Status: on-going

Fated to Love You

Chapter 3.1

Abigail blinked a few times trying to re-evaluate the situation. She continued to stare at Joshua who seemed to have no issues adapting to his new found situation as he hovered in the air waving his arms to keep balance. This can’t be happening, her thoughts were scrambled, he can’t be dead. Her eyes left Joshua and, as reality began to weigh on her, Abigail found it hard to catch her breath, her breathing deepening. Maybe this was a test...I was suppose to be his guardian angel or something and I failed. As her condition worsened she heard a loud familiar voice from the top of the stairs.

“Joshua Knight,” Abigail looked up at the man in white, relieved, yet worried, by his presence. Joshua steadied himself, returning to the ground as he looked up at the man as Abigail once did. The halls were dim, but the man, in his pure white attire, still seemed to glow.

“I-I’m sorry!,” Abigail blurted out, but the mysterious man ignored her as he made his way down the stairs, shortening the distance between himself and Joshua.

“Relax, he is not dead, only unconscious,” his words were directed toward Abigail, but he continued to look at Joshua whose delighted expression dropped at the news. “You’re not dead,” his words now intended for Joshua, “but you have been given a rare opportunity.” A wooden clip board appeared once again and the man promptly handed it and his silver-plated pen to Joshua. Abigail watched silently, her mind flooded with questions.

“The longevity of one’s life is pre-determined at birth and, while it is not impossible to alter, it is rare. When one’s spirit is set to exit the physical body it is reserved a space, in the great beyond. Those who seek to leave the physical world before their predetermined time are left without a place and therefore must roam the physical world until their time has expired. Do you understand?” Feeling a bit lost Abigail looked to Joshua who stared blankly at the man in white as he nodded in confirmation. “Good,” The man continued, his normal unconcerned tone still present.

“The higher-ups have seen your future, and have instructed me to offer you this choice: continue the path you walk now, leading to your demise and forcing you to ‘live’ out your remaining days in a world you no longer connect with, or, relinquish your physical body to this girl,” he gestured to Abigail who had seated herself on the stairs, “and find peace in the after-life.”

Abigail’s heart nearly stopped when the man looked down at her. What did he just say, she tried desperately to replay the moment over. Her face flushed when she realized the extent of the contract she had signed. The man continued to speak to Joshua, but Abigail was miles away suffocating in her turbulent thoughts.

This isn’t right, had I of known I would have never signed the contract. Abigail covered her mouth with her hand as she tried frantically to gather her thoughts. He’s just a kid, he couldn’t possible make a decision like this. Abigail re-entered reality hoping to reason with the other party, but it was to late. Abigail watched as Joshua handed the clip board back to the man, a clear smile on his face.

“Wait!” Abigail pleaded, “This is wrong. I will accept my death so please…” She looked at both Joshua and the man, but neither seemed to waver in their resolve.

“This is for the best, “ The man in white said absolutely before disappearing from the stairwell.

Abigail quickly turned her attention to Joshua whose spirit had begun to fade. Now almost in tears, she grabbed his hand and choked out the words, “I’m sorry.”

Joshua placed his free hand on top of Abigail’s and as he looked straight into her eyes he mouthed the words thank you before he vanished completely. After that everything went black.