things. He takes really good care of himself like 95% of the time.” Alan explained. “If he was feeling shitty still, he wouldn’t be out there doing that.”

“Well, I don’t like it.” I said with a huff crossing my arms over my chest.

“Are you guys even official yet?” He asked now looking for a lighter.


“Are you kidding me? God, what is that pussy waiting for?”

“Alan, I think you ship Austin and I more than anyone else.” I said with a giggle looking over at him as he lit the joint and inhaled.

“Of course I do…I’ve never seen him like this. Well I mean, I’ve totally seen him in love but he just has this different happiness about him since he met you. It’s nothing like what it was when he was with Crissy or Gielle.”

Sudden curiosity hit me when he said those names. No one had mentioned Austin’s exes to me before.

“Just be careful, Rae. He’s had bad luck with women in the past.” The image of Alex saying that to me floated in my mind.

“Who was he with the longest?” I asked.

“What?” Alan spurted coughing.

“Was he with Crissy or Gielle the longest?”

“Gielle, Crissy was only a few months.”

I nodded slowly taking in the information.

“Did he not mention either of them?”


“Crissy and him dated late last year.”

“Why’d the break up?”

“He never really talked about it. I think it had something to do with him being on tour so much and she couldn’t deal with it. She was kind of a bitch…but no one was bitchier than Gielle.”

“How long were they together?”

“In total…I think like three years – married for one of those. Ya know.”

“Married?” My heart dropped. I had no idea he had ever been married before.

“Wait, you didn’t know?” Alan asked. “Weird. What do you want to play?” He leaned over and turned on the Xbox.

“I have to go.” I said suddenly wanting to be anywhere but here.

“But we didn’t even play yet!” He protested but I didn’t wait to hear anymore. I grabbed my pillow and my computer off the couch in the front lounge and went straight back to my bunk on All Time Low’s bus. Thankfully the guys were out. I changed into something comfortable, climbed into bed and opened the computer.

Opening Google I typed in “Austin Carlile and Crissy.”

“Oh awesome. She’s freaking gorgeous…” I muttered to myself then typing in “Austin Carlile and Gielle.”

I looked through everything I could find on the two of them. My heart breaking the more and more I read. He had cheated on her while she was pregnant. He had ruined their marriage. They had seemed so in love and he had ruined it all.

My phone went off and I looked to see I had a text from Austin. Rolling my eyes I slid my finger to read it.

Austin: Hey, I’m watching a movie in the back lounge. You wanna come?

Me: No thanks. I’m going to hang with Jack and Alex tonight.

Austin: Oh okay. I’ll talk to you tomorrow then?

I threw my phone to the foot of my bed, shut my laptop, and rolled over to go to sleep.
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It's possible there will be another update tonight because I have nothing to do tonight! haha Comment and let me know what you think of it! :)