Into the Ocean

the beginning

I could feel my skin soaking up the sun, tingling warm all over. My wavy sienna hair flitted behind me as I ran, my matching eyes sparkling. As his arms encircled me I slipped through, sticking my tongue out at him. I reached "base" and ran my fingers over the rough bark of the palm tree, trying to catch my breath. "He is so beautiful," I thought. When I had reached the palm Caleb turned around and went after Skylar. I stepped back trying to slip away. I'm pretty sure they were around the corner at main part of the beach, so I could get away without getting caught. I backed up farther into the little cove. I laughed to myself as I thought about Caleb's face when he announced the winner would get a special prize. He had looked as absolutely giddy. I knew I needed to win.

I remember the way the sand felt, squishing between my toes as I tiptoed backward towards the flag, still guarding my front side. I remember the salty breeze whipping at my skin. I remember thinking that if I could just get Caleb to really notice me, he'd love me. I remember the way the singing of my heart was squelched when I turned and saw Jasper standing on the "winners spot" rock.
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I know it's really short, I just wanted to get some out there. Enjoy!!!