Status: All chapters will be really short

Was It Luck?




My head throbbed I felt as if it would explode at any minute i groaned in pain then I felt as if I was being carried, running. My eyes opened just a crack to see brown hair and a long corridor. We were running then I heard a spine chilling scream. It pissed me off I didn't know where I was going or how I was getting there who was I with! I hate this tears threatened my eyes but I held them back I just knew from now on whatever was going to happen would be bad..... Will life ever be the same again?


I felt a whoosh of cold air as I burst through the doors my worn converse pounding on the concrete. I panted the alcohol had made it hard to run I knew that. I also knew I couldn't go home. My mother she must be so worried but as long as Anonymous was with me this freak will stop at nothing to have her. Why did I even take her!?! I should have let it be and just left on my own. I don't know where I'm going but I'm just going to keep running until I find a street or alley. Then as if my prayer was answered I came across Main Street busy as always I slowed my spirint down to a walk to look normal though I knew everyone had noticed the red that slightly colored both of us. I followed the road for what seemed like hours until I came across an abondonded house I had found when I was younger. The door opened with a creak someone was already here.... Who the hell would be here?