Status: on-going

Fated to Love You

Chapter 1.1

Her long slender fingers gripped the clear plastic piping bag, the contents inside oozed out slowly reflecting the amount of pressure she applied. On a baking pan lined with parchment paper she carefully drew designs with the melted chocolate. Her light grey eyes, downcast, were fixated on the current task. To the untrained eye the final product was nothing but mere dark brown squiggles, but she knew their purpose and was excited with the outcome. Using the back of her hand she wiped her forehead, strands of jet black hair escaping from her chef beret. She smiled proudly and lifted the pan placing it in the freezer to allow her work to harden. She turned from the freezer and grabbed a container of raspberries from the counter taking them to the sink to wash. She smiled to herself as the cool water washed over her hands and the fresh fruit.

Music played softly over the shop speakers and unconsciously she began to sway with the beat. Closing the lid momentarily, she delicately tipped the container allowing the excess water to flow back into the sink, the music still influencing her movements, she twirled blissfully back to the counter where she had been working. In front of her laid her edible masterpiece; squares of thin dark chocolate three layers high with a vanilla mousse as their support. She clasped her hands together in admiration before adding the final tiny pure white swirl to the top of her small tower. After gently placing a raspberry off center atop the whipped cream she returned to the freezer to retrieve her chocolate lattices. She placed one of the many at the very center of the whipped cream dollop and smiled at her completed pastry.

She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small digital camera preparing to capture the moment. Bending down until her lens was eye level with the dessert she leaned forward. The camera clicked and a quick flash illuminated the area. She looked at her screen analyzing the quality of the photo, ensuring the success of her design was reflected. After taking a few more she excitedly spun around until her eyes met with the small glass window in the doors that lead to the front room. Amidst her enthusiasm to create she failed to realize that the shop had been open for the last ten minutes. Her eyes met with a boy who was seated at the bar and laughing under his breath. She blushed slightly and briefly turned from the window wondering how much of her insanity he had witnessed.

After regaining her composure she pushed open the dark brown swinging doors that had failed to conceal her embarrassing antics and walked into the dining area. In contrast to the stainless steel haven where her ideas came to life, the main area emitted a feeling of warmth and security. The front of the store showcased huge glass windows which bathed the shop in natural light and gave the illusion of space. The wooden tables and chairs made of wicker were designed in a color scheme that reflected nature with its deep browns and yellows. The bar area, where lone guests could choose the company of the staff versus the solitude of another seating arrangement, boxed in the doors to the kitchen and housed the register as well. After emerging from the kitchen the girl walked over to the counter and looked down at the boy whose smile had grown wider.

“It’s a little early to be dancing don’t you think?” He said his eyes focused on her. Her blush deepened as she was left without words. The boy was Jason McCoy, and in her eyes he was her rival. Jason was the son of the pastry shop owner across the street. It was a high-end and extravagant building, which left her place of employment obsolete and old-fashioned. The country-cottage allure that once brought in loving couples and cute school girls was now over-shadowed by modern excesses. The number of customers dwindled slowly, but the last year had been nothing but older regulars who felt the new café was too “young” for them. Lost in thought, she stared over at the illustrious building which was visible from the front windows.

Jason brought her back to reality waving his hand in front of her face, “Yoo-hoo Abigail...Earth to Abigail~” he tilted his head to look at her his shaggy dark blonde hair moving with him. He smiled knowingly and stood so that the height difference was no longer significant. Although Abigail was taller than the average female Jason was the one person who could make her feel small. He placed his hand on the counter and slowly slid it toward Abigail. When he lifted his hand he revealed a small ornate package. He looked at her, his deep emerald eyes shining, awaiting recognition.

She looked at the small box, “What’s this?” she questioned, a small smile appearing on her face.

“For your birthday” he said proudly as he sat back down on the bar stool spinning around so that he now faced the windows. His elbows on the counter he tilted his head backward to look at Abigail who had picked up the package to admire its beauty. The box was covered in a light metallic wrapping paper that displayed tiny decorative sparrows in varying shades of purple.

“I can’t believe you remembered,” she spoke softly trying to subdue how incredibly touched she was by the small gesture.

“Now how could I forget my future wife’s birthday,” he spun back around to face her directly; a huge smile came across his face as he awaited her reaction.

“You really are such a dreamer,” she said playfully as her attention shifted to a group of high school students passing by the window. “ Shouldn't you be heading to school now,” she said trying to evade further teasing, “I’d hate to be the cause of your tardiness.”

“Me? late? Never” He said jokingly, his gaze now directed toward the students. He turned his attention back to Abigail and with a frightened look on his face he pointed to the left behind Abigail and shouted dully, “Oh man! What’s that over there!?” With a surprised look on her face Abigail’s head turned in the direction that Jason had been pointing trying to figure out what had gone wrong. As quickly as she turned her head Jason stood up and leaned over the counter kissing her gently on the cheek. Her hand rose automatically to where she had been kissed and as the color rose in her cheeks she looked at Jason who was walking backwards toward the exit. He smiled and putting his index finger to his lips he said sweetly, “For the present.” With that he turned and exited though the front door, the small bell tied to the handle chimed as it shut behind him. Abigail continued to watch as Jason joined up with the passing group and disappeared from her view.
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-I still need to fix all the grammar issues...- can't seem to get the indents to stay either..any suggestions .-.?