Sea of hands and teeth

When you lose...

I woke up a very fine Friday morning happy because it was Friday but my mood worsened upon recalling today is the end of the world. My mom was making breakfast; Hash-browns with bacon covered with cheese. Better than any Village Inn or Denny's you have ever been to.
"Mom! Are you making what I think you're making?"
To which I did not receive a reply. Strange. That never happens. Oh well. I thought to myself. I went back up to my room, turned on my laptop and started blasting tunes while playing Skyrim. I didn't believe in all this Apocalypto bullshit people were trying to spread around. I noticed that the internet was still up. Told you it was bullshit. However what puzzled me was that only a select few were online... Three of my friends were on Skype. Two of these friends happened to be very good friends of mine (both being girls, you might say I'm quite the ladies man); Ciara and Chandler. I got into a call with them and the first thing they said was synchronized (However I have grown used to it, being their friend and all).
"Have you looked outside?"
"No I haven't." I said in a dull voice.
"So you haven't looked out a window, door, anything?"
"Nope. Nothing."
"Go check. Like now."
As I peered off into the foggy distance I noticed an annoying cacophony of car horns.
No birds chirping, no dogs barking, but worst of all; a DEAD silence.
Groaning. Moaning. (Not trying to be sexual). A bang on the front door. Then a scream. At first I was expecting someone to have tried to break into our house. At which point I grabbed my phone and told them I would be right back. I had 911 already dialed up. The operator picked up and responded with
"911, what's your emergency?"
"There's a person who broke into my house, I didn't see if it was a man or a woman." I whispered.
"The servicemen in your area are currently handling similar matters, the estimated wait time is one to two hours." She replied.
I hung up. I grabbed the most "lethal" weapon in my room which just so happened to be a lamp. I headed towards my door.