
Or Are the Others

Maggie opened the front door, stepping into the small cabin. “Annie!” She called out. “Annie where are you?”

“I’m in here.” Annie said, walking out from the kitchen. “Just making you dinner… mom.” Maggie nodded as she sat down at the table.

“Look who’s finally figuring it out.” She said, pulling her gun out of the safe and tucking it into the back of her jeans. Annie bit her lip, if her and Spencer’s plan was going to work she had to somehow make Maggie give her that gun. She brought a plate over to the blonde woman, smiling meekly as she always did.

“I made your favorite, meatloaf and mashed potatoes.” Maggie smiled.

“I guess your father was right after all Annie, All I have to do is punish you and you eventually start pulling your weight.” Maggie tilted her head back and hollered to the freezer. “Do you hear that Andrew? You were right you old bastard!” Annie swallowed nervously as she set down the plate in front of Maggie. She started to leave when Maggie gripped her wrist. “Where are you off to?”

“I was going to see if Spencer woke up yet.” She whispered. Maggie scoffed at her.

“You are pathet-” She stopped when she saw the blood on the front of Annie’s dress. Every little stain was a perfect match to Spencer’s cuts. Maggie narrowed her eyes and grabbed the fabric, pulling Annie towards her. “How in the Hell did you get those?” She asked, pointing to the stains.

Annie felt her lungs stop working. How could she have been so careless? When she’d pressed herself up against Spencer he must have gotten blood on her. Their whole plan could crumble right here and now unless she thought of something.

“I tripped and fell against Spencer.” She said quickly. “I didn’t want to tell you because I knew you’d be mad about my dress.” Maggie glared at Annie and she just prayed that her lie would work.

“Just when I think you’ve stopped being so stupid.” Maggie growled as she quickly punched Annie in the stomach. “Go check on your damn prince Charming.” Annie nodded and made her way down the hall to Spencer. She knelt down in front of him, unable to contain her smile.

“I think its working.” She whispered. Spencer wanted to hug her, but his hands were still tied behind his back. He nodded to his hands and Annie could have smacked herself. “Sorry.” She muttered, grabbing one of the knives and quickly freeing Spencer’s hands from their bond. He immediately grabbed his wrist, wincing at the nasty rope burn. Annie reached out, gently running her fingers over the torn flesh. He immediately grabbed her, pulling her into a warm embrace.

“It’s going to be alright.” He promised, pulling away to look at her. “Just stick to the plan.” She nodded.

“Annie?” Spencer immediately put his hands behind his back, trying to pretend like they were still tied as Annie grabbed the rope, frantically shoving it behind Spencer.

“Yes?” She set the knife back on the tray as quietly as she could, but it still made a small clanging noise. Maggie walked in, immediately suspecting something was up by how huge Annie’s eyes were. She flicked on the light to see Spencer, still looking unconscious against the wall.

“I thought I heard one of my tools clang.” Maggie said, walking over to the tray.

“Oh, I bumped into it, you frightened me when you just kind of called out.” Maggie’s eyes turned into a hard glare.

“You shouldn’t be frightened unless you have something to hide.” She growled, stepping closer to her. Annie put up her arms, expecting a smack across the face, but Maggie had other ideas. She shoved Annie into the wall and walked over to Spencer, picking up one of her knives. “Maybe your little prince will tell me.”

“Maggie no!” Annie screamed. “Please, don’t hurt him!” Annie’s eyes filled with tears at the thought of Spencer being cut up anymore. Maggie’s eyes turned icy and Annie cowered, covering her head with her arms. “Mom, mom, I’m sorry!” She corrected. Maggie turned and started towards the small girl.

And that’s when Spencer pounced.

He grabbed Maggie around the throat, using the rope to choke her as the knife fell from her hands. She immediately overpowered Spencer as they fell to the ground, both struggling for power as they punched, clawed and kicked each other. Somehow in their skirmish Spencer managed to get Maggie’s gun and threw it to Annie. Maggie’s eyes grew huge as she pinned Spencer top the ground, her hand groping for her knife. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” Maggie screamed.

