
Drives Me Hazy

Annie just sat in the closet that Maggie referred to as her room, fighting off tears. Why did they never listen to her? Why did they always insist on trying to run? Why couldn’t they understand that if they just kept their head down everything would be alright? She let out a deep breath, pressing her face into her hands. She could hear Spencer screaming from where she was and it was making her sick. She tried to block them out, pressing her hands to her ears, but his voice refused to leave her alone.

Finally the tears broke their barrier and slipped down her cheeks and hitting her dress as she thought of him, Spencer. She had never warned a man of the impending danger that awaited if they left with her, but for some reason she’d told him. She couldn’t explain it. She suddenly started shaking as she knew she would be punished right after Spencer was. She wanted to go back to the way it had been before she was trapped here, before this awful woman made her life a nightmare.

No sooner had Annie thought of her when Maggie stepped into the room, a scowl on her face. Annie started shaking even more, covering her head with her hands, knowing the beating that was only moments away. Finally the first whip of the pistol collided with her arm, making her cry out in agony. Maggie had never used her gun before. “An FBI agent?! You brought me a fed you worthless little bitch?!” She smacked Annie again, harder this time. She whimpered as Maggie towered over her. “Why do I even keep you alive?” She growled. She shoved her gun into the back of her jeans.

“I’m sorry…” Annie murmured, keeping her head down.

“No, you’re not sorry.” Maggie grabbed Annie around the throat, a sick, twisted smile on her lips. “At least, not yet.” She slammed Annie’s back against the wall so hard that a picture fell off the wall on the opposite side. “I should have killed you when I had the chance! You can’t even bring me decent victims!”

“I’m… sorry…” Annie managed to choke out. “Please.” Her eyes started rolling back into her head and Maggie let go. Annie smacked the floorboards with a painful crunch, feeling like her ribs had shattered.

“Now, did he tell you anything?” Annie shook her head and was given a sharp kick to the stomach. “Don’t fucking lie to me.” Maggie said, pulling her up by her hair again. “What did he tell you?”

“That his name is Spencer.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes-” Maggie smacked her so hard across the face Annie knew it would leave a bruise.

“Do you think I don’t know when you’re lying? He must have said something else.”

“Listen to me, we’re both going to get out of here, I promise.”

“No, he didn’t say anything else Maggie, I swear.” Annie lied. She knew that if Maggie found out Spencer was plotting his escape that he’d be killed, just like the others. Tears were rolling down Annie’s face from the pain and Maggie accepted that must mean she was telling the truth. She dropped her right back to the ground.

“Can I, can I go take care of him?” Annie asked, keeping her eyes glued to the floor. Maggie reached back to hit her again and Annie immediately flinched. But she wasn’t struck.

“Just remember Annie, I own your worthless life.”

“I know.”

“All men just want to hurt you, make you weak, and must be punished.”

“I know.” Annie repeated.

“Just like your worthless father.” Annie pressed her lips together; trying to forget that monster she had called a man.

“I know.” She whispered, more to herself than to Maggie.

“Now, go tend to your little fed.” Annie leapt up and ran down the hall, throwing open the door and emitting a small gasp as she saw him. He was unconscious, probably from the pain. His soft, smooth skin was adorned with cuts from Maggie’s scalpel. She knelt down in front of him, pulling his forehead to hers.

“Why didn’t you listen to me?” She muttered to the stupid, beautiful boy. “Why didn’t you run when you had the chance?” She got no answer from him and sighed. She pulled off his cardigan and unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his chest. She walked over to the metal tray that Maggie kept her instruments of torture on and picked up a small, white box. She went back to Spencer’s limp body and pulled out gauze and disinfectant. She fought back tears again as she started putting the young man back together.

• • •

“What do you mean he was just gone?!” J.J. demanded, staring Morgan down in the Sheriff’s office.

“I mean one second he was right there and the next second he was gone.”

“I don’t believe this.” J.J. said, pushing herself off the table and walking away. She couldn’t see him right now. How could he have let something happen to Spencer? Well, she knew why, but she didn’t want Morgan to blame himself-

“This is all my fault.” Morgan said, taking the responsibility of blaming him from J.J. “If anything happens to him, it’s on my hands.” He shouldn’t have left Spencer alone, not even for a second. Hotch let out a small sigh.

“I want you to think back to the last time you saw him.”

“You think I haven’t tried? Haven’t gone over that one second-”

“Morgan.” Hotch snapped. Morgan didn’t even realize he’d stood up somewhere in his sentence, his hands gripping the table for dear life. He plopped back down as Morgan continued. “I want you to think again, but as a profiler. Forget emotions, just think.”

Morgan agreed, letting his eyes slip closed. He remembered the thumping music being so loud he couldn’t hear a sound over it. A tall, blonde woman had been eyeing him from the bar, but he hadn’t given her much thought. The unsub was a brunette, that much he knew. He looked over to see Spencer’s back turned to him. He had figured that he was getting a drink or maybe writing something down, but when he scanned the image he saw brown hair far too long and straight to be Spencer’s. When Spencer moved his head he caught a glimpse of her face. Giant brown eyes, reddish brown hair, little white dress. She looked absolutely terrified of something, her eyes looking nervously all over the place. Then the tall blonde had distracted him and when he’d looked back Spencer was gone.

And so was the girl.

Morgan’s eyes flew open as he looked at J.J. and Hotch. “I know who we’re looking for.”

• • •

Annie came back into the kitchen area, covered with Spencer’s blood. She swallowed nervously, she’d never seen Maggie get that upset that fast. She ran her hands under the tap, trying to get the blood out from under her fingernails as she felt tears sting her eyes again.

He was the first one who’d ever offered to help her get out.

“All done?” She spun around at the sound of Maggie’s voice.

“Y-yes.” Maggie’s eyes were narrowed into a hard glare as she stood, walking over to Annie, who was shaking violently.

“Give me your panties.”


Now.” She hissed. Annie started shaking even harder as she stepped out of them, setting the faded fabric in Maggie’s hands. “You know, I found the most interesting thing when I was slicing up your little boyfriend like a Christmas ham. Well, it was actually about what I didn’t find. Do you want to know what it was?” Annie shook her head no, knowing what it was, and Maggie struck her across the face.

“I’m sorry.”

“Did you really think you could trick me like that?! You would want to risk me getting some disease? You wouldn’t last a second without me.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“Did you think you were protecting him?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re pathetic, you’ve known him for not even a day and you’re going through all this unnecessary pain and suffering for him. It’s pointless.” She shoved Annie’s panties into her stomach.

“I’m sorry.”

“Besides, I doubt a man like him would ever want a little slut like you.” Annie felt tears stinging her eyes as Maggie ripped down the shoulder of her dress, revealing the large, hideous scar that wormed its way down her skin. “I don’t want to have to be like him, but you’re not giving me a lot of choices.” Maggie pulled the scalpel she’d used on Spencer off the table, pressing it into Annie’s soft, pale skin and drawing blood.

“Maggie.” Annie whimpered. “I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again-” Maggie pressed the blade even deeper into Annie’s skin.

“What did you just call me?!” She roared.

“I’m sorry mom! I’m sorry!” Annie corrected. “Please, stop it…” Tears poured down her face as she started shaking again.

“That’s what I thought you said.” Maggie answered coldly. “Sometimes I wonder how I put up with you Annie.”

“I’m sorry mommy…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, halfway done!
I hope this isn't too twisted...
(And just in case it is, you should see my prompt)