There's Faith in Love

Chapter 1

"Kel!" I heard as I was slipping on my skinny jeans.

"What Jesse?" I shouted back in reply. He walked in my room and looked me up and down.

"Hurry up. We only have ten more minutes before we have to leave and you're just getting out of the shower, come on, man. Let's go."

I sighed and threw a beanie over my wet hair. I hadn't really cared about my appearance lately. Katelynne had left me and took everything with her.

"I'm ready.. Let's go." I mumbled as I walked out of Jesse's apartment.

"I'm gunna find you a girl tonight, Kel, you're gunna have fun. I promise you."

He keeps saying that, every time we go out. It's been three months of this. I just want one weekend at home to myself.

I stared out the window until we got to the house. You could hear the music from the street. People were already passed out in the yard and it was only 9:00.

Lightweights. I wasn't much of a drinker. I don't like the thought of passing out and being helpless at a strangers house in their yard.

"Come on, let's go in." said Jesse.

I sighed and got out of the car, walking slowly up to the front porch. I wasn't even sure who had owned this house.

As I walked into the house there were tons of people dancing and drinking. Girls in their short tight dresses and the guys in their street clothes. I had never understood why women dress up for parties like this, There was really no point. It had just seemed like a waste of time.

"Hey man! What's up?" I looked to my left and saw my buddy Vic. We had known each other for a little while now. Our fans had pushed us together and we had clicked from day one.

We did the whole 'bro handshake' and he hugged me for what seemed longer than normal. It felt good to be back in his arms again.

Wait.. That sounded.. a bit.. gay? I don't know, maybe I had just missed him. We hadn't hung out in a long time.

He finally released me, "Not much, How've you been man?"

He nodded quickly, "I'm doing great. Do you want a drink?"

"No thanks, I'm not much of a drinker."

He had just nodded, realizing he had forgotten. "You wanna go sit out back?" He asked I subtly nodded and began to follow him to the back yard. While we were walking I noticed that Vic had a really nice ass.

Where are all of these thoughts coming from? What is my problem tonight? I like girls. I don't like Vic. He's like my best friend. Stop it Kellin. Get this out of your head.

As I walked out onto the patio the cool air hit me in the face. I hadn't realized how cold it was until now. I shivered a bit and zipped up my hoodie.

"So, have you talked to Katelynne?" I hated being asked this question and I should have seen it coming. It was asked almost everyday now. I dreaded every moment that she was forced back into my head.

"No..." I mumbled. He gave me a sad smile and took my hand in his. I felt my heart beat increase speed. Really though, what am I doing?

"I'm sorry, She didn't deserve you anyway." I just nodded. I didn't want to ruin this moment. I liked the feeling of his callused fingers on the back of my hand all too much. "You need someone who really cares about."

"Like who Vic, Nobody gives a shit about me. Absolutely no one. I'm so tired of it. I just want to give up on this whole 'relationship' thing."

"Come on Kel, don't say that. You'll find the right person one day. I swear. They could be closer than you think."

"Yeah, I doubt that, why would anyone want anything to do with me?"

"Kellin, stop acting like this, you're a great guy. You're talented, funny, you have a nice face.." He chuckled.

"Sure," I laughed. "You sound like a fan girl now," I laughed with him.

"But really Kellin, a lot of people like you. You just need to realize that they're there. Stop thinking about Katelynne. She was just in this for the money. Now that you're not raking in the bucks she moved on. Just look around."

"No one wants me. I'm sure of it," I said, starting to raise my voice.

"Kellin. Fucking stop. Look at me."

What, don't tell me you care about me, you're my friend. You kinda have too," I scoffed.

"No, Kellin. You're stuck in this thick head of yours and you fucking realize what I'm trying to tell you."

"Tell me Vic, what are you trying to tell me?" I shouted at him.

He grabbed my head in his hands. "I love you, Kellin. I fucking love you," he shouted.

"You love me?" he nodded. "Of course you want nothing to do with anyone but Katelynne though, you're so far stuck up her ass. You don't even reali-" I pressed my lips to his and pulled away to look into his eyes.

"I love you too, Victor," He looked stunned and then a huge smile came across his face. "Really?"
I nodded and pressed my lips to his again softly. I could feel him smiling the whole time.

Later on that night me and Vic had decided to be together. He had come home with me and we spent the night laying in my bed cuddling and talking about how long he had feelings for me and how great that kiss was.