Letters to Rae

24th January


Rae Hudson
United states of America
Missouri St. Louis 63005
111 north 17th street

Hi again, Rae!

Foolish decision to stay at this destination, but I know why you can't leave. You can't leave her like you did that night, you can't leave Missouri again as the bleeding beating wound she was, pumping out her soul, I guess I should have traveled to you directly, I just don't role that way.

Gabriel is waiting for you, he is a ticking clock. Thinking you will get back here any moment, some of us knows you won't.

What is new? Well I've been busy slicing and tearing up cops since new years eve, got some good catches on my back. Shot the sheriff, and I shout Paul, I killed Amy and murdered Mister Kenny.

Remember, Helen? Your little sister, she joined the race and cut out poor Elias tongue, Elias was such a good boy, should have seen him at first he looked like he was enjoying getting a little cut and that his league would come and save his cute little ass.

As you can guess they didn't, stood outside screaming to us to abounded the building.

Must admit, they almost took me, they actually took Helen if you want the truth she was the bait for the cops, I wanted her dead for a long, long year. Her blond tangled hair makes me remember you and I did not like that.

The rules, you don't kill another killer. So I didn't kill her, the cops did.

Something is terrible wrong with this town, don't you think. Kids kill, cops kill, we kill or you get killed. When did we fuck up so bad on making people don't fuck up badly.

Perhaps, I will break this rule one day, the day when I come to you. At that time, you will have settled down, got some kids and you maybe even have stopped thinking that I have forgotten all about you and trying to get yourself calm at lonely nights, I won't just shoot you in the head either, I'll take my time to get you to look like a really ugly corpse and then dump it on the living room carpet.

Don't you worry, the kids will be taken away so only your husband will find you there dead. I may be an guy going straight down to hell, but I never have and never will traumatize a single child.

Wife perhaps, perhaps you will have a wife and I will kill her in front of your eyes dressed in Missouris old clothes, picked them out from her closet yesterday. Was playing nice boy who was friend with their daughter and helped her parents get her clothes out and get the clothes to them, they donated them to second hand.

I bought them, all of them, even that green dress you loved watching her wear so much.

I'm not forgetting you know, how you were hopelessly in love with her, even when you couldn't be. I saw you kiss in an alley, I saw you kiss at the cinema and I watched you zip up that dress and kiss upwards her spine.

For gods sake, why did we kill Missouri?

Rae, you owe me an answer, just a little lazy reply of this.

Back to the case, you will run and hide across this world, I will find you and dress your wife or husband in her dark green dress then I will put him or her in front of you and beat him to the edge of death, then I will pick up your revolver that hides inside your leather jacket and put it in your hand, will you kill your wife like you killed Missouri? Could you kill your husband?


Jared Felix Smith
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Sorry for typos like always, sorry for bad writing and other shitty things, don't be a quiet reader if it sucks tell me so I can like grow as the bad writer I am. I SUCKSKDKFSEKFJSKALMFDADFM. ._.