
A Question

He could barely breathe.

That was the first thing Spencer realized as he slowly opened his eyes. A piece of fabric was clenched between his teeth, causing the obstruction of his breathing. His heart was hammering away painfully at his ribs as he took in his dark surroundings. He was in a room somewhere, that he was sure of. There was almost no light however so all he saw were dark shapes on the walls. He shuddered at the idea of what they may be. He tried to get up, but his arms and legs felt like they were made of jelly.

He tried to use his hands to steady himself, but they were tied behind his back. He tried to fight away the panic as it started to consume him. He had to be logical about this, there had to be a way out. A way to tell the rest of the team he’d been captured. He tried to think of what Morgan or Prentiss would do, and he decided they would stay calm and bide their time. They would stay alive, so he had to too. He took as deep of a breath as he could with the fabric cutting him off and closed his eyes. He could do this, he’d survived being kidnapped before, and he’d do it again. He knew these people, knew their minds and psychology better than they did.

He tried to remember what had happened, how he’d gotten here. But as he tried to remember the fear was trying to consume him again. He fought it back as he thought to what already felt like a lifetime ago, but was only just yesterday…

• • •

“Three men have gone missing in Las Vegas in the past month.” J.J. said, pulling up the case file. Three young, attractive men flashed up on the screen, smiling at the team. “First, Jason Burrows, twenty-three. He was visiting from Tacoma, Washington with some friends, never came back to the hotel.” He was young, blonde, and had a stunning smile that Spencer was sure brought in plenty of women. “Then, Maxwell Roberts, twenty-seven. He was at his bachelor party and went outback for a…” J.J. crinkled her nose at the thought, “wedding gift, never came back inside.” Maxwell had raven black hair and huge blue eyes, he was almost inhumanly handsome. “Finally Ryan Jacobs, twenty-five. He was local and never showed up at work on Monday.” He had large brown eyes and a sad sort of smile, completely different from the first two.

“How long have they all been missing?” Morgan asked.

“Jason has been missing for six weeks, Maxwell four weeks and Ryan for two weeks.” She answered.

“And we’re just finding out now? How do we know they didn’t just bolt?” Morgan pressed. Hotch couldn't help but agree.

“How is this a BAU case?”

“Because the probability of three men all around the same age going missing exactly two weeks apart from each other is about about four hundred sixty-seven to one.” Spencer answered, not taking his eyes off the three young men.

About?” Morgan teased lightly.

“The actually probability is four hundred sixty-seven point eight two nine three to one.”

“Where does he learn these things?” Rossi asked.

“Books.” Spencer answered simply.

“What the Hell kind of books are you reading?” Rossi pressed.

“Anyway.” J.J. said, trying to get them back on topic. “All three men also were last seen in the same area and leaving with a mysterious brunette.”

“A woman?” Spencer asked, knowing that there was almost never a case of a female serial killer.

“Yes. Witnesses say it was hard to see her clearly in the dark lights of all the different nightclubs, but she was very pretty.”

“Well then,” Morgan said, standing up, “what are we waiting for?” Hotch sighed as he looked at Morgan and Spencer.

“Look, I want everyone, but especially you two, to be careful on this one. We haven’t found any bodies, so all three of these men might still be alive.” The room got quiet since the whole team knew how unlikely that was. Spencer took a deep breath.

“Then there’s no time to waste.” He said simply.

On the plane ride there the team had decided the best way to try and find this mysterious woman was to go to one of the clubs she was seen at and, using Morgan as bait, try and find her. Later that night, in the middle of the thumping music and bodies moving shamelessly in the dark, Morgan had been having the time of his life. He went around the club, talking to every brunette he saw and trying to find the one that was probably a completely deranged serial killer.

Spencer, on the other hand, had been sitting back at the bar and watching Morgan and the woman he was interacting with very closely, trying to pick up on visual clues. But footsteps beside him soon drew his attention away.

That’s when he saw her.

She was beautiful, but not beautiful in the way all the girls Morgan was talking to were. She had huge brown eyes that looked up at the bartender that were lined with long, black lashes. She had a small chest in relation to most of the other girls there, but her face more than made up for it. Her reddish brown hair was down and pin straight, framing her face. She had on a white, lace dress that hung about halfway to her knees that showed off how small her waist was. Spencer couldn’t take his eyes off her as she sat down beside him, looking sad.

“Excuse me miss.” He stammered, completely forgetting he was supposed to help Morgan find a blood thirsty psychopath. She looked at him; those massive eyes locking on his and making his mind go blank. So he did what he did best, threw out a statistic. “Did you know that the revenue generated was six point one billion dollars last year for the Strip alone?” She tilted her head slightly to the left, keeping her eyes with his.

“I didn’t know that.” She said finally, her voice so soft that Spencer wondered if he’d imagined hearing her. He couldn’t take his off her, but being the good agent he was, noticed something wasn’t quite right. Her skin was pale, almost ghostly looking. Her eyes were glassy and her lips were a soft pink. He immediately guessed Anemia, which probably meant malnutrition. He also could have sworn he saw a small, white scar poking up from under the neckline of her dress, but with the dark lighting he couldn’t be quite sure. She seemed a bit out of it as she looked at him, pressing her lips together. Something about this girl intrigued him and made him want to make sure she was alright.

“Are you okay?” He asked, leaning closer to her so he wouldn’t have to shout. Her eyes got wide.

“Why?” She asked, panicked. Her eyes were darting all over his face, refusing to settle in any one particular place.

“You don’t look very well.” He pressed the back of his hand to her forehead; her skin was clammy and cold. She immediately flinched, shying away from the contact. She started to get up, he imagined to make a run for it, but he grabbed her shoulder. “It’s alright.” He promised. “Let me take you to the doctor.” She shook her head violently.

“Please, forget you ever saw me.” She whispered, looking over her shoulder.


“You just… please, just do it. Run, now.” Something was seriously wrong.

“Come on.” He said simply, “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“No, please…” She begged. He assumed she must have been high by the way she was insisting he left, but he simply couldn’t. And for once in his life, he didn’t have a logical explanation. He just couldn’t let this poor, helpless girl wander about a place like that alone. He led her out back to the parking lot. The second the door closed he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.

And then everything went dark.

• • •

At the memory of getting hit like that Spencer felt the back of his head start throbbing. He should have known, he should have figured out that that girl was up to something. But, she couldn’t be the killer, could she? She was so small and weak looking, there was no way she could have dragged his dead weight anywhere.

At least, not alone.

His blood ran cold at the thought of him being alone with two deranged psychos. He could fight off the small girl easily, but he felt that she wouldn’t be the problem; it’d be whoever her partner was.

“Please, forget you ever saw me.”

But if she was a partner, why would she try to help Spencer, try to keep him from getting caught like a mouse in a trap? He didn’t have much time to think before he heard footsteps coming towards him. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for whatever was coming for him as the door slowly creaked open.
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So, i'm going to attempt to write this whole thing in third person,
should be fun
but probably a bit of a pain.
Anywho, comment, subscribe, and rec
and I shall love you for all time