Status: Ongoing

Run Smooth

Chapter Three

That Saturday, it was past 11:00 a.m. before I woke up. Normally I wouldn't have cared, but it was an important day. I had a job interview at the new Aventura Sands Mall in town, and only thirty-five minutes to be there. Subtracting the ten minutes it took by foot, I had roughly over twenty to make myself presentable.

"CURSE YOU, DREAMMAKERS!" I yelled. A few random birds chirped in reply, and I pounced like a tiger over to the window to shut it. I mean, at this time of day, who knows who could be listening?

Even though I'd had a rough night, the minute my appointment entered my mind, adrenaline coursed like electricity through my veins. The last fragments of my dream were beginning to slip away, but I clung on. I vaguely remembered standing in front of Desmond, pulling pair after pair of sunglasses off his face. Each time one was removed, another would appear, and the atrocity levels kept going up. The last pair was metallic pink, and the frames were shaped in tennis ball-sized hearts.

I shook away the thoughts as I scrubbed my hair in the sink, cleansed my face, and hastily applied my makeup, all in the course of twelve minutes. My head pounded, and I let out a groan.

To the predictable dismay of Charmaine, it took me all of two minutes to throw together an outfit. Honestly, my socks could've been mismatched, and I wouldn't have noticed. I ignored my grumbling stomach and took off down the sidewalk, puffing rather unattractively, trying my hardest not to work up a sweat.

Then I remembered Kaeden. "Buhl-AST." I pulled out my phone and left a short message at home. "Hey Kae, it's Cass, and I'm at the mall. Call me if you need anything, and don't swim without me. Ciao."

With two minutes to spare, I arrived out of breath. I stopped for a brief moment outside the doors, using the reflective glass to compose myself. With my frizz patted down, I gave my mirrored image a confident smile.

"Is that girl a mime?" I heard a child ask his mother, and I flushed. My appearance would have to do.


"Cassidy Lancelow, sixteen. Student at Emerson High. Well! Aren't you the chipper one!" Suddenly I considered the fact that my smile might appear too over-enthusiastic, and I faltered. My heart was thumping against my chest, and this woman was making me even more nervous.

She was around five-foot-eleven, including the candy-apple heels, and she towered over my humble five-four. She was the perfect stereotype of a businesswoman--all down to the tight brunette bun, crisp grey suit, and black rectangular glasses. She narrowed her eyes at me. I was very intimidated.

"Uh, yes ma'am, I'm very um, grateful for this experi--"

She cut me off. "My name is Lillian Rutherford, and I am the manager of Aventura Sands Mall. Let's get down to business, shall we?" I sucked in my breath. "First off: sell me an air freshener."

I couldn't believe my luck. Less than five minutes into my interview, and I was already being requested to do improv? I stood up from the stiff chair and looked her in the eye, trying to forget all my nerves. "Hello! Welcome to Aventura Sands Mall! Anything in particular you're looking for today?" I gave Ms. Rutherford a bright smile, and her eyebrow rose in a scrutinizing glance.

"Definitely not an air freshener, I have to say. I'm terribly allergic to most all fragrances."

"Oh I know, don't those flower scents just make the nose itch?" I gulped as Ms. Rutherford's eyes widened, but I pressed on. "Fortunately for you, I've got some special-made hypoallergenic fresheners right here on the rack! Have a look. This one here," I paused, if only for a second, trying to come up with a name, "Saltwater Mist, is a new brand imported from the Caribbean Islands just this spring! It combines the altogether satisfying musk of wet sand with the fresh, sweet smell of the ocean waves. Have a sniff?" I pretended to press a spray nozzle into the air, and I leaned forward, taking in a deep breath. "Ahh, isn't that just wonderful? And just today, we're having a twenty-five percent-off deal on all our air fresheners. How does that sound?"

I held my smile, and it widened as to my surprise, Ms. Rutherford clapped. However, her mouth only gave a twitch, and she quickly moved on to the next point. Luck must've been on my side that day, because thanks to my valuable start, the rest of the interview flew by.

"Thank you, Miss Cassidy. If you would excuse me, I will be right back." The minute she left the room, I punched my fist in the air.

"I aced that!" I exclaimed to the rather dead-looking plant in the corner. It didn't reply. I concluded that if it had been feeling better that day, it would've celebrated along with me. Out of pure pity, I filled a paper cup of water from the cooler by the door and poured it in the soil. I could just feel in my blood that today would be fabulous.

As I seated myself once again, and the minutes ticked on, some of my excitement started to drain. What if I hadn't struck the oil I'd thought I hit? Maybe she was a tougher nut than I'd expected.

Just as I was beginning to think she was coming up with a polite way to reject me, Ms. Rutherford entered the room. "I appreciate your patience, Miss Cassidy." She folded her hands on her desk and gave me a sharp look. "I've spoken with our few staff," she emphasized, "and I've concluded that you shall have the job." My insides leapt, and gratitude swelled, almost forcing itself out my mouth. Ms. Rutherford seemed to sense it, so she quickly continued. "We've only been in business for a month, as you may know, and producing employees has been more complicated than we'd hoped. However, your enthusiasm and dedication has shown in this interview, and I'm pleased to accept you. I hope you won't be alarmed by the rapidity of your acceptance; it's due to our shortage of sales rep. I've placed you in the accessory department under Mr. Jonas Pinckey. He'll give you further instructions upon arrival, and I trust you're a quick learner. Your first shift starts in two hours. This meeting is adjourned; it's time for my lunch break."

