Status: Just Starting.

One in the Same

Chapter Eight


I woke up to loud screaming, I was completely incoherent at the moment, so I couldn't really place the voices of the screaming. I glanced over at my alarm clock to find that it was three in the afternoon. I suddenly became coherent. I jumped out of bed and opened my door, hearing the screaming much more clearer now. It was coming from the living room, so that's where I headed. As I walked down the stairs, I realized it was Jimmy and Star yelling at each other.

"You can't just leave, Star!"

"I don't want to be here anymore, Jimmy! This isn't the right place for me!"

I got to the bottom of the stairs to find them by the front door. Star had her bags by her and Jimmy had his hands on his head. Jimmy spotted me and sighed in relief, "Skye, please help me convince your sister that she can't just run away."

Star turned to me with tears running down her face, "Skye, please. I can't do it, I'm sorry."

Seeing her like this made my heart break. I have no idea why Mom doesn't want her to know that Brian is her real Dad, but I'm about to tell her right now. "Star, it's okay. You don't need leave." I tried to calm her down first, but it ended up turning into a disaster before my eyes.

"No! It's not okay! Jimmy isn't my real father. I'm not going to sit here and pretend he is, when I could be getting to know my real father in the process!" Star screamed with anger.

I watched as Jimmy's emotions changed into shocked, "You know?"

Star nodded, "You really think I wouldn't find out? I mean, c'mon, Jimmy! We are nothing alike, we don't even look like each other, and it's really hard not to hear about it, when you all talk about it behind my back, thinking I'm somewhere else. Please Jimmy, just tell me who my father is and I'll be gone."

My heart started to beat faster, this was the moment that would change everything. I looked over at Jimmy waiting for him to tell her. He opened his mouth to speak, "Star, your real father doesn't want you."

My jaw fell open in shock and I was about to speak, but Star beat me to it, "No, you're lying! God is that the only thing you know how to do?! Brian said my father wanted to raise me, but you and my mom wouldn't let him!"

Jimmy shook his head, "He was just trying to make you feel better." He said it so convincingly that I almost believed him, but I remembered what I heard last night. There is no way that Brian doesn't want her.

Star froze and she was actually believing him. I couldn't take it anymore, "Star-" She wouldn't let me finish that sentence, she ran out the door, leaving her bags behind. Jimmy and I rushed out the door to go after her, but she was already halfway down the street. Jimmy ran back in the house, "Fuck!" He screamed in frustration.

I ran in after him, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why didn't you tell her that Brian is her father?!"

His eyes widened as he looked at me, "You know?! How?"

"I heard you and Brian talking last night. Why did you lie to her?" I asked, while crossing my arms over my chest.

He sighed, "Skye, your mom doesn't want him raising her! She wants you guys to be raised in one household, your sisters." Before I could say anything more, he grabbed his keys, "C'mon, let's go find her."


He was lying. He had to be. Brian wouldn't lie to me like that, would he? I had no idea where I was and I had no idea where I was going to go. I just don't want to go back to that house. There's no way that I can do it. I don't feel welcome there, I feel like I'm a guest. I finally stopped running when I got to the park. I sat up against a tree to catch my breath. What am I doing? I kept asking myself. Tears started rolling down my face and I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"Star!" I heard Jimmy and and Skylar shout in the distance.

A sigh escaped my lips, as I took off running further into the woods. I needed to be alone. I don't need Jimmy to fake sympathy for me and try to be my father. It's not fair to me. It's my right to know who my father is.

I pushed through some bushes and continued running. I heard the screams getting louder so I ran faster. Adrenaline was running through my veins and I could barely feel myself running. The next thing I knew, I tripped and my head was heading for a rock. I tried to turn my head to avoid it somehow, but the side of my forehead still smacked into it. I lifted my hand up to feel my head and once I saw the dark red blood covering my hand, I felt myself slip into the darkness.


It felt like an hour passed and we still couldn't find her. I felt so bad for her. She needs to know Brian is her Dad, I know that will make everything better.

Jimmy pulled out his cell phone, "I have to call Matt and see if the guys can help us look for her."

"What if we can't find her?" I asked, started to feel scared.

He put his hand on my shoulder, "We will find her. This is a huge park, she could be anywhere. She's probably hiding. I'm going to fix this, Skye, I am." I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

Another 20 minutes passed and all of the guys showed up, including a very pissed off Brian. If looks could kill, Jimmy would be dead. We all gathered around each other and Brian lunched at Jimmy, "This is all your fault! My daughter could be hurt or someone could have even kidnapped her by now, just because you were trying to keep Alyssa's promise!"

Panic started to arise in me, "Oh my god, what if someone really did kidnap her? She's my sister! What am I going to do without her?!"

Matt pulled Brian off of Jimmy, "You guys need to concentrate on the real problem right now. You can deal with each other later. Let's split up and cover the whole perimeter of the park. Skye, go with Brian. Jimmy, you can come with me, and Zack can go with Johnny. Let's go, before it gets dark."

We all went our separate ways and searched the whole park. My fear that she got kidnapped was slowly started to become more real. Brian and I ran back into Jimmy and Matt with nothing found.

Matt pulled out his cell phone, "I think it's time to call the cops."

"I'll call Alyssa," Jimmy followed suit.

"GUYS WE FOUND HER!" We heard Johnny scream.

Brian and I looked at each other and took off running towards the scream. I felt relief flood my body when I saw Zack kneeling by her. I sat down next to her and felt the panic come back again when I saw the blood, "Oh my god! Is she okay?"

Zack nodded, "She still has a pulse and she's still breathing, I just can't wake her up. She lost a lot of blood, someone needs to call an ambulance."

"They're on their way," Matt made his presence known.

Brian moved Zack out of the way, "We gotta wake her up, she could have a concussion! Come on, Star, wake up!" I helped him try to wake her up.

Everyone was watching as her eyes opened for a second and she mumbled, "I just... want my dad.." Her eyes closed again.

Brian grabbed her face, "Honey, I'm right here. I'm your Dad! You have to keep your eyes open, okay baby? You can't fall asleep!"

Star's mouth twitched, "You're... Dad?" She spoke so quiet

"Yes, I am, I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's all my fault, I should have never listened to anyone. I love you so much, honey!" Brian started to get teared up. We all were getting teared up.

She raised her hand to point in his direction, "No it's-" Her body started to shake and convulse.

Everyone screamed in horror as I watched my sister flop up and down like a fish out of water. I could hear the sirens from the ambulance coming closer and I started to scream, "Star, wake up, come on! You have to be okay!"

She's my sister, she has to be okay.
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Anyone still wanna read this? Drop a comment to let me know. :)