Learning Love

meeting again

it was the next day. we were done moving into the house. I was happy. now I was free. I decited to go for a walk around the city. my sister had already left to the beach. I walked down random streats and then I saw her again.
"Hi Sami" I smiled as she looked up at me.
"oh hey Ilka" she smiled. then she looked back down at something in her hands.
"what's that?" I asked.
"fish. Ella is coming to visit Jake so Jinxx and I invited all in the band and their lovers over for dinner tonight" she smiled
"cool" I smiled back.
"you can come and join if you want. everybody but CC has a lover so he's gonna be a little lonly, you could talk to him as he's not that lonly anymore?"
"that could be nice" I smiled "but I have to ask my parents if I may"
"just do" Sammi said and then she told me the adress and her phone number. "if I don't hear from you then I think you're coming. it's at 6 pm"
"okay" I smiled.
"well hope to see you"
"me too" then I ran home as fast as I could.

"MOM! DAD!" I ran into the house and yelled after my parents.
"yes Ilka?" my mom answered and came over to me.
"may I go out for dinner tonight?" I asked.
"where?" she looked confused at me.
"at someone I've met here" I answered.
"can you trust them?" she asked. with that she ment. 'they're not gonna do anything to you?'
"they won't do anything so yes I can trust them" I smiled.
"well okay then you may go" she sighed.
"YAY!!!" I jamp up and down and smiled. then I ran to my room to find the right cloth to wear tonight.
I couldn't believe it. I was invited at dinner home at Jinxx and Sammi with the rest of Black Veil Brides and that was just to talk to CC! oh my fuck! I couldn't fucking believe it.
I had to find the right cloth. I searched for awhile but finaly I ended up with a FIR shirt and a black skirt and I just did nothing to my hair. I put some eyeliner on and that was all I did. I looked at the time I had one hour left. I had to go now. I didn't know where it was I only had the adress and maybe it took awhile.
at 6 pm I saw the right house. I was so nervous... should I just call Sammi and say I couldn't be there? no that would be stupid when I were so close to something big and I couldn't let them down. especialy not CC when he was gonna be lonely.
I sighed, then I walked up to the door and knocked on it.
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I don't know. I think it's really short. so I have to say sorry for this.

well I hope you enjoy :)