Status: Making Chemistry Happen...

Only One More Night

Wake Up Call

"I-I can explain!" I stuttered out, shock coursing through my veins. I was terrified at the reaction I was about to get.
"Oh, you can? So I guess you're about to tell me that this was all a big misunderstanding? That you didn't mean to sleep with that fuckwad!" Luke shouted, and I was trying my best not to cry. I tried to get up, but Harry's arm tightened on my waist, not allowing me to leave. Luke saw the movement and walked closer to us.
"Ah, I see, you don't want to anwer me then," Luke smirked, then he looked directly at Harry, "Let. Her. Go." He said, through clenched teeth. Harry finally let his arm, loosen, but he didn't let me go. I was shaking with fear now, and Harry could feel it.
"Fine, but you asked for it," Luke said, then he advanced toward us some more and grabbed onto my hair, before yanking me off the bed and slamming me into a wall. I screamed as hard as i could and felt my body go limp as he did it a second time. All I could see were stars and Harry jump up, and smash Luke's head into a wall, knocking him unconscious, before I too, fell into the sleepy curse.

***Harry's POV***

I could not believe what had just happened. This poor girl was shaking. I can't even begin to imagine what she had to go through everday without someone to save her like I did. I found my clothes quickly and hers too, but I didn't know what else to get, all I knew was that we needed to get out of here. I saw her move and fled to her side after all my clothes were on. Her eyes fluttered open softly and I knew she needed help. A small bruise formed on the side of her face and one along her hip and and also her shoulder. She flinched as she started to stand, and I put my arm around her waist to support her. She glanced at her boyfriend's body and her face became stricken with fright and her body tensed.
"We need to leave." She said quietly. I nodded and she put her clothes on carefully. After everything was ready and she had packed her things, to stay at my house, we started to leave. But before, we even reached the door, she screamed. I whirled around to find Luke with a pocket knife to her throat. I was utterly terrified at the thought that he might actually kill her.
"Ok, why don't you just put the knife down," I suggested very carefully. Before I could process what happened, she elbowed him in the ribs and ran to me. He started coming toward us after he recovered.
"You know, this will be a great story for the police." Lizasred said. She was right, we could threaten him with any evidence that he hurt her, and give it to the police. Ha, wouldnt that be fun.
"You wouldn't dare," he sputtered, fear in his voice very visable. Even though he still looked like he was going to knife us both, he slowly backed toward the door.
"This isn't over," he said as he stepped out, closing the door behind him. Relief flooded my body and Lizasred collapsed to the floor in a heap of tears. I sank down to her and cuddled her close to my body, whispering soothing things to her. That everything will be all right. That he was just bluffing and after that threat he wouldn't come back. Every part of me wanted to know that what I was saying was the truth, that everything really will be all right. But I don't want to find out...
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Ok so thank you for all the people who read this and I will have a goal to update often but with school and family and friends... Anyway, I think this chapter turned out ok and any and all feedback would boost my confidence for this story thanx! :)