Status: on-going

Fated to Love You

Chapter 3.6

After rummaging through a few of Joshua’s drawers Abigail slipped into a pair of sweat pants and an oversized T-shirt, an adjective that came up frequently when she thought about his wardrobe. Exhausted, she plopped back down on the bed, but this time her shoulder collided with something hard hidden under the covers. Pulling them back she discovered a dark-brown hard-cover notebook and couldn’t help but want to look inside. As she re-positioned herself on the bed she opened the book hoping to take a peek into Joshua’s life.

The first few pages took her breath away. Fully shaded black-and-white pencil sketches covered ever page. The people in the drawings were familiar to her as she recognized a few of the students from the classes she had attended with Joshua. When she reached the last one she realized her mouth had been hanging open during the whole experience. Wow, she thought to herself as she continued to flip through the pages. Where the drawings stopped, diary entries began. After briefly deliberating the morals of reading someone’s diary, she decided that in a way they were now her diary entries, so it was perfectly alright to read on. She flipped through a few more pages and began to read an entry dated back to middle school:

Dear Diary,

My mom has finally taken the hint and we are moving! I’m actually excited about the new year. I plan to make friends this time and I will no longer have a reason to loathe the existence of school. The house is a bit over the top, but my mother and father promised to let me design my own room. I’ll keep you posted.


Abigail smiled to herself as she flipped forward a few more pages:

Dear Diary,

It has happened once again. I thought a new school would prevent this problem, but once again the bullies have found me. I wish I could just sink away into nothingness, what did I do to deserve this. Just filling you in.



Dear Diary,

No change. The taunting has become worse and I can’t get through the day with out being called a girl. I need to escape. High school will be better, it has to be, I can’t take much more of this. Just under two years left.


Abigail’s smile had faded, her eyes widening as she flipped forward hoping for a happy entry:


Dear Diary,

This is it. My last chance. I have no hope for my peers, so I have minimized any opportunity they would have to ridicule me for my looks. I bought fake glasses at the store today, I hope they will hide my girlish features, brown contacts to hide the hideous blue and my brothers old uniform serves its purpose of bulking up my scrawny frame. Screw making friends, I just want to get this shit over with. I don’t need friends, but I don’t want enemies either. Please don’t notice my existence, I just need to be left alone.

♠ ♠ ♠
not quite done with this part of the chapter, but word processor is acting up so I figured I should post it before I lose it.. ^^'