Status: This is my first time right a zombie-based story so I hope you like it, it's still a working process and if you find any mistakes or anything. Please don't be afraid to let me know.

Resident Evil: Dead Awakening

Chapter 01 - Targets

“Ma’am, we’ve arrived.” I didn’t need to open my eyes to realise the air hostess was directing her attention at me, she knew I needed to be one of the first to leave due to the mission I had been sent and the way I would be leaving.
“All right, thank you. I’ll just be a second.” I clicked open my phone to see one new message from my sister; she’d arrived safely at her hotel with no troubles. Then again, she was always a safe and organised person.
Taking one look at the people around me, I began to wonder, what on earth brought them to this disastrous place, had they gotten stuck on the plane and desperately wanted to go back home, they didn’t stand a chance now. The fire was clear in the distance, lighting up most of my surroundings. The airport was currently a safe zone for anyone trying to escape the mass panic. I knew one person would look after me whilst I was in China. I only had a limited amount of time to find them.
I removed myself from my seat swiftly and began to pack up anything that looked survival worthy, only a few items made it into my side bag. I began to head to the back of the plane, waiting patiently was the air hostess who looked scared for herself and what was about to happen.
“You know your orders?” I nodded quickly, waiting what she was about to say.
“You only have a short amount of time as you know; now when I open this door you’ll have to beware of the tail of the plane, you don’t want to collide with it. You won’t survive that. Now are you ready?” I strapped up the last buckles of my parachute and began the painful moment of insecurities that were flooding my mind.
“Remember, you’re in then out. Don’t stick around any longer than you have to. B.O.W’s are popping up all over the place and are getting bigger. The zombies are showing signs of mutation as well. Good luck.” I smiled lightly at the hostess and then began the terrifying moment of decent.
She flung open the door with such force there was a fear inside my mind that she would go soaring out as well, thankfully she had thought farther ahead than I had and tied herself up securely.

The gush of air surrounded me instantly as I was thrown back too quickly from the door opening, which was now securely closed and allowed the plane to land safely. The air was slowly being knocked from my lungs reminding me of the height I was currently at, and was gradually falling down. The flames didn’t give off a very comforting sight but neither did the sounds of gushing wind and faint sounds of screams and cries from the unfortunate people in China who were meeting their bitter end.
With a light jump bounding me off the plane I managed to miss the tail with ease and then began the graceful fall towards earth which was nearing me every second, I took one small breath when I felt I was close enough and opened up my parachute in time. It gave me 5 minutes to get myself mentally prepared for the innocent people I was about to brutally murder.
I closed my eyes and allowed myself a moment to calm down, and once they opened again I knew I was ready. I had a mission to do and it had to be done as quickly as possible. Once I was on the ground not far from the airport I unclipped everything and removed my parachute with swift ease. I checked my handgun quickly making sure there was no chance of it jamming any time soon and then loaded it. It was time.

I have 2 minutes to check my surroundings finding nothing decent apart from an Assault Shotgun which would come in handy, as I stopped and clipped the Shotgun onto my back I removed my coat and organised myself. I was ready for this, well as ready as I would ever be. I could hear screams in the distance, too close for comfort.
I could hear my phone ringing so I clipped in my headset and clicked the answer button.
“I see you’ve made it, now do you know what you have to do?” I smiled; I knew she’d have eyes on me somewhere.
“Yes, I’m here and safe thanks for asking. Now brief me quickly, I want to make sure I’m 100% sure on what I have to do.” Her smile was clear even through the phone.
“You have an hour to find Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans; you have to meet up with them. Befriend them if you have to, I don’t care just get their attention. Then I’ll give you your next instructions.” I don’t know why this was my mission but it was clear that we needed them for something.
“All right, which direction are they in?” I glanced up from the ground to see two childlike zombies approaching me, their faces stained with dry blood. Their eyes were lost of any sign of normal life.
“Just head straight forward, get into the streets, they’ll find you more than anything I’m helping you there. Just stay alive.” Before I had a chance to respond she was gone.
“Typical.” I quickly aimed my handgun for the zombie’s foreheads and fired two quick shots, putting them out of their misery. I had to move on; I heard gun firing in the near distance. Maybe I’d be lucky and they’d find me a lot quicker than expected, I did need to move on after all.
Each street was smothered in newspapers, litter and bodies. Each one lifeless and in some cases limbless, and in some ways nothing remained but the hints of blood that once swam leisurely around their living bodies. For a moment I felt I’d be safe enough to lower my gun, a mistake I’ll never make again, I moved quickly out into the street, only to be surrounded by traffic, non-moving traffic. Empty cars lining any space that was available in the street, each car had its doors swung open and showed no sign of movement. Apart from a small gathering of zombie’s which were a few metres away, I could either risk moving past without attracting attention or just climb across the cars or use them as a safety barrier, either way I would have to be quick.
I chose the cars. I swung my legs up onto the bonnet of the closest one, only praying that they wouldn’t notice me just yet. But being the fool I was, my small heeled boots clinked against the metal of the car. The zombie’s took only moments to swing themselves around in my direction.
The sane part of my brain told me to run away, but I knew better than that. I had to keep moving forward, I took my chance and lunged myself across the rooftops of the cars moving swiftly and carefully making sure to check for any zombie’s hidden between the gaps of the cars, as I moved I noticed a small gathering beginning to follow.

