You Don't Know You're Beautiful

Oh how i love tweeter

"ALLY HURRY UP WE GOTTA POST OUR NEW SONG" Lia yelled from our living room
"I'm coming hold on" I yelled back running down our stair's and sitting down on the couch
"Ok let’s do this" I said pulling up our Youtube channel
"Heyy guys what's up? It's Ally, Lia back with your new song of the month"
"This week our song it gonna be Lullaby by Nickelback" Lia said starting this music
"Well, I know the feeling
Of finding yourself stuck out on the ledge
And there ain't no healing
From cutting yourself with the jagged edge
I'm telling you that, it's never that bad
Take it from someone who's been where you're at
Laid out on the floor
And you're not sure you can take this anymore"
I sang

"So just give it one more try to a lullaby
And turn this up on the radio
If you can hear me now
I'm reaching out
To let you know that you're not alone
And if you can't tell, I'm scared as hell
'Cause I can't get you on the telephone
So just close your eyes
Oh, honey here comes a lullaby
Your very own lullaby"
We sang together

"Please let me take you
Out of the darkness and into the light
'Cause I have faith in you
That you're gonna make it through another night
Stop thinking about the easy way out
There's no need to go and blow the candle out
Because you're not done
You're far too young
And the best is yet to come"
Lia sang

"So just give it one more try to a lullaby
And turn this up on the radio
If you can hear me now
I'm reaching out
To let you know that you're not alone
And if you can't tell, I'm scared as hell
'Cause I can't get you on the telephone
So just close your eyes
Oh, honey here comes a lullaby
Your very own lullaby"
We sang

"Well, everybody's hit the bottom
Everybody's been forgotten
When everybody's tired of being alone
Yeah, everybody's been abandoned
And left a little empty handed
So if you're out there barely hanging on.."
Lia sang

"Just give it one more try to a lullaby
And turn this up on the radio
If you can hear me now
I'm reaching out
To let you know that you're not alone
And if you can't tell, I'm scared as hell
'Cause I can't get you on the telephone
So just close your eyes
Oh, honey here comes a lullaby
Your very own lullaby
Oh, honey here comes a lullaby
Your very own lullaby"
We finished
"Well I hope you guys like the song of the week, If so hit us up on Twitter @Ally_Connery, @Lia_cel Bătrân leave us your comments below and once again thanks for watching" I said as and Lia waved bye to the Webcam I posted the song on our Youtube and Twitter and got up to get something to drink when I heard Lia start yelled for me I rushed back into the living room, we had a hundred of hit in three min saying how good we was and that they couldn't wait till next weekend and some song they asked if we could sing for them, Lia just smiled at me as she checked out Twitter and we had loads of Tweet's but one stuck out to me
"Lia click that one"
Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson
Just listened to three awesome girls sing check them out @Ally_Connery & @Lia_ cel Bătrân.
"Oh my god Ally that’s Louis Tomlinson from One Direction we have to retweet him" Lia said smacking me on the arm
"Ok! Ok! Move and I will godd" I said pushing her out of the way
Alesana Connery @Ally_Connery
Thanks mate. :)
Glad you liked it. @Louis_Tomlison
"That’s all you’re going to say? OH MY GOD ALLY ARE YOU CRAZY!" She yelled in my ear
"No, But I’m starting to think you are" I said checking the rest of my Tweet when he wrote back
Louis Tomlison @Louis_Tomlison
Your welcome luv. :)
Can't wait till next week end to hear more of your beautiful voice.
P.s. Niall said Go Ireland! lol @Ally_Connery

Alesana Connery @Ally_Connery
We already have are song picked out and tell Nialler Lia and I said Go Mullingar! @Louis Tomlison
"Lia! Niall's said go Ireland so I told Louis to tell him go Mullingar” I yelled at from the living room
"AWESOME!" She yelled back
"Lia you have a Tweet to" I said elbowing her
Niall Horan @NiallOfficial
Are one you guys from Mullingar? @Ally_Connery & @Lia_cel Bătrân

Alesana Connery @Ally_Connery
Lia has family from Mullingar, I'm from Marylebone, London, But Lia’s from Romania @NiallOfficial

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial
@Lia_ cel Bătrân heyy I might know some of your family

