I'm Lost Without You

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I will go down as your lover, your friend.
Give me your lips, and with one kiss we begin.
Are you afraid of being alone? Because I am, I'm lost without you.
Are you afraid of leaving tonight? Because I am, I'm lost without you.

Hi there. My name’s Ami, and I live in Waldorf. I’m 17 years old, about to start my senior year in high school. A couple of my hobbies are skateboarding, video games, prank calling, and being with my friends. My friends consist of: Joel & Benji, who are twins, Billy, his girlfriend Lindsey, Paul, and Chris. They’re my boys [and girl] and if anyone messes with them, they fuck with the wrong ones.

I’m about 5’3, long black hair with purple streaks everywhere, I have spider bites on the left side of my bottom lip. Ears pierced twice each, one eyebrow piercing, and my belly button. I’m skinny but muscular, with big tits, and an ass to die for. I guess you’d say I dress according to what people call ‘punk’. I never go anywhere without my necklace that Joel gave me the first Christmas we met, and the ring that Benji also gave me. We’ve all been extremely close since we met, back in junior high.

Here’s a picture of Ami: Just change the hair and stuff like I described! ;]