
Chapter Two

After a couple of more songs, Irene thought it was enough. She’s an employee, not the restaurant’s hired singer. Although she wished she was. She decided to get back to her serving duties. Carrying around trays and cheque booklets busily, it was a long night. She then realized she was carrying a cheque to Adam Lambert’s table. Ohh boy.

“Here’s your cheque, sir”, she smiled as she said. “Did you enjoy our service?”

“Oh yes, it’s lovely. You’re Irene, right? I’m Adam; Adam Lambert by the way”, he said.

“I know”, she said suppressing her inner fangirl when she shook hands with him. “And you’re Sauli Koskinen”, she shook hands with him as well. “I hope you honor us by coming here again soon”, she said. And this time she wasn’t just saying that because it was a work ethic, she really meant it.

“You have an incredible voice”, Adam praised. “You’re unnatural, isn’t she Sauli?” he turned to him.

“Yes, very much. Her voice is amazing for a woman”, the adorable Sauli said.

“Thank you very much for your compliments, I really appreciate it”, she reddened a bit.

“Oh, I would like to invite you to something. I’m throwing a party at my L.A home. I would really love it if you came”. “And it would be even greater if you sang too”, he continued. Adam put his hand in the breast pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out a card. “There’s a detailed drawing for the address”.

“Oh my God. Thank you, I will surely try to make it”, she said as she took the card.

After exchanging numbers and goodbyes, Adam paid and left a generous tip. This was so surreal. Did The Adam Lambert just invite her to a party? And did he just give her his number? What if this was her big break? A million thoughts were roaming in her head. She headed to the kitchen so she can take five.

“Hey beautiful”, Nina said. She plopped down next to Irene. “I saw you talking to Adam Lambert, what’s up with that?”

“Promise you won’t freak out loud”, Irene warned.

“Promise”, Nina said self-righteously.

“Okay”, she took a quick breath. “Adam invited me to sing at his upcoming party”, she said quickly not caring whether Nina caught up or not.

“WHAT”, freaked Nina. Irene quickly put her hand to Nina’s mouth before she could do anything stupid. Nina then removed her hand and took a deep breath. “Wow”, she finally said. “WOW”.

“What’s up girls”, Travis McLaren; another workmate of Irene said as he walked by and saw them.

“ADAM LAMBERT JUST INVITED IRENE TO A PARTY”, Nina yelled loud enough for every employee to hear, even the cooks. A couple of workmates gathered around and were as shocked as Travis. Shit.

“Jesus, thanks Nina”, said Irene sarcastically. Luckily, she knew how to avoid situations like that, so she simply said Adam invited her to sing because he loved her voice. Surely there were some people telling her how lucky she was, and they were right. What are the chances of someone like her to meet her idol and get invited to his party? A one in a million, obviously. Now that’s something worth thinking about all night.


Meanwhile, Adam and Sauli were already on their way back home. Anyone could tell by the look on Adam’s face that he was a little giddy.

“That Irene girl is something, isn’t she?” he said to his boyfriend.

“Yeah, are you crushing on her, Adam?” Sauli looked at him, smiling.

“I don’t know, there’s just something special about her”, said Adam. The rest of the car ride was quiet, the radio music blaring in the background. It’s not obvious whether Sauli was jealous or not, but he sure knew Adam was unexpectedly happy. But there was nothing to worry about, I mean they were in love. They’re a gay couple, and it’s probably only in the twilight zone would a gay guy turn straight. Right? Right??
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Chapter two, yay! It will get exciting soon, I promise. Comments are appreciated, I'd like to know your opinions.. Thank you!
