Letters to Rae

10th December


Rae Hudson
United states of America
Missouri St. Louis 63005
111 north 17th street

Hello, Rae!

Kevin passed your address, It's kind of funny how you moved to a city with her name, Missouri. Well we all know she hasn't been around for awhile so why move there? Anyway we miss you here down at the pub even Gabriel, he makes this wincing face when someone mentions you. I do too, we genuinely miss you.

What we did, that night a few years ago, do you remember? The cold, and the icy in all of our voices, and how it looked like we were smoking when we blew a piece of air out in the open, remember how we had to drag Gabriel to his house because we successively managed to get him too drunk for his own good. He thought his hands were heads and he thought his head was a hand, he murmured sweet nothings when we cast him down on his bed.

Remember, this once? How he looked like a dead freezing corpse with a functioning mind.

I do, I remember this night, I bet and I know you do too. How can we forget? You could have cut all the tension in the air with my fathers old chain saw, and I joked but you would not stop fussing about it.

When I got home that night Hey you by pink floyd was playing and I striped off all of my drowning wet clothes.

What happened to you? Next thing I know you moved to USA, and what eleven months later you say hi to Kevin, you didn't even like him for gods sake.

The police came around and asked about you the other day, your parents thinks you got kidnapped sometimes I think that would be better if you would, but you know one day I will find you.

I bet you remember her, how she was glowing stealing an already stolen light from the moon and how she begged in that alley, screamed, pleaded, not in that other way I know you wanted to make her, but she was there.

The blood on your hands transformed into an unholy pink on the white soap, and the bathtub was filled with red colored water, this is the moment when I drag her into the room with a brown dusty sack smelling in this musty stank.

It's round two now you tell me, and I was so excited, so we dragged her onto the carpet and she was looking right into your eyes, such as a haunted animal seeing the hunter raise a gun and she just glared at you with her brown now empty eyes, those eyes. Those eyes were like Christmas and the smell, the laughter and it was like gingerbread.

You couldn't deny those lips a last kiss, you gently touched her mouth with yours, her blood reflected on your chin and neck, even on your hard bitten lips.

So her soft lips with that beautiful wound opened up for you, because she loved you.

The revolver she put against her heart and there broken and bleeding, quietly pleading she asked you if you could kill her, she gripped onto your sweat shirt and asked you to kill her, she looked into your green shining eyes, kill me she said.

You wouldn't kill her, but you took off your coat and put it on the shoulder then we sliced her up and pretended that the moment never happened, because you can't love this girl, you weren't supposed to love that girl.

We killed her on the bed, you didn't notice you were too busy hitting her with a hammer on her leg, but I did, I saw when the lights got out. Afterwards you pushed forward and I can see it beneath my eyelids how you ruffled her dark brownish hair.

Though, you cried when you kissed her freckles.

I went to her funeral, they cremated her and I must admit there was something terrifying about they not being able to show her body because of the things we did, you should have been there. We promised each other, you promised me!

Gravity is still on my side, I still got two feet on the ground but I do regret her, I don't care about Alex, Mathias Hendricks or them, but she, she really didn't deserve this.

Memories never fail me.

''You don't get it, we need to, we can't trust her god, Felix you are so stupid, she will expose us in a heartbeat!'' you said, I remember, I fully and truly do.

I'm pretty sure though Rae, because we murdered David with her and Francis, she didn't hold the knife, didn't pull the trigger, she never said a word. We both knew that she was screaming on the ceiling of her mind, Missouri.

Go on with the hiding part, I will find you I already did. You are where ever she is, If you see her in the sea you will jump into the water and take it into your lungs, drown in it. The time when you recognize her in a little fluffy kitten, you will buy that kitten and take such good care of it and pet it with your hands, but I know that you have killed with those hands so maybe the kitten will too.

Didn't you strangle that poor catholic high school boy after book club, when we went there.

The big murder, the first time. Lie to me all you want he took your virginity so you decided you regretted it and tried to erase it, he took your purity, you took his life.

I know all about you, Rae, and I will find you just wait.

Good bye!

Jared Felix Smith
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So first this was going to be cute love letters, now they both are murders. I'm sorry for the typos and other shitty stuff, I just suck badly.