Status: Mibba's Halloween Contest Entry

The Forest


The forest loomed overhead, the sun's rays barely penetrating the dense canopy sending cold chills up her spine. She has been into dark forests before, but this forest gave a different vibe; even the slight breeze from within the forest felt creepy, as if it were someone's breath against her skin. Her eyes scanned the scenery, looking for any signs of life but there was not any. Her eyes landed on a black figure, its appearance was similar to a person's silhouette casted on the ground by the sun's rays. The figure did not move, it held completely still like a deer caught in a pair of headlights.

"Aaleyah, come play with me." A disembodied voice whispered from behind her, sending chills up her spine. Quickly she turned around only to see no one behind her. She turned to face the figure again, but it was gone.

Terrified, she turned around and headed home. The twilight sky broke above making the forest floor hard to see, the path she took had disappeared among the overgrowth. Aaleyah's heart started to race as her stomach turned into a cold knot; she was no longer alone within the forest, but accompanied by something. Her heart raced again, the hair on the back of her neck rose as her palms began to sweat. Yet, the fear inside her made it impossible for her to run away, to escape the eeriness the forest gave off.

"Come play with me," whispered the same disembodied voice from before.

"N-no, I have to get home—I-I want to go home,"

"Play with me!" the voiced screeched, sounding demonic and animal like.

Panicked, she ran away from the voice, but it felt as if someone was following her at every turn she took. The voice screamed and growled again in the same way—demonic and angry; this was not a human spirit's voice, it was not even human. The figured appeared in front of her again, stopping Aaleyah in her tracks, but she turned around and ran the opposite direction. She looked behind her, but the figure was gone. Her eyes turned to face the direction she ran eyeing the black figure again standing before her in utter stillness with its arm outstretched before her.

"Come play with me Aaleyah." It growled in the same demonic way from earlier, her feet skidded to a stop making her fall on the forest's undergrowth. Aaleyah screamed as the figure's outstretched hand neared her face, engulfing her in silent utter blackness.

She never returned home that day and her body was never to be found amongst the forest's overgrowth again. The forest had engulfed her, only her screams still echo among the darkness as the black figure continues to lurk among it, awaiting its next victim.