Status: on-going

Fated to Love You

Chapter 3.4

As Abigail’s mind evaluated a potential successive plan of action she unconsciously began to walk toward the outskirts of the city. When she had finally resolved herself to sleeping in the park Abigail returned to reality only to find herself standing in front of a large gated estate. Her eyes were drawn upward as they scaled the enormity of the building. As her head tilted back her jaw slowly dropped from the motion until she was visually gaping in awe at the luxury. Wow, was her initial reaction until she started to question why she was standing in front of such a beautiful home.

She looked around her, immediately to her front was a large metal gate which, when closed, showcased the letter ’K‘. She took a step back to further analyze her surroundings when the gate in front of her began to open. Abigail stood completely still, afraid she may have done something wrong that triggered the gate, but when no one appeared, curiosity overcame her and she decided to venture into the yard a bit further. The path that lead to the entry of the house was reminiscent of the school’s pathway, trees growing sporadically, lush green grass, and the aura of serenity.

The outside of the house was done almost completely in white giving it a stately appearance. Abigail did not recall ever seeing this building in the past, but insisted it was due to her lack of exploration outside of the city limits. Before she realized it, Abigail had made her way to the front porch of the house, her body seeming to have moved on its own as if by instinct. The thought crossed her mind that maybe this was the ’home’ she was seeking, but she quickly brushed off that notion as unbelievable, that is until she saw a name plate pinned to the front door that read Knight Residence. Joshua Knight she repeated the words the mysterious man in white had uttered in the stairwell as she let out a single wispy laugh as if to say, you’re kidding me, right?

The unbelievable situation that Abigail had first assessed, had quickly turned into a possibility as her mind began to race with visions of what may lay just beyond the doors. She fantasized about the numerous maids and butlers awaiting her arrival as they greeted her simultaneously in her mind. The mother rushed to her with a warm embrace, worried by her late arrival. A younger sibling, perhaps a sister she thought, trailed close behind, hugging her knees as she looked up at her brother with a smile. Abigail flushed, dissolving the illusion, wondering how she would cope with acting out the part she was required to play in the midst of all new faces. How do I make them believe I’m me…when I’m not, she questioned herself, puzzled. In the end, she decided that the situation would work it’s way out somehow as she slowly began to push open the over-sized double-doors.

When the doors were fully open, the resulting picture was nothing like what Abigail had envisioned. The extravagant foyer was empty and dim, the only light left to illuminate the area were the remnants from the setting sun. The image of liveliness, of happiness, had crumbled as Abigail walked in cautiously. Although a bit relieved to not meet those who knew Joshua’s true self she was also a bit saddened by the atmosphere that she had sent him home to everyday during the time they had spent together.

As Abigail’s eyes began to adjust to the dim lighting she anxiously surveyed the illustrious interior of the estate. The floors, done in a white marble, seamlessly lead to an extravagant double-ended stair case. The walls, reflecting roman architecture with its deep pillars and ornate moldings, were also done in white, further accentuating the royal ‘feeling‘ the house exuded. The entirety of the room was spotless, beautiful, yet cold. It’s as if no one lives here, she whispered to herself as she headed up the elaborate stairwell.

Abigail let her body’s instincts take over once more as she was guided down a dark hallway, doors aligning either side. A light could be seen from one room in which the door had been left ajar, and like a moth to the flame Abigail couldn‘t stop herself from being drawn in. Abigail knew it was not Joshua’s room, but in the hopes that the emptiness she felt from that house was merely poor timing, she felt there was no choice but to investigate. Placing her hand on the side of the door to keep it from opening any wider, Abigail leaned in hoping to see a joyful scene that would quell her discomfort. To Abigail’s dismay the scene she encountered was not as she had hoped. The belief in the pleasant family life Joshua was surrounded by was shattered in an instant.

Abigail’s heart sank as she looked in upon a middle-aged woman; she was slumped down on the floor, her dark-auburn hair strewn about her face. In her arms she clutched a picture tightly, several more lain out in front of her. Abigail couldn’t see the pictures clearly, but she could feel their importance to the woman who stared endlessly with eyes that had become lifeless and an expression of defeat. Abigail was quickly overcome by the emotion in the room as tears began to well up in her eyes. Unaware of the cause for the woman’s distress, Abigail felt helpless as she turned away, retreating down the hallway. With her mind now filled with questions about the woman’s identity and how to save her from her current state of being, Abigail arrived at the last door at the end of the hall. Recognizing that she knew too little of Joshua’s situation she halted her desire to help for a while lest she cause more damage with her efforts.