

There once was a girl named Bellaphrarina. One day she walked out and saw a cave. In the cave she saw a bear. With the bear she saw some honey. With the honey was a beehive. With the beehive was some bees. With the bees was the bear who saw Bellaphrarina walk into the cave.

"Who dares enter my cave?" asked the bear to Bellaphrarina.
"It is I, Bellaphrarina!" the young girl cried.
"Bella for who wa?" questioned the bear.
"Forget my name, I have come to rescue the bees!" she bravely shouted.
"Whoopee, whoopee, Bellaphrarina has come to free us from the bear!" hollered the bees.
"Says who?" said the bear.
"Says me!" Bellaphrarina yelled.
"Says she!" the bees cried.

Bellaphrarina, the brave young warrior, carried nothing but a stick. She poked the bear with it and he collasped from shock. She then took off running with the beehive and placed it high up in a tree. The bees were saved, the bear still alive, and Bellaphrarina safe and sound at her home.

A happy ending.