Status: One-shot.


The One and Only

Inevitably, life always leads to a crossroads.

Of course, I’d been brought to many.

In fact, I was brought to one the day I met you and you were brought to one the day you met me.

Do you remember?

You and I. We stood there and watched each other, eyes big - wide and brimming with curiosity. We analyzed each other based on movements and appearances, judging whether we would like the other or not.

To like or dislike?

Wasn’t that the big question?

Liking would mean getting to know you, playing with you, talking to you. Liking would mean being friends.

Disliking would mean being enemies.

But from the moment I laid eyes on you, I already had my answer.

I could only hope yours was the same.

An outstretched hand later and I know it is.

* * *

Inevitably, life always leads to a crossroads.

Of course, I’d been brought to many.

In fact, I was brought to one the day I fought with you and you were brought to one the day you fought with me.

Do you remember?

You and I. We stood there and watched each other, eyes questioning – confused and brimming with uncertainty. We analyzed each other based on experiences and emotions, judging whether the other would like to try again or not.

To try again or give up?

Wasn’t that the big question?

Trying again would mean forgiving you, giving things another chance, restarting everything with you. Trying again would mean keeping you.

Giving up would mean losing you forever.

But from the moment I laid eyes on you, I already had my answer.

I could only hope yours was the same.

An outstretched hand later and I know it is.

* * *

Inevitably, life always leads to a crossroads.

Of course, I’d been brought to many.

In fact, I was brought to one the day I'd grown up and you were brought to one the day you'd grown up.

Do you remember?

You and I. We stood there and watched each other, eyes dry – tired and brimming with anxiety. We analyzed each other based on reasons and motivations, judging whether the other would stay or not.

To stay or leave?

Wasn’t that the big question?

Staying would mean living the rest of your life seeing the same faces, listening to the same voices, following the same rules. Staying would mean being trapped.

Leaving would mean being free.

But from the moment I laid eyes on you, I already had my answer.

I could only hope yours was the same.

An outstretched hand later and I know it is.

* * *

Inevitably, life always leads to a crossroads.

Of course, I’d been brought to many.

In fact, I am brought to one every time I think of you and I hope you are brought to one every time you think of me.

Do you remember?

You and I. We stood here and watched each other time and time again, eyes big, questioning and tired – brimming with a variety of emotions ranging from curiosity to uncertainty to anxiety. We analyzed each other time and time again based on movements and appearances, experiences and emotions, reasons and motivation, judging whether the other would be likable or not, whether the other would like to try again or not, whether the other would like to stay or not.

To remember or forget?

Wasn’t that the big question?

Remembering would mean opening up old wounds, feeling old feelings, reliving painful memories. Remembering would mean holding on.

Forgetting would mean letting go.

But from the moment I laid eyes on you, I already had my answer.

I could only hope yours would be the same.

So here I am.

Waiting at the crossroads where we’d first crossed paths.

At the crossroads where we’d realized our paths no longer coincided.

And I hope to see an outstretched hand that would let me know it is.