Status: Finished!

Lone Survivors

The Walls Ain't Very Thick

I really didn’t want to talk to Shane. His aura was always threatening, and we avoided each other for good reasons. Not to mention Dale, a person I trusted, was very cautious around him. But no one else was around, and I had no excuse as to why I could talk to Shane. So I just nodded and walked out after him. Shane quietly led me away from the farmhouse and the campsite, which made me rather nervous. Why would we need such privacy? Why couldn’t we talk elsewhere, as in a bit closer to other people? Eventually he came to a stop, close to where my car had stopped earlier.

“As one of the leaders of the group, it’s part of my responsibility to talk to people who aren’t pulling their weight,” he began. One of the leaders? Right… “And some members of the group are feelin’ like you’re not earnin’ your keep.”

“What? Why not?” I asked. I was not happy at all. First the incidence with Lori, and now this? I really hoped she hadn’t talked to Shane and put me down.

“It just seems like you only care for Daryl and only look after him, and you could say that some of us don’t appreciate you screwing him instead of doing chores,” Shane muttered.

“Excuse me? Screwing him?” I repeated, outraged that anyone would think that.

“Everyone can hear what goes on in that room; the walls ain’t very thick,” Shane remarked. “We don’t doubt that ‘massages’ are involved…” My jaw dropped. How could people think that about me?

“Look, I give proper, normal massages to him and it’s helping with his recovery! You can come and watch, if ya’d like! But I can assure you, nothing is going on!” I said, raising my voice. How dare he! “If you have any jobs for me to do, then let me know and I’ll gladly do it to help everyone out! But right now, no one has anything, so I don’t do much. Don’t blame that on me!”

“Shane!” Rick’s voice called out. I spun around and saw the leader jogging towards us. God, I hoped he could sense something was wrong. With a quick look back at Shane, I saw he was fuming, so I turned my back and started to walk away. “Thanks, Mandy. I just really need to talk to Shane alone right now.” I nodded at Rick and kept going, glad I had been saved. As I walked along the dirt road, I felt so alone. I wasn’t returning to a camp where people liked me; I was returning to a place where I wasn’t trusted and was misjudged. This wasn’t how I had expected it to be.
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Thank you so much to The Bad Wolf., TaraJanee, TBPFelton18, HotRanger69, la sirena. and XTeamSammiX for all of the lovely comments on the last update!