Setting the Stage

so close

"i love you baby." Kaleb breathed against my skin.
i ran my hands through his hair.
"i love you too." i said .
He started to kiss his way down my neck.
"Again?" i asked.
"hell yeah? how much time do we have left?" he looked up abruptly.
i glanced at the clock.
"45 minutes." answered.
Kaleb smirked "i guess we have to make this one a quickie."
i giggled.
"what the fuck? you guys go at it like rabbits!" Teddy yelled from the other side of the door.
" so close." Kaleb mumbled. "go away teddy!"kaleb yelled and glared at the door.
"as long as we can go out for ice cream when you guys finish fucking!" teddy laughed.
"god i dont know how we are related." kaleb sighed.
i rubbed kalebs back. "its okay. maybe he was adopted." i joked.
kaleb chuckled. "maybe."
we finished and got dressed and met teddy at kalebs car.
we climbed in and went to get ice cream.
we sat at an outside booth. we all wore sunglasses so we wouldnt be easily recognized.
i had my dads distinct icy blue eyes. Kaleb had these deep brown eyes with flecks of green and Teddy had Deep green hazel eyes.
when kaleb and teddy finished their ice cream they went to bring the car around leaving me alone when i heard.
"so close."i mumbled. i got up and threw my cup away when i was crowded by people, mostly guys.
"can i have your autograph?"
"heres my number."
"youre alot hotter in person."
"omg whats it like having gerald jaxxon as a dad?"
i heard so many things as i smiled politely smiled.
"Move it people!" teddy pushed through people as kaleb pulled the car closer.
teddy threw me over his shoulder. and made his way to the car.
teddy wasnt as tall as kaleb but was pretty big. he had black hair and wasnt as tan as me kaleb. sometimes if people didnt know who are parents are they would mistake us as siblings. Kaleb was the tallest. he was tan and had black hair. i was pretty short and tan with black hair.
teddy threw me in the backseat as he made his way to the passenger seat.
"hey! easy with the cargo!" kaleb punched teddy in arm and pulled away from the curb.
teddy was the only who knew about me and kalebs relationship.
"so fucking close." teddy shook his head and peered out the window as we made our journey back to the mansion.
we all lived in the same mansion. since our parents are gone on tour mostly they all bought a mansion.