Status: This is my first time right a zombie-based story so I hope you like it, it's still a working process and if you find any mistakes or anything. Please don't be afraid to let me know.

Resident Evil: Dead Awakening

Chapter 02 - Dictated Future

“Captain, we can’t just abort the mission.” Out of nowhere Piers finally cocked up the courage to confront Chris, I must admit I wouldn’t confront him in a hurry.
“Piers, we don’t have a choice. If someone needs our help then we need to assist. HQ will just have to understand.” His voice was stern just as his eyes were which were bearing down on Piers.
“But Captain,” Piers voice was almost a whisper.
“No buts, we are doing this if you like it or not. If not I’ll go alone I don’t care,” I could see Chris leaning towards me in an almost protective stance. The warmth that was smothering my heart was a comfort in such a dark situation; I didn’t mean to cause trouble. They didn’t need to help me, I’d be fine by myself but she insisted that I befriend Chris.
“Come on then, you two can stop arguing like little school girls. I have a time limit for this I hope you know,” my voice sounded weak in comparison to theirs.
“All right, where do you need to go to?” I glanced forward at the roads that lead into central China, and before I could answer she gave me my orders.
“You need to get near the evacuation point, that’s where you’ll find him.” For a moment I was stunned, was she listening in on our conversation?
“I have to head to the evacuation point; I have to meet someone there. ASAP so come on,” I took my first few brave steps along the road, praying we could walk a fair distance before being swamped with more zombies.
“Okay let’s go then, do you have enough ammo?” I nodded quickly towards Chris, he stayed a pace away from me making sure I knew he was near enough to save me if need be. As we travelled along Piers was the first to get out in front, his rifle was held firmly in his grip, his eyes glaring down the thermal scope. He kept a few paces ahead preparing us for any signs of zombies.
“What made you become a BSAA soldier?” I felt the need to talk; this wasn’t a situation to be dead quiet.
“It’s far too long a story to explain now, but I’m doing it for a good cause. Plus I get a nice pay check at the end of it,” I could hear him snigger to himself; he didn’t care for the money that was obvious.
“I can imagine you’re risking your lives every day. You should be getting paid more than what you are now that is for sure,” I kept my gun firmly in my grip as we travelled further down the abandoned road, hearing nothing but faint shots and screams in the distance, a sound that was all too well known to our ears.
“How long do you think it’ll be until we meet up with those things?” the fowl taste in my mouth wrapped itself around my words.
“I can’t imagine it’s not too long, the closer to town we get the worse it’ll be. We have a few minutes thankfully.” The difference between Piers and Chris was remarkable, what was so special about Chris that ‘she’ wanted him for?
“Good, I don’t know if my ammo will last me the whole way through town.” I took a quick glance to the side and caught Chris’s eyes furiously checking me over, if he was uncomfortable with me he didn’t make it obvious.
For a moment everything seemed calm, we’d be fine that was sure. Until Piers picked up the pace and began doing a light jog forward his eyes glued to the scope on his rifle, then he sucked in a breath that almost seemed never ending.
“What’s he...” I could barely finish before I had a hand held tightly around my mouth blocking any sound from escaping, and a solid figure trapping me. Chris wrapped his arms around me and began dragging me sideways.
I could hear my muffled cries attempt to push through his hand, to make any sound of panic. My hands began tearing at his, I could feel the power in my struggle lacking, ‘she’ told me to hold back. My instincts wanted to fight back until I felt his lips near my ear, his breath was warm and then he spoke.
“Calm down, Piers is tracking a couple zombies. He’s going to take them out before we catch up.” For a moment I still wanted to scream in some hope he was lying to trap me further.
My hands pulled at his one last time, this time I summoned a strength I forgot I had. I could feel him trying to fight back, but I was having none of it. I yanked his hand away and turned around to face him, I could feel the smirk playing on my lips and his eyes flickered at me with a hint of shock present.
I closed my eyes only for a second and when I opened them I dropped to the ground and swung my leg out catching Chris off guard sending him crashing down to the ground, I could hear the wind getting knocked out of his lungs and I took my chance. I saddled him as quickly as possible trapping one arm beneath my leg whilst the other I forced behind his back. His breath was getting caught in his throat he was struggling to grasp hold of any air.
I leaned forwards holding him done with what strength I had, and kept the smirk firmly on my face.
“Don’t ever do that again.” My words were firm and his eyes were fixed, he wasn’t saying a word, I don’t know if it was due to his pride being wounded or if he was just in shock but no matter what, I had made my point.
I felt myself warming up from the inside out, Chris’s eyes were burning into mine his lips held tightly together but he wasn’t struggling any more. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking all I knew was it was serious.
I stood up quickly grasping tightly hold of my gun once more and began catching up with Piers who was currently sniping out two zombies that were just over 10 metres away.
“Your aims a little too good should I be worried?” he slid off the bonnet of the car and placed himself carefully in front of me.
“I don’t think so, as long as you stay on my good side.” I couldn’t help but smile back at him, his smile was infectious and then finally Chris caught up his eyes never catching mine. Was he really that bothered by my actions?
“Let’s keep moving, we don’t want any more incidents today,” his voice was almost too deep, his presence and his appearance were boggling me. I so badly wanted to know what he was thinking about for him to be so quiet.
“Captain, are you okay?” Piers caught up slightly with Chris who had stormed off a few paces ahead, his eyes never looking any other direction than forward.
“I’m fine. Now keep an out for any more zombies.” He instructed clearly and emotionlessly, how could anyone work under someone so cold?

