Status: Finished!

Lone Survivors

Happy to See You

I glanced down at the fuel meter. Shit. How the hell could you run on ‘empty’ for this long? I frowned as I glanced out the side window, knowing I was still in the patch of farmland that seemed clear from the undead. It was pretty isolated and I had only spotted a few zombies in the last hour, but still, a paddock wasn’t the best place to survive this apocalypse. I needed a secure shelter, food, water, warmth… human contact… My companions had died shortly after this whole mess had started, and now I was a lone survivor. As far as I knew, I was the last alive person on this planet. Everyone and everything was gone, taken over by the zombies. It was the scariest thing ever, and that was an understatement. How the hell I had survived up until now I had no clue… It’s not like I was a badass chick or anything. I was weak and pathetic, though stronger due to the outbreak, but otherwise completely useless in a situation like this. Yet I had made it through. I’d do anything to survive…

In the distance I spotted a rather tall house, and with another look at the gauge, I decided I’d try there. The last town was ages away and had been dried of its fuel, and I had no idea where the next town was. I turned off on the next dirt road and after a few seconds, my car putted to a stop, finally drained of every last drop of fuel. With a growl of frustration, I slammed my hand into the steering wheel. Then I grabbed my essential supplies backpack from the passenger seat and got out, a pistol in hand for just in case. I walked the rest of the road’s length, constantly on the lookout for anything that moved. If I did see something, I’d run. That’s how I managed to avoid most of the dangers so far, since they moved so slowly. As I got closer, I noticed there were tents strewn between trees, and a few vehicles. Survivors? Was there someone else here? Hope filled me as I continued slowly to the silent house, wondering why I hadn’t seen anyone yet. Was I too late?

Something moved in a window, but I was too far away to confirm if it was alive or undead. I weighed up the options and decided it was best to find out if there was still life here, rather than run away. So I took another cautious step forwards.

“Don’t move,” a male’s voice said from behind me. I froze as my heart jolted. He was alive! There was another survivor here! “Put your gun on the ground.” I did as I was ordered, my heart racing from the excitement of finding someone alive and the nervousness of possibly being seen as a threat and shot. Once my gun was on the ground and I was standing tall again with my arms raised in the surrendering gesture, I turned around. There were two men, one with a gun, another with a crossbow pointing at me, and they did not look happy to see me.
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So, new story! (Okay, it's not that new, but it's new on Mibba...) What do you think? Should I keep posting?