My mind could hardly process what had just happened as she ushered me out of her office. I had a job! At a mall! And I was starting in two hours! NO FREAKIN WAY. No amount of falling pigeon poo could've restrained my grin. And I swear, the feeling I had when I walked out of the store was like the joy I get from melted fudge. Walking on air.

I honestly don't remember much that went on during the two hours I had to wait for my shift. I know I called Char to spread the good news. I think I danced like a crazy person through a couple parks, and I might've bought a green feather boa from a costume shop, but when I came back to the mall, all those thoughts fled my mind.

I took the elevator to the second floor, where the outerwear departments are. Surprisingly, I navigated pretty well, and I soon found myself standing in front of a rack of hats. A tall, lanky guy was trying on a snazzy pinstriped fedora, and as soon as he saw me, he grinned.

"Yes? Or no?" He pulled it down MJ-style and started to moonwalk.

I laughed. He was pretty cute. "Total yes. Hey, do you know where a...Mr. Jonas Pinckey is?"

The guy straightened up and adeptly flicked the fedora back on the rack. "Standing right in front of you! What do you need me for?

I gaped at him. "I was expecting you to be some old dude!"

"Nah, the Wilted Lily always calls people Mr. and Miss, don't mind her. Are you my new employee?" Jonas hopped on the counter and tapped his jeans, reminding me of Emil. His slick black hair was gelled up, and the tips of it were dyed purple. I admired with jealousy.

"Uh, yeah. Cassidy Lancelow," I said, extending my hand. He stared at it like I had leprosy. "..What? You don't shake hands?"

Jonas gave me a sick look. "It reminds me of her."

I gave a wicked grin. "The Wilted Lily, huh? I wonder what she'd do if she heard you call her that," I said, winking at Jonas.

"Probably fire me. Quick, let’s look busy. Alright, basically, I just have to give you a nametag and go through the basics with you. On your briefing," Jonas slid his legs over, impressing me that he didn't knock over anything, and ducked underneath the counter, "she said you're pretty covered in the sales area. Have you done this kind of work before?"

I shook my head. "Nah, but I'm a good actress."

Jonas smirked, and then stepped close to me to clumsily pin on my nametag. "Kay, your shift ends in about four hours. Here's a list of the sales we have today through the weekend, and um...oh. Arrange these tattoos over on that shelf there. I'll handle the register for now."

I mock saluted Jonas and then got busy, scurrying around, trying to straighten everything into perfection.

Halfway through, when there weren't any customers, Jonas snuck over to the food court and bought me a coffee, which I greatly appreciated. I stole looks at him as I worked.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm twenty, I go to tech school. I'm studying construction, but I haven't succeeded in getting any jobs in that field of work. So this is what I settle for," he laughed.

As I finished straightening the earring rack, my eyes flitted over to the sunglasses. I spotted the last pair Desmond was wearing in my dream, and I smiled, slipping them over my eyes. It was so dark that I could barely see my reflection in the mirror. An odd shaped shadow appeared behind me, I squinted, and just as I put my hand up to take the shades off, a gigantic sombrero was shoved over my head and held down by strong arms.

"Hey! I can't see!" I yelped, knocking at least five pairs of sunglasses to the floor.

"That's precisely my intention." The deep voice took a second to register, and then agitation rose in my chest. I slammed my elbows into Desmond's ribs and flung the sombrero off.

"Ou-chhh, you've got some bony arms there." Desmond grinned and rubbed his midsection. I glared at him.

"You were nicer in my dream," I almost blurted, but I caught my tongue. What chick would tell a guy she has a strong distaste for that she dreamed about him? Desmond must've seen some odd expression cross my face, because his forehead wrinkled.


Both of us spun around to the sound, and I was distressed to find Ms. Rutherford standing there. The sombrero was sitting by her feet, and she tapped her heels in exasperation. "I expected more of you, Miss Cassidy."

I feverishly looked around for Jonas, and when I caught his eye, he marched up. "Ah, Boss, it's not her fault. This bum swaggered in here and was hassling her while she was doing her job-- it's no problem at all." Jonas coolly turned to Desmond and jerked a thumb to the door. "Out, punk."

I suppressed the urge to laugh. Ms. Rutherford's eyebrows were arched, but she nodded at Jonas and gave me a warning glance before walking out.

I exhaled a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, and then gave Desmond another glare. "He said out, didn’t he? So? Out!" I loved ordering him around, and it gave me greater satisfaction when he pouted.

"You rock!" I exclaimed to Jonas, when Desmond was gone. I hurriedly repositioned the fallen items.

"I try," Jonas replied modestly. "Is he a friend of yours?"

"Naw. A certified stalker."