
I was wanted Once, But that was years ago. Or It feels like years ago. Maybe it was just a few months ago. I dont know. Since Ive been with key Im the happiest Ive ever been But ofcourse..Fairytales arent real. There Never really is A happy Ending. 'And They All Lived Happily ever After' Is a Load of Bullshit.

I cant get away from It, Whatever I do, Wherever I go. It just follows me. HE just follows me. I didnt WANT to kill All of those people. HE made me. Now, That sounds like a Bunch of crap too. I know. But It was The first ever Time I felt love. Even If He probably wasnt really Head Over heels for me. I still did all he said.. I wanted to please him.

My past Haunted me. Even after I moved away. Id have dreams of the people I had remembered Every single one of thems Face. I did this Until Key came along. He helped me do what I needed to do most. FORGET. Everything was Behind me for a while. Until He found. He told me He's been keeping an eye On me. That he still Loved me. That he wanted me back. I declined.

Then I realized.. He wasnt giving me a Choice. He told me that if I didnt break Up with Key..Then He'd Do it himself. Me nd key arent Married.. I dont want to ever get married. But I think we've all Heard the term 'Til Death Do Us Part'
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