Status: All chapters will be really short

Was It Luck?



My eyes widened in terror as the bag I had been holding crashed to the floor as if in slow motion. My heart was beating so fast. The same person who I had woken up to with my head on his bare chest was now looking at my with a crazed expression. It wasn't him it couldn't be then Jake who had emerged from the cell with bloody hands and a worn face slowly turned his head to face Cameron. Jake jumped at the sight of him a slow chuckle emerged from Cameron "hello how are my prisoners today?" I flinched at the word was I just a prisoner to him? Jake had moved so he was now directly facing Cameron same as me "what do you want?) Jake asked "for you to be behind bars once again"
"But why! What have I done?"
"It's not what you've done it's what you will do"
With that it seemed the conversation was over. Suddenly Cameron lunged at my slamming my head hard against the wall making me unconscious.... Was this for real?


I heard a huge crash and saw Anonymous slowly sliding down the wall with her eyes closed a faint blood color on the wall then he came for me. A long nail just barely stuck out of the wall I grabbed it pulling it hard and fast out of the wall. I dodged many attacks when he came at me. I only hit scratched once our twice now fore he got close enough to a wall where I quickly thrust the nail at his hand. Piercing his hand with the nail his had was nailed to the wall he gave a pained expression trying to flail around to get out. Quickly I ran deciding last minute to grab Anonymous carrying her on my back as I ran through the long halls trying to find my way out he screamed and yelled after us..... What was going on?