It took us merely minutes to get to our destination, the town was swarming with zombies and the living escaping for their lives, each one more terrified than the next. They never stopped but their screams were clear as they ran past, the odd one lying down grasping at a wound they had recently got.
“I didn’t think it would be this bad…” I felt as frail as my voice sounded, each word getting caught up in my throat, and I knew that soon I would be leaving the safety of Chris and Piers to head out of my own.
“Didn’t you expect this?” hearing Chris talk directly to me after the short silence was unnerving.
“No, I wasn’t warned. Shit.” I could feel myself freezing in the moment, only to see a couple zombies steering off in our direction. Before they even had a chance of getting any closer Piers had shot them down, each one falling swiftly towards the concrete.
“I need to go,” I began walking off towards the car filled streets that were echoing with screams of death and horror, each step felt more daunting than the last. This is what ‘she’ wanted me to do, enter this hell hole of a world, by myself? These soldiers wouldn’t be with me much longer they couldn’t, they had their own mission to complete.
“You can’t do this alone.” Why is he being so cold?
“Well I don’t have a choice; you’re not the only one who has a mission to complete here.”
“We’ll come with you…” his abrupt ending caused me to turn around and glance at them both of them had their hands pressed firmly against their headsets, each one focusing on the words that were being spoken into their ears.
“Shit, how did she get there so quickly?” Piers stomped against the ground his anger finding any way out, whilst Chris glanced at me a little too intensely it was disturbing.
“We have to go, Ada Wong, the one who caused all this has managed to make a slip from some other agents we have to help. Hurry to whoever you have to meet and get the hell out of here.” As he spoke he moved closer to me his eyes furious with rage and passion, his job clearly meant everything to him.
“I’ll be fine, you know I’m tougher than I look.” I could feel the passion burning deep within me; his presence was too much for me to bear.
“Fine, be careful Kayla.”
“You to, be safe Piers.” His brief nod was enough reassurance I needed.

* * * *

“How far are you to your destination?” her seductive voice filled my ears once more; I felt the chills run down my spine. She had such control of my life, and I never felt the need to question it.
“Not far, do you mind telling me why Chris and Piers are running after you?” the venom was fresh on my tongue as I spoke, knowing full well she wouldn’t give me the answer I so badly desired.
“It’s just business that hasn’t gone down quite the way I planned, people never handle well in these situations.” Bitter and cold, that’s all she was. A shell of who she once was.
“Don’t hurt them Ada, I swear.” I clicked the button on the side of my headset causing her voice to fade away into nothing but a mere memory.
My knuckles were beginning to whiten with the grip I held on my gun, barely able to pull the trigger due to sheer fright of the situation I was in. My surrounding was nothing but a flame soaked night sky and an eerie silence that filled the streets along with the sound of the screams. Zombie after zombie followed short of me, each ones snarl and grunt was a signal of what they so badly craved. I took my chance with a swift movement I threw myself onto the closest car bonnet refusing to make the same mistake I made last time, I forced myself to run from roof to roof each jump yanking at any energy I had remaining. The strain of the sudden exercise pulling at my muscles, I threw myself forward with such force I felt myself shake when landing unsure if I would be able to keep what little balance I had.
With the little chances I had I aimed clearly for the head of each zombie that was nearing me, my finger firmly on the trigger ready to pull whenever they got too close for comfort.
I continued to throw myself forward until I ran out of cars close enough, I knew I had to keep moving once my feet touched the ground I began the run for the evacuation point which was merely three streets away. The screams were slowing down and there wasn’t as many zombies surrounding the area.
I felt somewhat safe when I approached the gate until I got a look at the people trying to get in, each person already a zombie. Their hands thrusting after the soldiers that were merely metres behind the gates, with my gun in hand I felt the need to fire.
Shooting them down one by the one, the sudden urgency of the sound attracted their attention but only enough for the soldiers to fire a few bullets to clear the remaining few. As their blood soaked corpses fell to the floor I found my chance for safety.
“Ma’am, have you been bitten?” hearing the urgency in the soldiers voice brought a brief memory of Chris back, and it was gone just as quickly.
“No, please let me in. I have to meet someone.” He flicked open the small gate for the healthy living and once I was inside the reassurance of safety overwhelmed me; I took a chance and placed my gun back in my holster. I stood helplessly; I didn’t know where I needed to go now.
“Don’t worry your safe now. Head for the bridge by the docks, you’ll find him there and quickly. He’s moving fast.”
The bitter sweet feeling overwhelmed me when I heard her voice sounding through my headset once more.
“Fine, but don’t think I’m doing this again anytime soon.” I began the quick job towards the bridge, not knowing who I was looking for until I saw only two figures standing alone on the bridge, their fingers held to their headsets.
Finally the man turned around, once I caught a glimpse of him I began to piece together exactly what Ada was doing.

Leon S Kennedy lifted his eyes towards me and stopped when he locked with mine.