Status: Enjoy! :)

Alone At Last.

666 In The Light.

The sunrise was a sweet fairy pink with traces of purple and orange.
It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and probably the last thing I will see.
Only my beautiful daughter Elaina will miss me when I’m gone. She will grow up to be a good souled women, she will be better than I was.
Slowly I felt the cold ocean water hit my shaking knees as I walked deeper into the ocean.
Once the water was to my shoulders, I ducked my head under the water holding no breath.
Pulling out the knife from my jean pocket, I repeatedly stabbed my already cut and broken heart. The water turned red with shame.

Julie’s P.O.V

“Mommy? Where’s dada?” Elaina asked beaming her crystal blue eyes up at me.
“He said he was at the beach, baby” I told her lifting her up and holding her in my embrace. Soon enough I won’t be able to do this anymore.
“But mummy, dada said he was going to be gone for a long time?” Elaina questioned.
“No baby, he said he would be back in a few minutes.” I explained kissing her forehead.
“No, mummy, he said that to you.” He smiled with a small laugh.
“What do you mean he said that to me? Elaina, is there something you’re not telling mommy?” I asked sitting her down in her baby seat at the back of the car.
“He said he wouldn’t be around, anymore… and dat I was beauty-ful” she mumbled.
“I think you’re a little tired Elaina, close you’re eyes, were going to go to the beach and see what daddy’s doing okay?” I told her starting to get worried.
“Okay Muma” She smiled closing her eyes.

Quickly I started the car driving to the beach. The sunset was beautiful.
Once we stopped Elaina was fast asleep so I made sure I didn’t wake her when I go out of the car.
The dusty sand brushed up against my skin exposed by my shoes. Looking around I saw no sign of David, looking over the Ocean, there was a part stained red.

“DAVID!” I yelled running into the water, I could barely stand anymore; I started swimming to the red patch. David’s lifeless body floated in the water.
I grabbed him dragging him back onto the beach.
“David! Wake up!” I screamed tears running down my cheeks as I hit his chest.
Quickly I ran back up to the car, grabbing my phone and dialling 911.
Running back to David, I explained to the man on the other end of the line what happened.
Once I’d hung up the ambulance was there within minutes.
“Mam you’re going to have to step back.” One of the medics said pushing me back.
I heard Elaina screaming from the car. Running back up to the car I opened the back door unbuckling her and just holding her as she cried.
She probably didn’t even know what was going on.

“Dada! Dada! Don’t leave! DADA!” Elaina screamed trying to get out of my grasp.


================11 YEARS LATER================
Elaina’s P.O.V

I unpacked my clothes into my dresser, I sighed before breathing the word “Finished” I was happy we moved away from New York and to L.A
I’ve always wanted to live in L.A ALWAYS! I have a lot of friends I’ve made over Facebook and Skype over here; it will be good to meet them.

“Elaina, honey, we have a visitors, they are, our neighbours” My mum called from downstairs, I checked myself in the mirror before pretty much skipping down the stairs to the lounge where my mother sat talking to a fairly well dressed women and a shy looking boy who dressed kind of like me.

“Elaina, this is Amy and Andy” My mother told me. I walked over to them shaking both their hands.
“You’ve got quite a lady here Julie” Amy said with a smile.
“She has her fathers personality” My mum told Amy with a smile, my smile disappeared as soon as my mother mentioned my dad…
“Where is the man?” Amy asked looking around.
“Oh he passed away when Elaina was 5” My mum explained, Andy’s eyes widened for a moment before they softened.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Amy frowned.
“It’s fine really, he was a great dad a good man” I said before my mum could reply, she’s always looking for sympathy from strangers.
Amy smiled at me.
“Why don’t you take Andy up to you’re room Elaina, he will probably like you’re posters” My mother suggested.
“Okay” I smiled grabbing Andy’s hand dragging him up the stairs. We walked into my room.
“Yeah so this is my room, hopefully you like the same type of bands?” I asked shyly.
“Fuck yes! I haven’t met a girl yet who likes KISS or D stinter” He explained.
“I love them” I smiled, I don’t know why but he blushed.
“What school are you gonna go to?” He asked sitting down on my bed.
“The one around the corner” I told him, he smiled.
“That’s the one I go to, just a heads up though, everyone picks on people who dress differently or likes “Good” music” He explained with a sigh.
“Meh, they don’t like it they can get punch in the face” I laughed, he chuckled.
“For sure!” He laughed.
“Andy. We have to go darling, you can talked to Elaina tomorrow, she’s going to go to the same school as you” Andy’s mum called.
“You’d think she’d know I know already, but I do have to go, see you tomorrow” He smiled walking out my door.