Aurelia cel Bătrân @Lia_ cel Bătrân
I think you went to school with my some of my cousins but I’m not sure I’d have to ask them next time I see them @NiallOfficial

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial
Oh that’s cool, Message me and we can talk more and Zayn said Vas' Happenin’ @Lia_ cel Bătrân

Aurelia cel Bătrân @Lia_ cel Bătrân
Mkayy and tell him sup @NiallOfficial

"Lia, Niall tweeted you again" Lia looked at the computer
"I'll check it on my phone you can have your computer back" Lia said getting and walking upstairs to get her phone
"Heyy Ally! You have another tweet from Louis!" Lia yelled walking back down stairs
"Ok I’ll be there in a minute” I said walking back into the living room and sitting down opening my lap top as Lia pulled out her phone's

Louis Tomlison @Louis_Tomlison
Heyy Marylebone ant that far from here, We should hang out sometime message me your number @Ally_Connery

Alesana Connery @Ally_Connery
That would be cool and sure @Louis_Tomlison

I opened up a private message and sent Louis my number I looked over at Lia who was still Tweeting
"Lia who you Tweeting?" I asked as I waited for Louis to text me
"Niall "She said tweeting away, I signed off Twitter and sat back on the couch and started watching some TV when my phone went off
"Who's that?" Lia asked looking up for a second
"Louis, He wants to hang out sometime” I said picking up my phone
“Oh-l fată” She said in her language
“What?” I asked looking her even after all this time I still have trouble understanding some of language like she dose mine
Heyy its Louis. :)

To: Louis
Heyy what’s up?

From: Louis
Nm u?

To: Louis
Nothing much sitting here with Lia

From: Louis
That’s cool but hey will be in London in four day you wanna hang out?

To: Louis
Sure I'm two min from there where do you wanna meet?

From: Louis
Brown's Hotel that’s where were staying

To: Louis
Mkay, just text me when you have free time Friday me and Lia are going to see my grandfather tomorrow and stay for a couple of days or so before he starts he's new movie in American

From: Louis
Who's your grandfather?

To: Louis
Sean Connery.

From: Louis
Really? I love his movies.

I walked up stair and went into my bedroom and picked up my phone and signed into my Twitter account and there was Niall's post I walked back down stairs to where Ally was sitting in the couch
Niall Horan @NiallOfficial
your voice is beautiful Lia. @Lia_ cel Bătrân

Aurelia cel Bătrân @Lia_ cel Bătrân
Thanks Niall. :) @NiallOfficial

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial
Your welcome. :) @Lia_ cel Bătrân

Aurelia cel Bătrân @Lia_ cel Bătrân
you’re not so bad yourself there iubire. :) @NiallOfficial

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial
Not so bad? That hurts luv and iubire? I don’t know what that is. lol @Lia_ cel Bătrân

Aurelia cel Bătrân @Lia_ cel Bătrân
Ok I love you voice <3 and it's love in Romanian @NiallOfficial

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial
I’m glad you like it and oh ok @Lia_ cel Bătrân
Aurelia cel Bătrân @Lia_ cel Bătrân
But its late and I’m tired I think I’m gonna hit the hay @NiallOfficial

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial
@Lia_ cel Bătrân Hey send me your number, uh if you want to that is.

Aurelia cel Bătrân @Lia_ cel Bătrân
Mkay. :)
I opened a new message and sent him my number, I locked my phone and walked into my bathroom took me a shower then laid down in my bed I was almost to sleep when my phone went off I rolled over and grab my phone
You awake?- Niall

To: Nialler :)

From: Nialler :)
I’m sorry luv

To: Nialler :)
its ok Nialler. :)

From: Nialler :)
What song are you guys singing next weekend?

To: Nialler :)
I don’t know we haven’t talked about it yet

From: Nialler :)
you should do one of our songs

To: Nialler :)
I’ll to talk to ally about it

From: Nialler :)
Okay but I know it late and I’ll let you go back to bed, text me in the morning :)

To: Nialler :)
I have to get up a five :)

From: Nialler :)
why so early?

To: Nialler :)
I’m going with Ally go see her some of her family.

From: Nialler :)
Oh ok well I’ll let you go to sleep

To: Nialler :)
Okay :)
Goodnight Nialler

From: Nialler :)
lol good night Ellie. :)