When the Lights Go out You Will Understand

Part Two

"The first time we said it wasn’t unexpected. It wasn’t cheesy or in some ultra romantic location.

We’d been together almost every day since we’d hit it off in Starbucks and that day was no different."

The sun beat down on our skin as we sat in the empty park, every so often I would wince as a wasp or bee flew too close for comfort, making Frank giggle as he tied two Twizzlers together into the shape of a heart.

The warm scent of freshly cut grass wafted around us, making the atmosphere calm and relaxed as we lay on an itchy blanket covered in food.

”I’ve never had a picnic before,” sighed Frank

”My Mom used to take me and my brother all the time, but we had to stop when I got stung by a wasp and had an allergic reaction.” I smiled as Frank let out a snort.

”It sucked, my face was all swollen and I looked like a hamster…”

Frank’s laughter filled the air, replacing the quiet breeze and rustling of leaves above us.

”I love summer. It makes everything seem okay. Like everything is just meant to be, yuh know?”

I nodded and picked up another cheese sandwich.

”What time do you have to be home by?” I asked cautiously, trying not to ruin the mood, but failing miserably when Frank’s face fell and a haunted look shadowed his features.

”I’m not too sure. It probably won’t matter.”

I nodded showing I understood and threw a Oreo at his head, making him smile once again.

”You are going down Way!” He screeched as the remains of a sandwich zoomed past my ear.


We stayed like that until the sun set. We watched as the golden rays spread across the Jersey sky, leaving the tips burning red.

Bird’s silhouettes flocked into the trees above us, the laughter of children fell silent and the orange glow swam around the dark sky.

”I should be getting back,” Frank whispered from his position next to me.

I didn’t take my eyes off the blanket of faint stars above us, just watching, just waiting.

Frank ran his hand through my hair, making it fall upon my face. I blew upward and it danced in the breeze.

”C’mon then sunshine let’s get you home.” I said as I reached up to fix my hair.

”That sounded creepy…”

”Shut up.” I laughed as I grabbed his hand and pulled him upwards.

He helped me pack everything back into my backpack and then grabbed my arm, dragging me down the empty street.

Our footsteps echoed as we ran, hand in hand, down the dusty sidewalk.

Too soon we were in front of the house that Frank called home. The garage with blue peeling paint, the overgrown backyard and the gate that creaked every time it was opened.

Frank turned to face me and ran his soft fingers across my cheek.

Our lips met under the moonlight, his firm but cracked lips parting slightly, allowing me access to his mouth.

The taste of coffee and Twizzlers burnt into my mind as sparks flew.

We separated for air and I placed my hand under his chin, forcing our eyes so meet under the dimly lit porch.

”I love you Frankie.”

I watched as his mouth opened to speak, both of us jumping, as the door behind us was ripped open.

Frank’s dad reached for us and I winced as his firm grip found his son’s collar.

The yelp that escaped from Frank’s mouth bounced off the walls and I could only watch in dismay as Frank was torn from me and pushed into the darkened house.

”Stay away from my son, faggot” Frank’s dad growled before slamming the old door in my face.

I stood there for a few moments in a shocked daze, just watching, just waiting, before my autopilot kicked in and my numb body began to move once again.

The noise of a window being opened caught my attention before I had gone much further however, and I spun around.

Frank was hanging out of an upstairs window, his hair catching the breeze while his eyes caught the moonlight.

”I love you too!” he shouted at the top of his voice.

”I fucking love you Gerard!” he screamed.

Dogs began to bark while windows lit up as people turned on lights.

He began to laugh and I couldn’t help but join in at the sight of his joyous face.

”It wasn’t the usual way to confess how much you love somebody. It’s not the way they do it in the movies. But it was perfect. It was just so… us.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the slight delay, but my baby brother was born on Saturday and I've been at the hospital all weekend with him =D

Happy bank holiday to everybody who gets the day off ^_^

So that's 2/3 done... feedback?