Status: Yo. Whats up ma hommies... The sky :3

It all started with the Handcuffs.. well


Eleanor P.O.V.

“Come on Eleanor. It was your gift and you are my best friend! PLEASE, I’m begging here. It’s my birthday for fucks sake, please…”
Sarah looked at me with all the cuteness and sadness; I guess she could possibly put into her puppy dog eyes.
“No, that’s final. I got you those tickets because I know how much you bloody love You Me ate Six, even though I have no damn clue why the hell you like Josh or could be obsessed over him. I mean even his hair is retarded.”
Seriously what does she see in him?!? Why can’t she listen to proper singers and bands like Black Veil Brides or My Chemical Romance?
Sarah put on her thinking face that means I’m doomed, and looked around her light blue room, which smelled of cupcakes with vanilla icing, it matched her personality. Light, happy and a complete contrast to me, I am sarcastic, passionate and stubborn. Oh and I want what I can’t have and when I have it I lose interest.
“Then will you come over the day before, sleep over and wave me off?” she asked thoughtfully.
I know she’s easy going but really she was quick at giving up even for her standards, I wondered what was going on in her head but I gave up. Our minds are wired completely differently. She has brown hair in a bob, pixie face and green eyes. I have blonde hair, squarish face and weird blue eyes with black-rimmed irises. She likes Josh F, Fall Out Boy and err stuff, Oh and she’s short. Well, yer short. I like BVB, Asking Alexandria, The Used and Misfits. I’m quite tall, about 5 ft 8 ”. We’re the perfect pair.. naturally.
So because I knew how much she loves You Me at Six I decided to buy her two concert tickets for their up coming concert, what I wasn’t planning was her wanting me to come with her. I thought she would take Jess or someone who is also obsessed with YMA6
“You know what, I’ll sleep over, just for you. And err who’s going to the concert with you then?” To be fair I’m a tad suspicious, but there you have it.
“I’m sure Jess will come, even if it is a bit last .”
“Lets rock out to some Avenged Sevenfold then, so your mind isn’t too mushy when you go and listen to some soppy love songs!” … And this will also blast every ones ear sockets who happens to be anywhere near this house… Mwhh ahh ahh I am so evil!
It was agreed I was sleeping over; I called my mum and told her the news. Sarah then stole my phone and had a secret conversation with her… O_o Meh

************************Time lapse, because I can!...***********************************

After we had changed into our PJs hers being well blue with a “you
rock” and “you rule” on it.
( )
And mine are black with “come to the dark side we have cookies”
( )

Once we had finished getting changed we went downstairs to her kitchen, with it’s old rustic feel and the wooden surfaces. I must say I love her kitchen, it has a homely feel to it, I mean its not like those sparkling modern kitchens which has no personality, ya know? Well we raided her cabinets and found chocolate :3, popcorn and diet coke!
We went back up stairs to her room and watched scary movies, had a food fight and talked shit. We had just finished talking about the latest drama I school, which stemmed from Holly cheating on Jake with Sam while Jake was really gay and in love with Sam, while Sam didn’t love either of those two and has a crush on someone but no one can tell who! See how complicated our daily lives can be, it couldn’t get any more complicated than this because even that scandal was hard to follow and I’m smart..
We agreed it was time to sleep as Sarah had to go to the concert tomorrow, but this girl can talk!!
“Sarah, SHUT UP!! I’m trying to sleep!!!!” I mumbled/stage whispered.
“Nuuuuuuuuuuuu” was the reply.
“Sleep, or else Sarah…”
“Fine, but I will have my revenge..” She responded.

I was falling asleep when a thought lazily drifted into my head, why hadn’t she texted Jess and why were there a pair of handcuffs under her pillow?
♠ ♠ ♠

I dont have alot of time at the moment but if anyone wants to share this story with me than message me! :)