He so nice, and kind, and thoughs eyes! There the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen!

Half way through doing my wakeup my mum came into my room with a school uniform, fuck I have to wear a uniform.
“Mum, but its blue and white” I complained.
“Honey, you have to wear it to school, other than that you don’t have to” My mum explained laying it down on my bed. She walked out of my room closing the door; I finished my makeup and put on my uniform. It looks okay, seeming it’s a school uniform, it may be just a little too short, and man does it pinch the hips.
I swear this school wants girls to look like sluts…

Looking in the mirror I admired my hair, it was a light baby pink with a black dip dyed fringe.
“Elaina, you have to go!” My mum called, I raced out my room down the stairs, grabbing my school bag and running out the door.
Before I went to school I went to the milk bar showing my fake ID and got a pack of cigarettes.

Time to go to school…

I walked into the head office showing my form to a blonde thin lady, who barely covered her chest with her top.
She passed me my timetable and my map.
I eventually found my locker shoving my bag in it and taking out all the books I needed.
Stumbling into my class the teacher looked at me confused before I held up my permission form.
“Sit at the back” The teacher said with a cold blunt voice, I slowly walked to the back and then spotted Andy, I took the seat next to him with a smile. He smiled back at me then his smile disappeared when a tall-ish boy with light blonde hair walked in.
“Travis, go take a seat and no more interrupting!” The teacher told the boy firmly.
Travis smiled at Andy evilly then winked at me. I gave him a WTF look that he ignored.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s just a douche bag jock that goes here” Andy whispered to me, I nodded opening my book. The next hour went fast, I always loved math, I think I was the only person on earth who did…
The bell rang telling us it was lunch.
“Fucking finally!” Travis yelled walking out the class with a few cheerleaders following him.
Andy and I walked out of the class to our lockers and then took a seat in the food court.

“Hey Elaina?” Andy asked sitting down at the table.
“Yeah?” I questioned pulling out mu lunch.
“Can I call you Ely?” He asked looking down at the table.
“Sure, then I have to come up with a nickname for you” I smirked.
“All my other friends call me Sixx” He spoke with a smile.
“Okay then Sixx” I laughed, eating my lunch. Once I was done, Andy and I decided to sneak out of the school to have a smoke.

The bell rang again to tell us lunch was over, I had music, and Andy had PE, which sucked for him, I waved goodbye to him before walking into my class.
“Oh, you must be Elaina, okay class, this is Elaina and she’s new so be nice” The teacher warned the class.
The teacher had piercing on his lips, ears and eye brow, he also had a huge tattoo on his chest which he didn’t wear a top. It was a chinse dragon tattoo.
It sucked the only tattoo I had was a little hello kitty on my lower back.
Don’t ask how I got it at the age I am.

“Okay Mr. Harold” The class replied.
“You can sit anywhere you like” He smiled.
“Hey come sit here” I turned to see Travis wave me over, well at least it’s not as bad as sitting with the blonde dumbass cheerleaders.
I smiled at him and took the seat next to him.
“Okay, so today were going to learn about the theory of music, can anyone tell me what the theory of music is?” Mr. Harold asked.
I put my hand up.
“Elaina” He asked.
“The theory of music is basically the theory behind music, why is makes up feel different, how it was found, how long it’s been around for, just everything to do with music” I answered. He smiled and clapped.
“I see we have a little genies over here” He laughed.

Half way through the class Travis put his arm around me; I just push his arm away and continued to work.

The bell rang saying it was another break, I raced out of the class and saw Andy with a group of other guys who dressed like him.
I run up to him and tackled him to the ground with a hug. He laughed as we got back up.

