Status: on-going

Fated to Love You

Chapter 3.5

Abigail took a deep breath, her mind cleared as she looked down at the antique silver door-handle, certain that Joshua’s sanctuary laid just beyond the white-wooden door. She closed her eyes as she pressed down the handle pushing the door forward, allowing it to swing gently open. She again found herself visualizing what may lay beyond the door resulting only in a glorified fantasy which quickly dissolved when faced with the reality. Abigail opened her eyes slowly, absorbing the ambiance of the space, which to her surprise was quite normal. Compared to the apparent luxury Abigail had encountered within the estate, Joshua’s room was simple and subdued and, in effect, more inviting.

Abigail crossed the threshold of the bedroom and, as if entering another world, her body relaxed, the tension she felt from the solitude of the house quickly dissipated leaving her feeling more at ease within her surroundings. In front of Abigail was a large queen-size bed, the dark oak mirrored the wooden floors which only appeared in Joshua’s room. The far wall housed two small windows, there deep-blue curtains, which mimicked the color of the comforter, offered a bit of color to the room, but in effect the dark color served to block out any natural light. To Abigail’s right was a dark-wooden desk, stacks of papers covered the surface, yet there was no clutter. The room was precise, neat, but the feeling that the space was uninhabited was no longer present.

Abigail inhaled deeply, as if to say I’m home, as she plopped down on the nicely made queen-bed. She exhaled staring at the rotating ceiling-fan above her before returning to the sitting position. Her eyes traced the contents of the room resting on a set of white double-doors which now stood directly to her front. Her interested piqued, she stood from the bed and with weak push the double-doors swung open softly. Her eyes lit up as she gazed upon an enormous master bathroom. The décor resembled that of the rest of the house, its pure white color illuminating the room. An over-sized shower and Jacuzzi-style tub were at the back of the room and to Abigail’s right stood a double sink, the granite counter tops and floating sinks adding to the extravagant appeal of the space.

Abigail, enticed by the thought of a relaxing shower after an exhausting day, entered the bathroom leaving a trail of clothes behind her. Her mind a complete blank, she entered the shower and turning the knob she closed her eyes as the cool water rained down upon her. She stood with her left palm placed firmly on the wall, her eyes cast toward the drain directly under her. The water began to warm as it continued to fall upon Abigail’s head, sighing heavily she began to run her fingers through her now pliable hair. Watching the water, now a grayish color as it trailed down the strands of her hair eventually making its way down the drain, she briefly questioned the discoloration, but quickly brushed it off coming to the conclusion that it was a good idea to take a shower.

Tilting her head back she pushed the hair which had fallen across her forehead back with her hand. As she stared up at the ceiling, basking in the warmth, a drop of water caught her eye. As she rubbed it trying to sooth the stinging sensation, a soft clear lens escaped unnoticed, becoming lost amidst the pressure of the water. With her body now relaxed, she shut off the water and averting her eyes she patted her body dry with a nearby towel and as her face flushed a deep red, she wrapped the towel around her waist making her way to the mirror. Abigail had tried so hard to disregard the reality of her situation, but as she stared once again at her reflection the stark differences were impossible to ignore.

Abigail, a bit confused, raised her eyebrows in reaction to the boy looking back at her. The jet black hair that was once unmovable on her head was now a light brown, shaggy, and laid soft about her head. The over-sized uniform which had hidden Joshua’s small frame was gone and, now exposed, Abigail realized just how thin the boy was. The over-sized glasses, which had helped in creating Joshua’s façade, were no longer needed with his eyes now completely visible she realized that each iris was a different color.

The left was a dull brown, the color she had expected, but the right was now a contrasting pale-blue. Examining the left side she noticed a light ring around the iris, and using her thumb and index finger she carefully removed the remaining contact lens. Taking a step back she stared into the mirror and after analyzing her new reflection she softly whispered, “Pretty” before going back into the bedroom in search of clean clothes.