Status: Finished!

Lone Survivors

Wanna Help Me Save Everyone?

“You know how we trust each other?” Merle’s voice suddenly came from the doorway to the watchtower that Daryl and I called home. My heart leapt and I spun around to see him unarmed and smiling a little.

“Yeah…” I agreed cautiously as he shut the door behind him. I looked back down at the shirt I was folding and continued the motion. Daryl liked that I cared about something so insignificant in this new world. He appreciated the kind gesture, he had said.

“Family, right? You could do me a favour?” he continued.

“Depends what it is and why,” I admitted, setting the shirt down on the small table Daryl had recently brought up here.

“I need you to distract Daryl. Do whatever it is you do to him to keep him occupied, all right?” Merle asked with a smirk that proved he was thinking dirty.


“I’ve gotta take care of some business, and he can’t get involved,” Merle answered casually. “He’s already caught me preparing, and that’s too much. You gotta keep his mind off it.” I raised my eyebrows, not liking the sound of the situation.

“What business?” I wondered and Merle hesitated.

“I’m taking Michonne to the Governor. It’s a shot at peace, and Rick wants to take it, however,” Merel began, stopping for what seemed like a dramatic pause. “He’s gonna do it wrong. For the safety of the group, I gotta do it myself, the right way.”

“And Daryl will realise you’re up to something and prevent you,” I finished, understanding why he was talking to me. “But why Michonne? How does she bring us peace?”

“I don’t know if she will, but it’s because she killed the Governor’s daughter and took his eye,” Merle grinned wickedly. I too was impressed to know that Michonne had such fight within her.

“You really think it’ll work?” I questioned anxiously, doubting the plan.

“Rick thinks it’s worth a try,” Merle shrugged. I nodded slowly, taking it all in. It didn’t seem right, handing over someone’s life like that, but so many more lives could be saved. And if Rick had thought it through and wanted to go ahead… “So what do ya say? Wanna help me save everyone?”

“Yeah, I will,” I replied with a short nod. “When?”

“Go find Daryl now, and I’ll take Michonne. It’ll be over before ya know it,” Merle answered. He turned and pulled open the door, pausing and looking over his shoulder. “If I don’t make it back, tell my baby brother I love him.”

“No,” I shrugged, earning a confused expression from Merle. “Tell him yourself when you get back.” His face relaxed into a genuine smile.

“I’ve always liked you, Mandy,” he said. “Take care.”

“You too, Merle.”
♠ ♠ ♠
200 COMMENTS!!!!! :D Thanks so much guys, I'm so happy!!

Thanks to TBPFelton18 and HotRanger69 for the last two comments, and for being regulars :)

What do you think of this chapter? What will Mandy do, and what are your predictions for Merle's fate?