“That music teacher is awesome, I want his tattoo” I said excited.
“I know, he got it done when he was 19” Andy told me, I heard someone clear there throat.
“Hey aren’t you going to introduce us?” A boy with jet black hair the same length as Andy’s, three other boy stood next to him.
“Oh yeah, this is Ashley, Cc, Jake and Jinxx, there all my friends/band mates” He said with a smiled.
“Oh my god! You have a band!” I asked.
“Yeah, we’ve only got a few songs at the moment though” He frowned.
“I don’t care I want to hear them” I told him.
All of a sudden a felt an arm pull me back by the waist. I was spun around to face to person, to see Travis.
“Hey Elaina” He smiled; I pushed him off me and hid behind Andy.
“Travis, leave her alone” Ashley growled at him.
“Fine fagboy, but I think she needs a real man around” Travis grinned before walking away to his friends.
“Prick” Andy mumbled under his breath.
“Getting back to the band thing, were having a band practice tomorrow at my house, you should come along?” Jake asked with a warm smiled.
“Hell yeah!” I smiled back at him.
“I’m sneaking out to have a smoke who want s to join?” Andy said.
“I’ll race you their Sixx!” I yelled.
“I seconded that” Ashley said laughing. I ran off Ashley following behind me, and soon after Andy as well.
We ran out side out of breath.
“Ely I swear you’re the fastest runner EVER!” Andy managed to say through breath.
“A cigarettes totally going to help us breath” Ashley laughed.
I pulled out three cigarettes from my pack and handed them around. We finished them within 15 minutes and headed back to class.

It was the end of school, Andy and Cc agreed to chill at my house for a while so they walked me home, half way through chatter about random bands and clothes Travis caught up to us.
“Hey fagboy and Homo!” Travis yelled running up to us along with his Jock cunt friends.
“I’m not a faggot!” Andy yelled. “And I’m no Homo” Cc added.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, now why the fuck is Elaina with you two?” Travis asked clearly not smart enough to ask me myself.
“Non of you’re god damn business is why!” Andy yelled grabbing my hand a pushing past the group of jocks, Cc followed behind us shyly and looked a little scared.
“You’re gonna pay for that tomorrow!” A short boy with black hair shouted. I quickly pulled away from Andy’s grasp running up to the boy with black hair.
“Prick!” I yelled before slapping him across the face and running back to wear Andy and Cc were.
“Fuck you bitch!” He yelled starting to run, Travis grabbed his arm shaking his head at him before dragging him and the rest of his group of friends away.

“You just slapped Jacob in the face!” Cc squealed excited.
“Meh” I mumbled.
“Were gonna get beat up for that…” Andy whispered before we started walking again.
“Not if I don’t let it. Clearly Travis has a thing for me so as long as I’m besties with you guys, he won’t touch you” I smiled leaning on both there shoulders.
“Besties Forever!” Cc cheered, Andy just nodded.

We walked through the front door of my house to see my mum painting pictures on the walls, it looked epic.
“Hey mum, I brought Cc and Andy over, that’s okay right?” I asked. She nodded with a smile.
“Hello again Andy, and hi Cc” She smiled continuing her work on the walls of the lounge.
“Come one, we’ll chill in my room” I told them walking up stairs to my room.

We talked for a while before deciding to watch a movie, we found an old horror movie and made popcorn. After that Andy went home and Cc was going to stay the night.

We all ate dinner, after that my mum went to bed and Cc and I decided to add coon tails to my hair, so we grabbed the black dye and Cc did my hair. He was actually good at it…

“Okay Cc, I’m going to take a shower, then we’ll go to bed” I smiled. He nodded continuing to watch the TV in my room. I walked into the bathroom, stripping naked I started the shower.
Stepping into the shower I let the steaming hot water wash over my body.
My eyes flickered over to the shelf were a razor laid.

‘Just a few can’t hurt’
Grabbing the razor a dashed it across my hip bones a few times.
The blood was wash away by the water and overcome by a stinging sensation.
I turned the water off, stepping out of the shower and dried my body and hair.
Tightly I rapped the towel around my body walking out of the bathroom. Cc just stared at me. I pulled out some clothes from my dresser before walking back into the bathroom and closed the door.
I got dressed into my PJ’s and walked back out gain.

“Can’t wait to see what you’re hair will look like tomorrow” Cc smiled.
“Me neither!” I spoke excited.
I turned to TV off and laid a few blankets on the ground along with a billow.

Cc made it all up so it was half like a bed, before I turned the lights off and jumped into my bed.
“Night C” I whispered yelled.
“Night Ella” He whispered back.

‘Ella, I like that.’
♠ ♠ ♠
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