“Annie!” Spencer chocked out, fighting the knife that was getting closer and closer to his throat.

Annie stood there, frozen. If she shot Maggie the only person who’d ever taken care of her, the one who’d saved her from her father’s beatings, would be gone. She thought back to that day, how when he father had given her the long scar sliding down her body that Maggie had clubbed him in the back of the head. She’d helped drag the body into the woods. But before they dumped it in the River Maggie had taken her father’s head. Saying it would always remind Annie that her father would always be watching, making sure she was a good girl. If it weren’t for Maggie, Annie would be dead.

But then there was Spencer, who swore that what Maggie showed her wasn’t love. She remembered the way he’d begged her to let him get them both away from here. To let him show her a world where mothers didn’t beat their daughters for messing up. She wanted to go to that world Spencer spoke about, she wanted to feel his arms around her and their lips together again. But could she really betray the only family she had left?

“Annie!” Spencer cried, the knife only centimeters from his throat. He heard the gun click as Annie pulled back the hammer.

“Maggie.” She whispered. “I’m sorry.” And then she pulled the trigger and Maggie dropped, her dead weight almost crushing Spencer. Annie was in tears as she ran over, flipping Maggie’s body to let Spencer out. He grabbed her hand as they started for the doorway. They were free, it was all going to be alright. He laced their fingers together as they busted out the front door. When they saw the police barricade Spencer smiled. Morgan was standing there, gun drawn.

“Reid!” He hollered. “Back away from the girl!”

“What?” Spencer said.

“Spencer?” Annie asked. He’ll always remember the look of total betrayal on her face before the gunshot rang out like a church bell in the dark forest.

And Annie dropped to the ground.

“ANNIE!” Spencer screamed, dropping to his knees beside her. She was gasping for air as a red stain started spreading over her stomach. “I NEED A MEDIC!” He screamed at the men standing there with shocked expressions. He brushed a piece of hair out of her face.

“Spencer.” She whispered, her eyes sad. “Why?” Tears started rolling down his face, hitting her cheeks.

“I didn’t know…” He whispered. “I swear Annie, I didn’t know. Please, just hang on.” There was a long silence as Morgan called for an ambulance. Then he just looked at the scene before him as Spencer kneeled with Annie wrapped in his arms.

“It’s alright.” Annie finally whispered.


“You kept your promise.” She said, her eyes floating over to his. “You got me out. Now I can go see that beautiful world you were telling me about.” A thin trail of blood started trickling out the side of her mouth. Spencer quickly wiped it away, desperate to keep her with him.

“Annie, I haven’t shown you anything, you have to see Virginia in the fall, all the leaves are these beautiful colors. And the ocean, and California, and Disneyworld, anywhere Annie. Anywhere you want to go I’ll take you if you just stay with me.” She smiled weakly at him. It was if he thought bribing her with all these thing would somehow reverse time, what they both knew was inevitable.

“We both know that it wouldn’t have worked out.” She whispered. “A man like you can’t have a girl like me. I’d probably become just like Maggie.”

“No, you wouldn’t.” He said. “You would never be like her.”

“She didn’t think that either when she met my dad. She was just like me Spencer, and we don’t need people like me in the world, we need people like you.” He pressed his forehead to hers as he heard the sirens of the ambulance in the distance, but both of them knew that it wouldn’t make it in time.

“I meant it Annie, when I said I would show you what real love was.” He whispered. She shook her head lightly.

“You already did.” She whispered. He pressed his lips gently to hers one last time, she kissed him back softly, both of them knowing this was really the end . He then just held her as she closed her eyes and let out a small, shallow breath, never taking another one in.

She was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't even know what to say.
Last chapter should be up tonight
Now please excuse me while I cry.