The words now or never began to pop up constantly into my mind; if I didn’t remove this bunch of zombie’s now they would only continue to get bigger. I crept on top of a Land Rover and aimed swiftly firing in a smooth motion taking each one down as they crept nearer, each one was falling down. Until a young child crept forward, her face was gashed, her arms torn flesh from flesh and then I saw her eyes. Bloodlike tears had filled her eyes and for a moment I paused, what if there was a chance that she knew what I was about to do? Could I kill a child so young? I couldn’t do it.
I stared at her for a moment longer, and then realisation hit me a moment too late. I felt the tug at my ankles, but my reaction was too slow, I could feel myself falling towards the roof of the car head first, my ankles were being dragged out from under me.
“Fucking hell!” My head collided with the roof bracket on the car, hearing the crunch that came with it was enough to tell me I’d cut myself, and the faint smell of blood looming in the air. I prepared my gun and began firing at the hands that were clawing at my legs grasping what flesh they could get their hands on. I wasn’t strong enough; I could feel their hands grabbing at me pulling me closer to them.
“Shit, shit, shit.” I saw a couple hands tear away from the bullets that had pierced their skin. I knew I had to be quicker there was no chance escaping this otherwise. Then I heard the voice in my ear, she was speaking to me.
“Yell for help, now.” I listened and obeyed, knowing there was nothing else I could do, and in the moment I took a deep breath, I felt them tug harder I was falling towards the concrete.
“HELP!” my yells seemed muffled amongst the noise of the zombies who were craving the flesh that was lying almost helplessly before them.
“Come on, I heard someone.” Voices, did she know they were close? How could she? I began shooting somewhat impatiently at the zombies whose blood covered mouths were aiming for my neck; each bullet penetrated their brains quick enough. It was their bodies falling down on me that was beginning to wind me more, three crashed down against me trapping my arms in the process, I needed to escape.
I kicked carefully with my legs aiming for their heads or necks, anything to stop them from crawling in my direction. I began shoving with my arms the heavy zombies which were barely budging.
“Quick, Piers shoot them down I’ll head for the girl.” Girl? Who the hell does he think he’s talking about. Bullets began piercing the zombie’s temples bringing them down swiftly; his aim was almost too precise. I finally got a glimpse of the men that were coming my way, just before they were close enough I heard her whispering in my ear again.
“Hold yourself back, and remember don’t show any of your skills until later on. We want them thinking you’re a damsel in distress.” I could feel the smirk creeping on my face, disappear just as quickly.
“I’m over here, beneath the bodies.” I felt my chest weighing down as the zombie’s dead weight began to become almost crushingly heavy.
“Piers keep an eye out for any more.” I finally felt the relief of the zombies being removed and shoved off me, I sucked in a breath that was much needed and then glanced at the face I had to thank. His dark hair and stubble was an instant relief, he was built big. I’d be safe with him whilst I was completing my mission in China that was for sure.
His hand was held out to me to take; I grasped hold feeling his grip tighten only briefly as he got me to my feet. I wanted to smile but I knew better, emotions were a disaster in these missions.
“Thanks, I was worried no one was going to find me.” I allowed my eyes to wonder up and meet his, his stance was tall he must have been towering at 6ft 1. His uniform was the first thing to notice, he was a soldier of the BSAA and he had clearly been separated from his team and that’s when I caught sight of his team mate who was stood off to the side his gun rested carefully and aiming, prepared for any more zombie encounters.
“That’s okay, we was heading in this direction any way to check for our team.” I glanced back and took one more chance at gazing up at him, I was always met with a warm smile but it never touched his eyes.
“I don’t think they’re there, I came from that way and I honestly didn’t see any one. Do you have any other teams you can meet with?” his head fell as my words left my mouth, his lips tightened into a straight line.
“No, that was the last of them. Piers find out what’s happening at HQ and if they can give us an update of our mission,” Piers nodded briefly and began communicating with HQ.
I took the quiet moment to check my gun, and the ammo remaining. I was lucky; I only had one bullet left after the firing session. I quickly reloaded and then placed my gun back into my holster.
“So whose name should I use to thank you?” I could feel myself leaning towards him, his body heat attracting me in the bitter night air.
“Chris, Chris Redfield and whose name shall I use for saving you?” I saw his smile and could feel mine forming on my lips.
“It’s Kayla Morgan, thank you Chris for saving my life. I just got so distracted when a child stepped forward, I couldn’t shoot her.” I could hear the happiness evaporating from my words.
“It’s okay, we’ve all been there. I don’t know why someone chose to attack China but it’s spreading too quickly,” the solider in him was speaking out once more.
“I don’t understand it either, all I know is I have to get heading to town. I have to meet someone,” his eyes flickered back to me with a tinge of urgency present.
“You’re heading in there, are you crazy? You barely survived that small group of them and you think you’ll survive those hordes?” I nodded carefully knowing he was watching every movement.
“I do, I had an incident here yes. That won’t happen again, I’ll be fine.” I met his eyes one last time feeling a tug deep within my chest, a reminder that I needed to hurry.
“I’m coming with you; I’ve lost too many people today. I’m not losing another so early on,” I felt myself smiling at his smug expression, a part of me felt his enjoyment and determination. This mission might now be as difficult as I thought.
“Piers, forget whatever HQ said. We’re joining Kayla here into town.”
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Please give as much feedback as possible and let me know if you think there is anything that I should change. I am here for advice and to improve. Also let me know if there is any changes you think I should make to each chapter to improve the way it goes along.